Indivivual Behavior of Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) in Asam
Kumbang Crocodile Farm, Medan City, North Sumatra
Erni Jumilawaty and Muhammad Dicky Syahputra
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Medan 20155, Indonesia
Keywords: Asam kumbang crocodile farm, Bubulcus ibis, behaviour, cattle egret, North Sumatra
Abstract: Research on the behavior of individual cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) in the Asam Kumbang Crocodile Farm
Area, Medan Selayang District, Medan City, North Sumatra, was completed from December 2018 to
February 2019. Data were collected using the Scan Sampling method. This study aims to determine
individual behavior. The results found 5 types of individual sub-behavior for 3,780 minutes (63 hours)
which included preening behavior (386 times), self-comfort behavior (193 times), stretching behavior (101
times), sunbathing behavior (47 times), and resting behavior (4 times). In the morning, the dominant
behavior is preening behavior with the aim to cleanse themself from small-sized organisms such as lice
attached on the surface of feathers. During the daytime, dominant behavior of cattle egret is stretching with
the aim to cool (neutralize) body heat and flex the beak muscles. In the afternoon, the dominant behavior
performed is the self-comfort behavior of the body with the aim of removing dust, dirt and mud on the
surface of the fur.
Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) is a species of waterbird
from the Ardeidae family with distribution in
Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java and Bali (Mackinnon,
2010). According to Siegfried (1971), B. ibis is a
species commonly inhabits the agricultural areas
such as rice fields. Regulation of the Minister of the
Environment Number 20 of 2018 concerning the
determination of protected species of plants and
animals stated that cattle egrets are no longer
protected since its greater increase in population at
various regions. This species adapt very quickly to
the environment and can live in any wetland areas.
Bubulcus ibis occupy the wetlands area as a
place to forage and living habitat. Utilization of
wetlands is related to the function of wetland areas
as a support for life activities which provide
abundant food for cattle egrets (Davies and
Lundberg, 1996). Wetlands have a variety of
ecological functions that are very important
including the function of hydrological regulators,
producers of biological natural resources and habitat
of cattle egrets. The existence of wetlands as a
habitat for buffalo herons has been formulated in the
Ramsar International convention as an international
interest (Sibuea, 1997).
Moreover, Bubulcus ibis has an important role
for a wetland area and grass area as a pest control,
both insects and other small animals. This relates to
the species of prey consumed, namely insects found
in the area (Alikodra, 2002). In an ex-situ site
namely Asam Kumbang crocodile farm, some
individuals of B. ibis are seen to do a variety of
activities and breeding since the area provides a
perch, foraging and nesting sites on diverse species
of tree vegetation. However, there is a predator
pressure in the habitat, which is the estuarine
crocodile found in the breeding area of the farm.
The predatory pressure causes B. ibis to develop
anti-predator behavior, which is a form of alertness
to disturbances caused by predators (Agrawal,
2001). One of the predatory behaviors carried out by
birds is Mobbing. Mobbing is widely understood as
an anti predator strategy that occurs in birds, this
behavior can provide the ability of birds to guard the
nest, offspring, and lessons to their children about
the potential danger from predators (Arnold, 2000)
Asam Kumbang crocodile farm is a wetland area
including an artificial lake that has dozens of
estuarine crocodiles, in which the area has become
Jumilawaty, E. and Syahputra, M.
Indivivual Behavior of Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) in Asam Kumbang Crocodile Farm, Medan City, North Sumatra.
DOI: 10.5220/0010199200002775
In Proceedings of the 1st International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath 2019), pages 387-389
ISBN: 978-989-758-556-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
habitats for B. ibis to find food and place nest. In
searching for food, the egrets prey on insects and
small animals in this area including amphibians,
annelids and insects. In addition, Asam Kumbang
crocodile farm is a breeding site to many waterbirds,
including cattle egret, with the total area of 2 ha.
This study then aims to determine the behavior of
individual Bubulcus ibis as preliminary information
of its natural activity in an artifical site.
This study was conducted in December 2018-
February 2019 in the Asam Kumbang crocodile
farm, Medan Selayang District, Medan City, North
Sumatra. Observations were performed with the aid
of binoculars starting at 07.00 AM to 17.00 PM
using the Scan Sampling method with the object of
one individual. Observations are made on selected
individuals until no different behaviors are found,
but if the individual left the research site, the area of
observation then the observation is continued to the
closest individual to him. Observed behaviors are
based on Kushlan (1979), i.e. preening, self-comfort,
stretching, sunbathing, and resting behaviour.
Based on this study, the cattle egret B. ibis displayed
different frequencies in the 5 individual
subbehaviors, namely preening behavior (386 times,
52.66%), self-comfort behavior (193 times,
26.33%), stretching behavior (101 times, 13.77),
sunbathing behavior (47 times, 6.41%), and resting
behavior (4 times, 0.54%). (Table 1). In the
morning, the dominant behavior is preening
behavior with the aim to cleanse themself from
small-sized organisms such as lice attached on the
surface of feathers.
During the daytime, dominant behavior of cattle
egret is stretching with the aim to cool (neutralize)
body heat and flex the beak muscles. In the
afternoon, the dominant behavior performed is the
self-comfort behavior of the body with the aim of
removing dust, dirt and mud on the surface of the
This situation is in accordance with the statement
of Pettingill (1969) and Jumilawaty and Dalimunthe
(2018), which stated that preening behavior such as
examining fur is a very important treatment
performed with a beak, moved or bitten to the ends
and this movement is species-specific. Bird's feet
can scratch the head, usually to clean the part of the
head that cannot be touched by the beak. Self-
comfort behavior is also related to the care of fur,
skin and other parts that are very important to do B.
ibis especially those used for flying.
Sibley (2001) states that during the day, the birds
carry out activities including self-comfort behavior
such as examining feathers aimed at treating the
physical condition of individual birds. According to
Pasquier (1997), B. ibis will spend most of its time
performing preening and self-comforts behaviors
primarily with regard to the cleanliness and
regularity of the hair, such as reuniting the separate
feathers and arranging the feathers back into place.
Foraging-active birds will cause their body feathers
to dry which in turn needed to be lubricated through
preening behaviors (Jumilawaty and Dalimunthe,
Meanwhile, the resting behavior was the least
common behavior performed by cattle egret due to
its active-breeding state. The total observation for 7
days was compiled in Figure 1. During observation,
B. ibis were seen to look for more branches of trees
used to make a half-finished nest and invite couples
to mate so that after the nest is finished, B. ibis will
rest on its nest. Bubulcus ibis will find a suitable
place to build a nest that will be used during the
breeding season and do a display to invite their
partners (wing-waving) (Hoyo et al., 1992).
Table 1: Summary of individual behavior by Bubulcus ibis at Asam Kumbang crocodile farm
No Behavior Number of activities Frequency (%)
1 Preening 386 52.66
2 Sunbathing 47 6.41
3 Self-comfort 193 26.33
4 Stretching 101 13.77
5 Resting 4 0.54
IMC-SciMath 2019 - The International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath)
Figure 1: Number of individual Bubulcus ibis activities during 7 days of observation
Sunbathing behavior is carried out by B. ibis by
developing head feathers to respond to sunlight. The
stretching behavior is carried out by B. ibis by
gaping and moving or vibrating the mandible to flex
the beak muscles and cool (neutralize) body
temperature. Resting behavior is carried out B. ibis
with the aim to support body weight and enjoy sun
exposure. In the afternoon of B. ibis performs more
self-care behavior, bodily comfort, sunbathing,
stretching and resting which are sub-individual
behaviors. Stretching behavior is carried out by B.
ibis with the aim to cool (neutralize) his body
temperature, carried out by gaping, moving or
vibrating the mandible, this is because the weather
conditions especially the temperature in the area is
very hot and hot. This is in accordance with the
statement Sukarsono (2009), some environmental
factors that predominantly affect animal life are
The individual behavior of cattle egret or Bubulcus
ibis in the Asam Kumbang crocodile farm consists
of 5 activities, namely: preening, sunbathing, self-
comfort, stretching, and resting behavior. In the
morning period the frequent behavior is preening,
which aims to clean and remove any small-sized
parasites such as lice on the surface of the body
feather.In the afternoon, the frequent behavior are
self-comfort, sunbathing, stretching and resting.
Factor affecting the individual behavior of B. ibis is
temperature condition of enviroment.
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Indivivual Behavior of Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) in Asam Kumbang Crocodile Farm, Medan City, North Sumatra