The Utilization of Bunker Eggs into Duck Feed in Tanjung Rejo
Village, Deli Serdang Regency
Masitta Tanjung and Mayang Sari Yeanny
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Bunker Egg, Duck Feed, Tanjung Rejo Village
Abstract: The community service activities with the title "The Utilization of Bunker Eggs into Duck Feed in Tanjung
Rejo Village, Deli Serdang Regency" will be held in May - November 2019. This activity aim is to convert
bunker eggs (eggs that failed to hatch) into duck feed which has economic value and is environmentally
friendly. The method used is counselling, lectures and training as well as monitoring and evaluation with the
community directly to the field.The stages of duck feed production include; (1) choosing a bunker egg (2)
egg waste is put into cormorant and boiled for approximately 1 hour, (3) cut water hyacinth/kale, (4) rice
bran and water hyacinth/kale steamed into cormorant II which has been filled with water for approximately
more than 1 hour, (5) bunker eggs, rice bran, and water hyacinth/kale are removed and drained in large
containers and sacks, (6) bunker eggs are mashed without peeling the skin, (7) mixed all ingredients
(endhog bunker, bran, kale) by adding enough water and stir until evenly distributed, (8) milling the mixture
of materials using a special grinding to form feed, and (9) finishing includes the drying process using an
oven/stove. Egg bunkers can be converted into animal feed
Data from the Directorate General of Animal
Husbandry and Animal Health / Direktorat Jenderal
Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan (2017) indicated
the total population of ducks in Sumatra Utara in
2017 reached 2.813.516 heads. Duck meat
production is 43.2 tons, manila duck is 5.6 tons,
duck egg production is 308.6 tons, manila duck is 35
tons..Ahmad (2003) explained that eggs are
composed of four basic components namely egg
yolk, egg white, eggshell membrane and eggshell.
Rahadianto, (2013) explained that the eggshell
thickness is also influenced by the type of poultry,
strains and environmental temperature. According to
Yuniastuti (2002) that in general the fat content in
ducks is strongly influenced by the nutrition of the
ration consumed. Juliambarwati (2012) added
that the protein and fat content in the feed will affect
the weight of the egg. Egg weight will continue to
increase along with the egg production period and
achieve maximum egg weight after producing for 40
weeks. Egg weight is very important to support the
selling value of eggs on the market and large eggs
are much in demand by consumers, hence it also
affects the income of duck farmers (Malik and
Gunawan, 2008).
Laying ducks become one of the opportunities
that are quite potential to be developed in the
business of duck farming, because every year the
demand for duck eggs tends to increase, in addition
to being a source of family protein, duck eggs are
widely used as ingredients for making various cakes
and so forth.Therefore laying ducks become one of
the promising and profitable business alternatives
that can be relied upon as a source of family income.
However, not all eggs produced can be utilized
because there are less good eggs like egg bunkers,
which is eggs that failed to hatch.
In the village of Tanjung Rejo, groups of
Breeder, especially duck breeders, have always had
difficulty using bunker eggs, which are eggs that
have failed to hatch, most Breeders simply throw
them away. Only a small portion uses it as feed and
this feed must be used up as soon as possible so as
not to cause odour.Apart from that, the egg bunker is
annoying if just throw it away and leaves it like
trash. The used of egg bunkers as economic animal
feed, high nutritional value and environmentally
Tanjung, M. and Yeanny, M.
The Utilization of Bunker Eggs into Duck Feed in Tanjung Rejo Village, Deli Serdang Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0010200100002775
In Proceedings of the 1st International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath 2019), pages 422-426
ISBN: 978-989-758-556-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Economically, bunker as animal feed is very useful
because the composition is mixed in feed and can be
stored for a long time. Usually, breeders mix their
rations for ducks, such as rice bran, corn,
concentrates, vitamins, and others. This was
complained by the duck breeders because they had
to buy per item of the mixed duck ration.
A feed is a mixture of various kinds of organic
and inorganic matters provided to livestock and
poultry to meet the needs of food substances needed
for growth, development and production. For
maximum growth and production, the amount and
content of nutrients needed by livestock/poultry
must be adequate (Suprijatna et al., 2010). The
nutritional value is high because based on the results
of proximate tests at the UGM Food and
Agricultural Product Laboratory, the bunker feed
product with the following detailed results.
Table 1. Proximate Test Analysis Results of Bunker Feed
Sample Paramete
sis Results (%)
UL 1 UL 2
Water 15,0723 15,1661
Ash 13,0938 13,3050
12,6842 12,4758
15,7375 15,3116
15,3604 15,9419
The bunker feed is also environmentally friendly
because the waste of eggs that fail to hatch can be
utilized maximally and not become garbage. As well
as water hyacinth/water spinach as a mixture are
found a lot in the village, whose growth is very
disturbing the waters can be used while preserving
the environment.Kale waste contains crude fibre.
Denbow (2000) explained that the amount of
digestible crude fibre in poultry ranges from 5-10%
of the amount of crude fibre. The results of
Intannita's research (2003) explained that the use of
a 10% level of water spinach/kale waste on
Mandalung Duck has the best influence on the
growth of ducks.
Based on this condition and situation, the
community service team conducted the services in
the village of Tanjung Rejo, Percut Sei Tuan
Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency with the village
community, especially the duck breeder group.
The method offered in this activity will be carried
out by a combination of counselling, training, hands-
on practice and work evaluation. This activity was
supported by the village chief and the officials will
play a role in helping this implementation by giving
permission and contacting breeders' community
groups. While the benefits obtained will increase the
knowledge of human resources in terms of
utilization of bunker egg waste as animal feed.
The Breeder Group acts as the object of utilizing
bunker egg waste as animal feed. The benefits
obtained by breeders will increase knowledge, save
the environment from waste and will ultimately help
the economy and will improve their living standards.
In this service, the breeder group can cooperate
in making animal feed, because breeders need these
products. In making feed is very easy, practical,
economical, and inexpensive, only requires a little
time and anyone can do it.Likewise the ingredients,
are available in the community and it is one
alternative that is very appropriate to overcome the
scarcity and rising of animal feed cost. Working
methods of this animal feed can be seen as follows:
2.1 Method of Collecting Data
The collection method is done by:
1 Interview: By taking primary data through
interviewing the local community.
2 Field Observation: Field observations were
carried out with the community.
3 Literature study: Literature study was
carried out to complement the information
obtained regarding the manufacture and
application of bunker egg waste animal
feed to be made optimally.
2.2 Approach Method
This method was done by conducting counselling,
training, direct practice to the surrounding
community on how to make and implement methods
of making duck feed.It is intended that the
surrounding community can reduce the expenditure
of excess funds to provide animal feed. As this
animal feed is healthier and has high nutritional
value and also environmentally friendly.
The Utilization of Bunker Eggs into Duck Feed in Tanjung Rejo Village, Deli Serdang Regency
2.3 Method of Implementation
2.3.1 Tools Used
To make a Bunker feed product, equipment such as
(1) a gas stove is used as a tool to assist in the
production of Bunker, (2) gas cylinders, used as a
tool that helps in finalizing Bunker production, (3)
winnowing tray used as a drying device after the
Bunker production preparation stage,(4)
pot/cormorant used to steam rice bran mixed with
water spinach or water hyacinth, (5) masks, used to
maintain the health of producers and ducks when
production takes place, as well as to avoid the
pungent odor of egg bunkers, (6) gloves used to
maintain the health of producers and ducks, hence
the production of Bunker is more hygienic, (7) a
knife, used to cut water spinach or water hyacinth,
(8) cutting boards, used as a base to help cut water
spinach or water hyacinth, (9) meat grinder, used to
print Bunker products, (10) oven, used to dry the
product in an effort to minimize mold, (11) the scale,
used to measure the weight of the Bunker product to
be marketed,and (12) plastic packaging, used to
place Bunker products that are ready to be marketed.
2.3.2 Preparation Phase
The preparation phase includes the preparation of all
the materials needed, which are egg bunkers, rice
bran, water hyacinth/water spinach, water, and other
supporting equipment.
2.3.3 Production Stage
The production phase includes (1) selecting bunker
eggs with the characteristics of no black spots when
candling or binoculars, eggs that have bloodstains,
cracked eggshells, eggs which on the 20th day have
not hatched, sweat, and embryos have appeared on
the inside, (2) egg waste is put into cormorant I
which has been filled with water and boiled for
approximately 1 hour, (3) cutting water
hyacinth/kale, (4) rice bran and water hyacinth/kale
steamed into cormorant II which has been filled with
water for approximately 1 hour, (5) Bunker eggs,
rice bran, and boiled water hyacinth/kale were
removed and drained in large containers and
sacks,(6) bunker eggs are mashed without peeling
the skin, (7) mix all ingredients (endhog bunkers,
bran, kale/water spinach) by adding enough water
and stir until evenly distributed, (8) grind the
mixture of materials using a special grinding to form
feed, and (9) finishing includes the drying process
using an oven/stove.
Figure 1. Bunker eggs and rice bran (left) and
hyacinth/kale (right)
This activity was carried out by a combination of
counseling, training, hands-on practice and work
evaluation. This activity was supported by the
village chief and the officials will play a role in
helping this implementation by giving permission,
contacting the Tanjung Rejo village community
group.While the benefits gained will increase the
knowledge of human resources in terms of the
bunker eggs utilization into duck feed for the benefit
of the Tanjung Rejo village community.
Figure 2. Theory presented by team (left) and practiced by
team and community (right).
IMC-SciMath 2019 - The International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath)
The Tanjung Rejo village breeders group acts as the
object of the bunker eggs utilization. The benefits
gained will increase public knowledge about the use
of bunker eggs into duck feed for the benefit of the
duck breeders community.Besides that, this is also a
very appropriate alternative to overcome the scarcity
and rising prices of animal feed and the environment
becomes more sustainable. Hence the villagers can
save the environment and improve the standard
living of their families.
The bunker feed product has the potential to
continue because it is easy to obtain the raw
materials in the form of bunker eggs and water
hyacinth, it has been tested quality in the UGM Food
and Agriculture Laboratory, it is more economical
compared to the duck breeders make their ration,
and environmentally friendly because it utilizes
waste Duck bunker eggs (Elsola, 2015).
The use of water spinach/kale in duck feed has a
positive effect on the thickness of the eggshell
because it can increase the thickness of the eggshell.
Eggshells are the outermost part of the eggs and it is
important to note their quality, because eggshells
protect the contents of the egg from the entry of
bacteria that cause damage to the contents of the egg
which can result in decreased egg quality (Amo,, 2013).
By utilizing bunker eggs into duck feed, it is
hoped that the Tanjung Rejo Village breeders group
can reduce production costs because they can obtain
and produce their duck feed from bunker eggs
according to their needs.
Figure 3. The team who conducted the social engangement
from USU and communities at Tanjung Rejo.
Based on the community service activities regarding
the utilization of bunker eggs to feed duck in Deli
Serdang Regency, the following conclusions can be
Utilization of egg bunkers can be converted
into animal feed.
Utilization of egg bunkers can provide
economic and ecological value.
There is good collaboration between USU
and the community in Tanjung Rejo
village, Deli Serdang Regency.
We would like to thank to the Rector of USU for
finantial support by Mono Tahun Social
Engagement Non PNBP 2019 and all participants
who have helped the implementation of this
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IMC-SciMath 2019 - The International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath)