Family Support to Elderly at Nursing Home in
Medan City, Indonesia
Siti Zahara Nasution
, Cholina Trisa Siregar
, Reni Asmara Ariga
Muhammad Ridha Haykal Amal
, Widya Darayani Purba
and Muhammad Taufik
Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Elderly, Hopes, Family Support, Awards, Emotional, Information, Instrumental
Abstract: Elderly is someone who generally experiences dependence on family. Family support is very meaningful for
the elderly. This study aims to identify the desires and support given by the family to the elderly who live in
nursing homes. The research design used was descriptive with the total respondents was 30. Data collection
was done by interview. The results of the study found that the elderly had hoped to gather with family
members (63.3%), the elderly received family support in the good category (70%) and emotional support
also in the good category (60%). However, information support in sufficient categories (40%), instrumental
support in sufficient categories (40%). The study concluded that family members and relatives continue to
provide support to the elderly, especially those who live in nursing homes, both appreciation, emotional
support, information and instrumental support, which are useful for improving the quality of life for the
One indicator of the success of Indonesian
development is the increasing age of life expectancy
(UHH). The increase in UHH causes the number of
elderly people to increase from year to year. The
projection of the average UHH of the Indonesian
population in 2015-2020 is 71.1 years, up from the
2010-2015 projection of 70.7 years (RI Ministry of
Health, 2013). WHO data shows that in 2000 the life
expectancy in the world was 66 years, in 2012 it rose
to 70 years and in 2013 it was 71 years. The
proportion of elderly people in Indonesia also
increases every year. WHO data in 2009 showed the
number of elderly people was 7.49% of the total
population, in 2011 it was 7.69% and in 2013 it
increased to 8.1% of the total population (WHO,
According to Republic of Indonesia Law
Number 13 of 1998 concerning the welfare of the
elderly, it is revealed that the elderly is someone
who has reached the age of 60 years and over
(Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia,
2014). Statistical data in 2014 showed the number of
elderly people in Indonesia reached 20.24 million,
equivalent to 8.03% of the total population. This
change in population structure affects the number of
dependency burden which reflects the large
economic burden that the productive population
must bear to finance the elderly population, which is
11.90% in 2012 (RI Ministry of Health, 2013).
Elderly people are expected to remain
independent on a primary basis, but because the age
continues to grow and has complex problems that
decrease and increase dependence on others to fulfill
their lives. From the research conducted by
Kuswardani (2008), it was shown that 96.3% of the
elderly were given good support by family members
by reminding the elderly in terms of maintaining
personal hygiene and the environment around them.
problems faced by the elderly must be dealt with by
providing family support so that the elderly will feel
there are others who care, respect and love
themselves (Setiadi, 2008).
Research conducted by Andri (2008), said that
the average elderly person expressed complaints
about the lack of attention and care given by family
members to him. This is caused by various things,
including the busyness of family members, poverty
and low education levels, families do not want to be
Nasution, S., Siregar, C., Ariga, R., Amal, M., Darayani Purba, W. and Taufik, M.
Family Support to Elderly at Nursing Home in Medan City, Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010182600002775
In Proceedings of the 1st International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath 2019), pages 356-361
ISBN: 978-989-758-556-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
bothered with various problems and diseases that are
generally suffered by the elderly. This causes the
elderly to feel they are not needed and not valued in
their families. Thus, the elderly need to get support
from the family, both appreciation, emotional,
information and instrumental support from family
members for the welfare of the elderly.
Based on the results of a survey conducted on
several elderly people who were in one of the
nursing homes in Medan City, the elderly said their
wishes so far. Elderly wants to meet and gather with
family and relatives in his hometown. Some elderly
people also said that they were not cared for by
family members, so they chose to live in a home, the
elderly were also not allowed to carry out any
activities in their home environment. This makes the
elderly feel no longer needed. The purpose of this
study is to identify the expectations of the elderly
and the support provided by the family to the elderly
who live in the Nursing Home in the City of Medan.
The research design used in this study is descriptive
which aims to identify family support for the elderly
who live in the Medan Nursing Home.
The population in this study were the elderly
who lived in the Nursing Home in the City of
Medan. While the sampling in this study is the
elderly who have met the criteria of researchers with
a total of 30 elderly.
This research was carried out in a nursing home
in Medan in October 2018 by researchers.
3.1 Characteristics of Respondents
From the results of research conducted on 30
respondents who were in nursing homes in Medan
City showed that the majority of respondents aged
between 60-74 years or referred to as elderly with a
percentage of 66.7%. The majority of respondents
are female, indicated by a percentage of 62.2%. The
majority of respondents adhered to Islam with a
percentage of 90% and the majority of respondents
were Javanese with a percentage of 66.7%.
Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents
Variable Frequency (n) Percentage (%)
Elderly (60-74
years old)
Elderly (75-90
years old)
Ethnic Group
Batak Toba
3.2 The Hope of the Elderly
Figure 2. Distribution & Frequency of elderly Hope
From the table above, it can be concluded that
the majority of the elderly in the Nursing Home have
hopes of gathering with family members. This is
indicated by a percentage number of 63.3%.
3.3 Family Support Award for the
Family Support to Elderly at Nursing Home in Medan City, Indonesia
Figure 3. Distribution & Frequency of Family Support
Award to the elderly
From the table above, it can be seen that the
majority of respondents said that family support
related to respect for themselves was proven by a
percentage of 70%.
3.4 Emotional Family Support for the
Figure 4. Distribution & Frequency of Emotional Family
Support to the Elderly
From the Table 4 above, it can be seen that the
majority of respondents, namely 60% said that
family support related to their emotional self is
3.5 Informational Family Support for
the Elderly
Figure 5 Distribution & Frequency of Family Information
Support to the Elderly
The majority of the elderly said that the
informational support from the family they felt was
sufficient. This can be seen from the table above
which shows the percentage results of 40%.
3.6 Instrumental Family Support for
the Elderly
Figure 6 Distribution & Frequency of Instrumental Family
Support to the Elderly
The majority of respondents who felt support from
instrumental families for themselves were enough.
This is proven by the percentage number shown in
the table above, which is 40%.
3.7 Discussion
3.7.1 Elderly Hope in a Nursing Home
The results of research conducted at the Nursing
Home in Medan City show that the elderly have high
hopes of gathering with their family members as
indicated by the results of the percentage of 63.3%
of the 30 respondents who were respondents to this
study. This proves that not all elderly people want to
live alone. Parents who have advanced say they don't
feel happy when they have to live separately with
other family members. The research conducted by
Watt (2014), about "Caregiving Expectations and
Challenges Among Their Adult Children in
Southern Sri Lanka" says that the family or child is
in charge of caring for parents who have been passed
down for generations, this makes the reason for fear
to elderly people. They are afraid that they will lose
their independence, elderly parents also think that
finance also influences balance and goodness in a
family relationship. Clarke & Lorna (2017), in his
research on "Hopes, Fears, and Expectations about
the Future: What Do Older People 's Stories Tell Us
Active Aging?" Which says that elderly parents have
the desire to stay alive. But there is a concern that is
felt by the elderly, namely about future resources,
decreased ability to carry out activities which then
require the help of others to become dependent. This
is what makes the elderly become worried about the
relationship with their family.
IMC-SciMath 2019 - The International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath)
3.7.2 Family Support Award for the Elderly
From the results of research done to the elderly who
live in the Panti Medan City, the awards given by
the family to the elderly are good, as indicated by
the percentage of 70% of 30 elderly people who say
they get good appreciation from their own families.
Elderly said that the award they received, as usual,
was the praise given by the family to him. Being
allowed to live in a nursing home is a great
appreciation that has been felt by the family because
most of the elderly who become respondents have
their own desire to live in a home. The Hafshjan et
all (2016) study, about "A Study of Families'
Experiences of Putting Their Elders in Nursing
Homes" said that some elderly parents had their own
desire to live in nursing homes. One cause of this is
loneliness felt by the elderly because they do not
have a life partner, health status that begins to
decline and the economic limitations of the elderly.
While living in a nursing home, the elderly also said
that he was still valued by family members.
Whatever happens with family members, the elderly
remain informed. This effort is carried out by the
family to maintain and respect the feelings of their
elderly parents. Elderly also said that none of the
visiting family members did listen to the story and
complained during their stay at the institution. It is
not uncommon for the elderly to get compliments
and even gifts from every positive thing they have
done while in the institution. The majority of the
elderly have never felt that they were not valued by
their own family members. In line with the research
conducted by Friedman (1999), in his research "The
Adult Leaner Family in Home" said that providing
support in the form of appreciation to elderly parents
can help the elderly explore the positive values that
exist within themselves, increase ability and
confidence in the elderly and make the elderly feel
valued and useful when experiencing pressure.
Although the majority of the elderly feel happy
with the award given by their family, there are 6.7%
of the elderly who say that they feel enough with the
appreciation received from the family. In addition,
some elderly people who felt they were not getting
awards from their own families, namely 23.3%.
Elderly people feel that they are no longer expected
by the family because they are no longer productive
so the family can entrust the elderly to the Nursing
Home. Elderly also said that they were rarely
visited, the family only contacted the nursing home
staff by telephone if necessary. Ahmad (2012), in his
research on "Overview of Family Support in
Fulfilling Elderly Daily Activities in Tongko
Village, Baroko District, Enrekang District" also
said that 31.4% of respondents did not get good
appreciation from their families. Elderly said that
they did not get good motivation, the elderly also
could not channel their hobbies because the family
assumed that the elderly were no longer able to carry
out physical activities and would pursue the
condition of the elderly.
3.7.3 Emotional Family Support for the
Emotional family support felt by the elderly who
live in nursing homes is mostly in the good category.
This is evidenced by the results of the research that
has been done which is as much as 60%. Emotional
support felt by the elderly must be maintained and
must be further enhanced for the welfare of the
elderly themselves. Elderly said there was no
difference felt during his stay in the home. Families
still pay attention to the elderly. Elderly also said
that the most frequently done by family members
every time they visit is the care that is still given to
them when they are sick. The family will come to
the home and bring the elderly home to be cared for
at home lovingly and if necessary will be taken to
the hospital for medical treatment. Elderly people
were also touched when they were visited by their
families, always invited the elderly to go home and
stay at home together. This was felt by the elderly
because of their own desire to live in a home. It is
different from the research conducted by Siddique
(2014), about "Elderly Regarding Behaviour by His
Family Members" who said that the majority of
elderly parents said they were not happy and were
not satisfied with the attitude of family members
who took care of it. Elderly people say loneliness
even among other family members, loneliness and
health problems also occur because of pressure from
their family. The percentage results from this study
also say that nearly 100% of elderly parents want the
support and decent life of their own family
Even so, the results of the study also showed that
20% of the elderly felt enough with family support
related emotionally to him. 20% of other elderly
people also feel a lack of emotional support given by
the family to him. This makes the elderly feel
ignored by their own family members so that the
elderly do not feel excited in living life. Not a few of
the elderly also say that they want to quickly face
the Almighty. Research conducted by Kaur et all
(2015) on "Factors Determining Family Support and
Quality of Life of Elderly Population" said that
Family Support to Elderly at Nursing Home in Medan City, Indonesia
support from family members and close relatives is
one of the most important motivations for the health
of the elderly, thus improving the quality of life for
the elderly. the elderly self.
3.7.4 Informational Family Support for the
Based on the research that has been done to the
elderly who are in the Medan City Nursing Home
regarding informational related family support, that
is in the sufficient category indicated by the
percentage of 40% of 30 respondents. This happens
because the elderly feel that the family cares about
themselves. Elderly said that they still received
information from their families, although not much.
And sometimes receive information by telephone.
The results of a study conducted by Ahmad (2012),
about "Overview of Family Support in Fulfilling
Elderly Daily Activities in Tongko Village, Baroko
Sub-District, Enrekang District" said that 66.7% of
the elderly studied received good information
support from their families. From the description of
the research that has been done shows that good
information given by families to the elderly, namely
information for personal hygiene, eating regularly
and using tools for the elderly who need tools for
their activities.
However, there are still 26.7% of the elderly who
say that they get family support related to
information well. This is felt because indeed the
family often visits to meet him. None of the
information is stored by his family. However, 33.3%
of the elderly also said that they received very little
information from their families. both information
about the family itself and his health. Elderly said
this because his family rarely came to visit him, one
of the reasons he rarely visited was because his
family and relatives lived outside the city. Just
occasionally visit and sometimes the communication
they make is only using the telephone. The results of
the study by Camelia et all (2017), about "Family
Social Support in Meeting the Elderly Social Needs
in Panti" said that the elderly still get news from
relatives and community partners through families
who come to visit or families bring relatives and
community partners to meet with elderly people.
This is done so that their role is maintained in the
3.7.5 Instrumental Family Support for the
From the results of the research that has been done,
it can be seen that the majority of the elderly say that
instrumental family support that he feels is
sufficient. This happens because the elderly feel that
the instrumentality given by the family to him is
enough. the elderly realized that it was impossible
for his family to accompany him completely because
he was in a home. Families also have to work to
make ends meet at the institution so that they cannot
visit themselves frequently. Swiderska (2014), in his
research "The Importance of Family Support in Old
Age" said that the presence of the family is a
necessity that is very much needed by parents who
are elderly. Older parents feel comfort and strength
if they are near their family. The most numerous
causes of death carried out intentionally by the
elderly are the weakening of family ties.
Besides that, the results of the study showed that
there were 36.7% of the answers of the elderly who
said that family support was instrumental less to
him. This is felt because the elderly have never been
visited regularly every month. The family visits him
if he has asked to be visited. Elderly said that his
family and relatives were always busy if asked to
come so that the elderly felt that he was undesirable.
From this incident the elderly become independent.
To meet personal needs in the nursing home, the
elderly conduct useful and productive activities such
as planting vegetables in the yard of their nursing
home. Ready to harvest vegetables will be sold to
the nursing home and surrounding communities.
Research conducted by Raymo et al (2010), in the
"Family Structure and Well-being at Older Ages in
Japan" which says that elderly parents consider the
presence and closeness between themselves and
children is not very important. Older parents say that
marriage is very important for their welfare,
especially for men. In addition, there were 23.3% of
the elderly who said that instrumental support from
the family was very good. This is said by the elderly
because the family visits him very often. Usually,
the family visits her once a week even more.
Families always leave provisions and money for
their elderly parents. Families always have time for
the elderly even though the elderly live in the home.
From the results of research conducted on 30 elderly
people in the Nursing Home in Medan City, it can be
concluded that the majority of elderly people have
hopes to gather with their families by 63.3%. The
majority of the elderly get family support related to
the award in the good category of 70%. And
emotional support related to the family is given to
IMC-SciMath 2019 - The International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath)
the elderly in a good category of 60%. Whereas the
majority of the elderly who received informational
family support in the adequate category of 40% and
family support related to instrumental to the elderly
were also in a sufficient category of 40%.
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
research is supported by Ministry of Research and
Technology and Higher Education Republic of
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Family Support to Elderly at Nursing Home in Medan City, Indonesia