The value of the phosphate correlation to the
diversity index of 0.768 indicates a strong
correlation. A positive value, indicating the higher
the value of the phosphate, the greater the diversity
index. Phosphate in the waters is an important
nutrient for the growth and metabolism of aquatic
organisms, especially phytoplankton. According to
Patty et al. (2015) phytoplankton is an indicator of
fertility in waters. The more presence of
phytoplankton in the waters, indicating the more
fertile waters so that more aquatic biota. However, if
the phosphate concentration is too large in waters,
eutrophication can occur which causes death in
aquatic biota.
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range of 1.52-1.89. Distribution of fishes in the
water are relatively uniform and evenly distributed
with E value of 0.94-0.98. Phosphate and stream
velocity show a strong correlation to fish diversity
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