The result of analysis show that equation: Log W
= 0,0037 + 3,4079 log L, or in exponential form: W
= 0,0037L
with coefficient of determination
) = 0,8828. Mulya (2019) states that the growth is
said to be isometric, if the value of b = 3, whereas if
the value of b is greater or smaller than 3 then
growth is said to be allometric, assuming if the value
of b < 3 body length increases faster than weight
gain, whereas if the value of b > 3 increases weight
faster than increasing body length.
Some factors that cause positive allometric
growth are physiological and environmental
conditions, such as temperature, pH, salinity,
geographical location and sampling
technique (Mulfizar et al. 2012). The results also
found that anchovies at each station had a fat size.
1) The highest abundance of anchovy at station 1 is
490 ind/60m
, followed by station 3 is 386
, and the lowest at station 2 is 362
2) The distribution pattern of anchovy pecto is
group distribution.
3) The length-weight relationship of anchovy pekto
showed that increase in anchovy body weight
faster than its length, which illustrates a positive
allometric growth pattern, with a value of b > 3.
Authors would like to express our gratitude to
DRPM for the financial support by PDUPT 2019
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