DNA by the Kieselguhr Albumin Column
Chromatography (MAK) method. All of these DNA
classes are demonstrated as pure DNA, not
contaminated or hybridized with RNA, because it is
positive for the diphenylamine reaction, sensitive to
DNase, resistant to RNase, and includes thymidine-
6-3H but not uridine-5- 3j. The GC content was
calculated from a Tm value of around 38% for these
three components, almost the same as the total
DNA. But the α-DNA molecular weight, which is
roughly calculated from the sedimentation
coefficient on centrifugation gradient sucrose
density, is several times greater than β1-DNA.In the
cocoon stage, body fat DNA consists mainly of β1-
and β2-DNA with small amounts of α-DNA,
whereas in the larval stage, only consists of α-DNA.
Typical body fat DNA types were observed in silk
gland larvae, and in adult pupa tissues such as
integuments, muscles, and gonads. On the other
hand, cocooned fat DNA is detected in degenerating
tissue or in degeneration processes, such as silk
glands, cocoons and midgut. These facts show that
β1- and β2-DNA are degradation products of α-
DNA (Chinzei, 1974).
Silk glands in the larval stage of silkworms,
producing thread as silk material to form a cocoon.
Silk glands are divided into three parts: anterior,
middle and posterior silk glands, each of which
plays a different role in silk secretion. Two new
proteins are identified in the middle silk gland, and
to a lesser extent in the posterior gland, which is
thought to be involved in the regulation of
proteolytic activity and protection of silk proteins
from degradation (Hou et al., 2007).
The silkworms used originated from three National
silkworm breeding centers, which is Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan Bogor, Balai
Perhutanan Sosial dan Kemitraan Lingkungan
(BPSKL) of the Sulawesi, Bili-bili and Soppeng
region, Sulawesi Selatan. The research begins by
hatching and rearing silkworms until the caterpillar
reaches instar V.
2.1 DNA Isolation
Silkworm head and glands are used as samples for
DNA isolation of the genome. Samples are crushed
and put into extraction buffers using a Mini Kit
(Promega, Madison, WI, USA) in accordance with
established procedures. Samples of silkworms that
have been homogenized are incubated for 15
minutes at 65
C then for 5 minutes at 29-30
Subsequently added 200 μl of protein precipitation
solution and applied vortex for 5 seconds then
centrifuged at 13000 x g for 3 minutes.The
supernatant was taken and put into a micro-tube
containing 600 μl of isopropanol and then
centrifuged at a speed of 13,000 x g for 2 minutes.
The supernatant was removed and the pellet was
washed using 600 µl - 70% ethanol and centrifuged
at a speed of 13,000 x g for 2 minutes. The
supernatant is removed and then dried, then add 50
µl of DNA rehydration solution, applied vortex for 5
seconds then 0.5 µl of RNAse solution is added.
DNA was incubated for 15 minutes at 37
can be incubated at 4
C for 24 hours for further
work. The results of DNA extraction are stored at -
C until it used. DNA concentrations were
calculated using a nano-photometer (IMPLEN,
Munich, Germany, serial no. 6042). Next, DNA was
analyzed by electrophoresis (SCIE-PLAS. Ltd,
Cambridge, England) on 1.2% agarose gel stained
with 1 µl ethidium bromide. The electrophoresis
results were visualized using Gel Doc (Uvitec,
Cambridge, Serial no. 13200263) under UV light
with a wavelength of 303 nm.
3.1 Genomic Isolation and
Measurement of DNA
The results of silkworm DNA isolation originating
from 3 units of National Natural Silkworm-breeding,
namely Perhutani Bogor, Bili-bili and Soppeng, and
the isolated parts are the head and middle silk glands
can be seen in Figure 1.
Genome isolation showed a very thick band
(high concentration) and also firm, this showed that
isolation of the genome using the Promega kit can
already isolate DNA well. According to Bukhari et
al, (2019), for molecular analysis of any organism,
superior quality DNA samples obtained from a
suitable DNA extraction protocol is needed. In the
Bg2 sample, there was no genomic or DNA band
because the sample used when extracting was too
much hence the extraction buffer used was
insufficient to lyse lipids or compounds in the
silkworm glands resulting in failure to extract the
DNA (the lysis reaction failed).DNA extraction
and purification is basically a series of processes
of separating DNA from other cell components.