Figure 1: Number of individual Bubulcus ibis activities during 7 days of observation
Sunbathing behavior is carried out by B. ibis by
developing head feathers to respond to sunlight. The
stretching behavior is carried out by B. ibis by
gaping and moving or vibrating the mandible to flex
the beak muscles and cool (neutralize) body
temperature. Resting behavior is carried out B. ibis
with the aim to support body weight and enjoy sun
exposure. In the afternoon of B. ibis performs more
self-care behavior, bodily comfort, sunbathing,
stretching and resting which are sub-individual
behaviors. Stretching behavior is carried out by B.
ibis with the aim to cool (neutralize) his body
temperature, carried out by gaping, moving or
vibrating the mandible, this is because the weather
conditions especially the temperature in the area is
very hot and hot. This is in accordance with the
statement Sukarsono (2009), some environmental
factors that predominantly affect animal life are
The individual behavior of cattle egret or Bubulcus
ibis in the Asam Kumbang crocodile farm consists
of 5 activities, namely: preening, sunbathing, self-
comfort, stretching, and resting behavior. In the
morning period the frequent behavior is preening,
which aims to clean and remove any small-sized
parasites such as lice on the surface of the body
feather.In the afternoon, the frequent behavior are
self-comfort, sunbathing, stretching and resting.
Factor affecting the individual behavior of B. ibis is
temperature condition of enviroment.
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