Evaluation of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) Administration to the
Growth Performance of Tambra Fish (Tor tambra)
Hesti Wahyuningsih and Emita Sabri
Department of Biology, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Cinnamon, Fish Feed, Growth Performance, Tambra Fish, Tor tambra.
Abstract: Fish feed is a substantial component in aquaculture. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) is known as natural
ingredient to improve physiological endurance. Research on evaluating the growth performance of Tambra
fish (Tor tambra) by administering fish feed mixed with cinnamon powder has been conducted.. The study
aims to analyze the growth performance and survival rate of Tambra fish fed with different cinnamon
concentrations. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with nine replications and three treatments was
chosen as experimental design. Tambra fish or jurung weighing ± 50 grams were maintained for three
months. The treatments used were T1 (pellet feed without cinnamon); T2 (0.5% cinnamon pellet); T3 (Pellet
with cinnamon pellet in a ratio of 1: 1). Each aquarium was filled with 10 Tambra fish. Data analysis
includes specific growth rates, growth patterns, fish survival , and water qualities. The highest growth rate
of tambra fish was obtained from T3 treatment with 0.266% or weight gain of 25.11 grams. The growth
pattern of tambra shows a negative allometric growth pattern with a survival rate of 70-80%. Administration
of cinnamon as feed supplement then is considered as effective formulation to improve the appetite of
tambra fish.
Jurung fish (Tor sp.) is a local Indonesian fish,
especially in North Sumatra. This species belonging
to the Cyprinidae family, have characteristics as fast
swimmers, silvery-white body to black, living in
waters with heavy currents and high dissolved
oxygen levels. Demands on jurung fish for
consumption have increased their catchment from
the wild. Therefore, to maintain its population in
nature, domestication needs to be conducted,
including through intensification of fish feed
technology. Domestication of jurung is needed to
support the cultivation of fish especially in the
undeveloped North Sumatra.
Fish feed is an important component in
aquaculture. The need for sufficient energy can only
be fulfilled through proper feeding to maintain the
survival and and growth of the fishes. According to
Kompiang, (2000), the availability of fish feed as a
source of energies, e.g protein, fat, carbohydrates,
vitamins and minerals, are important for the
longevity of the fishes. Research by Sunarto and
Sabariah (2009) on the growth of other jurung
species or Tor douronensis showed the highest
growth by 6% of biomass per day.
Jurung is an omnivorous fish, commonly feed on
both plant and animal feeds, including plant
residues, insects, mollusks, fruits, detritus and
plankton (Rupawan, 1999; Haryono, 2006). Good
fish feed quality will be able to spur the growth rates
and fish survival. Therefore it is necessary to add
nutritious composition to the feed in order to
increase the adaptability of fish.
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) is a natural
ingredient from plants, often used to increase
physiological endurance. Phytochemicals contained
in cinnamon include essential oils, cinnamadehid,
eugenol, calcium oxalate, flavonoids, saponins and
other nutritional content such as sugar, protein,
crude fat and pectin (Gunawan and Mulyani, 2004).
Addition of cinnamon leaf extract by 1 g / kg of feed
reduced the levels of fat, cholesterol and
triglycerides in catfish meat (Pangasianodon
hypopthalmus) (Setiawati, et al., 2016).
Cinnamon may also function as an appetite
enhancer. The ability of fish to consume feed well,
will determine the survival rate and growth of fish
weights. Therefore, the addition of cinnamon powder