The Tanjung Rejo village breeders group acts as the
object of the bunker eggs utilization. The benefits
gained will increase public knowledge about the use
of bunker eggs into duck feed for the benefit of the
duck breeders community.Besides that, this is also a
very appropriate alternative to overcome the scarcity
and rising prices of animal feed and the environment
becomes more sustainable. Hence the villagers can
save the environment and improve the standard
living of their families.
The bunker feed product has the potential to
continue because it is easy to obtain the raw
materials in the form of bunker eggs and water
hyacinth, it has been tested quality in the UGM Food
and Agriculture Laboratory, it is more economical
compared to the duck breeders make their ration,
and environmentally friendly because it utilizes
waste Duck bunker eggs (Elsola, 2015).
The use of water spinach/kale in duck feed has a
positive effect on the thickness of the eggshell
because it can increase the thickness of the eggshell.
Eggshells are the outermost part of the eggs and it is
important to note their quality, because eggshells
protect the contents of the egg from the entry of
bacteria that cause damage to the contents of the egg
which can result in decreased egg quality (Amo,, 2013).
By utilizing bunker eggs into duck feed, it is
hoped that the Tanjung Rejo Village breeders group
can reduce production costs because they can obtain
and produce their duck feed from bunker eggs
according to their needs.
Figure 3. The team who conducted the social engangement
from USU and communities at Tanjung Rejo.
Based on the community service activities regarding
the utilization of bunker eggs to feed duck in Deli
Serdang Regency, the following conclusions can be
Utilization of egg bunkers can be converted
into animal feed.
Utilization of egg bunkers can provide
economic and ecological value.
There is good collaboration between USU
and the community in Tanjung Rejo
village, Deli Serdang Regency.
We would like to thank to the Rector of USU for
finantial support by Mono Tahun Social
Engagement Non PNBP 2019 and all participants
who have helped the implementation of this
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Pengaruh Penggunaan Tepung Limbah Udang dalam