Gambir could be used as the natural adhesive for
particleboard, that can meet most of the JIS
A5908-2003 requirements. Adhesive level and
hot-press temperature factor affected significantly
on thickness swelling, water absorption, internal
bond, modulus of rupture and modulus of
elasticity of particleboard, whilethe effect of an
adhesive level factor was also significant on the
density of particleboard.Interaction between
adhesive level and hot press temperature factor
only affected significantly on water absorption of
Particleboards with hot-press temperatures of
C and 220
C have better properties than
others. Particleboards with the adhesive level of
20% and 30% also have better properties than
10%.The high hot-press temperature has
exceeded the melting point of the catechin (174-
C), therefore the gambir adhesive becomes
hardened and cured. The most optimal bamboo
particleboard is particleboard with 220
C hot-
press temperature and adhesive level of 30%,
based on the best of particleboard properties
compared to JIS A5908-2003.
The authors are grateful for the financial support from
The Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education
(LPDP) and The Ministry of Research, Technology,
and Higher Education of Indonesia.
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