taken care of by parents until entering high school.
All four respondents were taken care of by other
families, especially grandmothers because their
parents divorced. Precisely, toddler to adolescent
was a grim period for the four respondents.
It should be noted, lower of asking level was
affected by self-esteem and self-autonomy. Earlier
research reported lower sense of autonomy in
adolescents contribute to low self-esteem, which
contributes in turn to adolescents identification with
peer group who violate social norms and increases
the likelihood that they will espouse norm-violating
attitudes and behavior. Previous study likely
reported self-esteem fully mediated the relationship
between social support and academic achievement
and social exhaustion (Hesari and Hejazi, 2011; Li et
al., 2018).
Other studies said, to achieve C6 in taxonomy
Bloom requires deep learning. Then deep learning
should be collaborated with technology enhanced
learning environment (TEL) which is now very easy
to obtain. Recent research concludes that self-system
need to be developed to elaborate problem-solving
skills and design a combined problem-solving
solution that admit the critics and suggestion
(Demetriou et al., 2019; Lee and Choi, 2017).
We would answer about parenting and question
level. We found that parenting is positively related
to parent-adolescent interaction. It is known that the
positive parent-adolescent relationship that is built
will have an impact on quality of life (QOL) and
partially reduced the level of smartphone use
disorder (SUD). On the other hand, poor parent-
child relationship enhanced SUD and has an effect
on QOL. We know that almost all respondents did
not have a good relationship with their parents as a
child. They grow by themselves without being
unhappy with parent. Four of respondent were not
taken care of by their children childhood (Gao et al.,
It was found in the respondents that their parents
were never satisfied and proud of the result they had
achieved. This is consistent with previous studies
that reported that a majority of older adults
expressed dissatisfaction with their children
achievement in both occupation and finances while
expressions of satisfaction were found in education,
health, relationship and spirituality(Olawa and
Idemudia, 2019).
Parents have direct genetic influences on
children’s temperament and personality. In addition,
passive gene-environment correlations mean that
parenting practices, as well as the choices parents
make in shaping their child’s environment, are
influenced by shared genetic characteristics. Most of
the respondents were raised by the type of
authoritarian parents. Only three respondents
claimed to be cared for with parents who would
listen and discuss with them. The rest they must
obey the commands of their parents. Must not
oppose or express his opinion personally. Even
though the rules are all related to themselves (Anaya
and Pérez-Edgar, 2019)
The temporary conclusion is that the habit of
asking questions is formed from childhood.
Precisely, the authoritarian parenting styles received
by almost all respondents made them reluctant to ask
questions in class. Because when they were little
they were only asked to obey orders without
commenting anything. However, this research had a
weaknesses, the scale should be given with each
parenting pattern so that maximum results are
obtained, and observations in class discussions are
conducted in the long term and in several classes so
that the observations are more accurate.
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