The Development of Microcontroller-based Electrostatic Air Filter
Device using Flyback Transformer
Nasruddin M. Noer, Harris Fadhilla Said, Zikri Noer and Siti Utari Rahayu
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155,
Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Keywords: Air Filter Device, Electrostatic Method, ATmega328 Microcontroller, Flyback Transformer
This study aimed to develop a microcontroller-based air filter device using electrostatic method with high
voltage obtained from flyback transformer. The design of flyback transformer required several circuits, such
as ATmega 328 microcontroller, optocoupler, and driver, whereas the electrostatic method was applied by
arranging aluminum metal plates parallel with three anodes and cathodes. The results showed that the duty
cycles of 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70%, produced an output voltage of 2.632 kV, 7.250 kV, 13.16 kV,
20.01 kV and 27.55 kV, respectively, with the amount of dust particles as much as 0.2122 grams, 0.5147
grams, 0.8960 grams, 1.1620 grams and 1.9267 grams. These results suggest that higher the duty cycle
results in higher output voltage and larger amount of filtered dust.
The development of research on high voltage is
rapidly increased; It requires a large and complicated
circuit. However, the research on the application of
high voltage is not only for industrial scale, but also
must be developed in all fields, especially in the
health sector (Barsoum, 2015). In the field of high
voltage health, it can be used as an air filter. Air is
an environmental medium that is a basic human
need, so it needs to get serious attention. Healthy air
at homes and offices is a necessity in the era of
modern society. We cannot deny that particulate air
in homes and offices can endanger human health
(Sudrajad A, 2019). Based on WHO data in 2012,
around 7 million people die each year from diseases
related to air pollution. In this case including heart
disease, stroke, lung and breathing, and cancer. On
the other hand, pollutants in the air not only
endanger health but also disrupt the climate such as
fine particle, black carbon, and surface ozone
)(Soemirat, 2014).
Dust particles are in the air for a relatively long
time in a state of floating and then entering the
human body through breathing so that it can
endanger health. Every material including dust can
be considered as an electrically charged particle that
will have the property of attraction with other
particles of different charge and repel with particles
that have the same charge (Gianto, 2015).
Regarding that, a study conducted by Raditya et al.
showed an air filter with a trade capacity of 8 kV
using the Walton Cockroft method electrostatically.
However, they could only precipitate dust of
0.001541 grams in 60 hours with an average of
0.000154 for six hours (Raditya, 2011). Therefore,
further study needs to be done on the development
of air filter device.
Based on those explanations, in this research,
an electrostatic air filter was developed using high
voltage obtained from flyback transformer. The air
filter is carried out using aluminum plates arranged
in a parallel order, by providing an electric field so
that dust particles in the air settle to the plates with
different charges. The system was controlled by
utilizing ATmega328 microcontroller.
The method of conducting this research was carried
out in two stages, namely the design of a high
voltage device using the flyback transformer method
and an air filter device using the electrostatic