which was around 5-6 days. (Yulidar & Wilya,
2015) stated that the normal time for pupae to
develop into imago is 3-4 days.
The pupae stage is a fasting phase where the
body is wrapped in a layer called the puparium. The
increase in the time it takes for a pupa to become an
imago may be due to the pupa trying to survive by
extending its maturation period into an imago, so the
pupa remains protected by a protective layer that
wraps its body from exposure to toxic extracts.
Typically, at the fourth instar larvae, there is a
decrease in the secretion of juvenile hormone by
corpora allata, but with the exposure to the ethanol
extract of M. micrantha leaves, which was thought
to have an effect like juvenile hormone, induced the
pupae to prolong its development into an imago
(Habibi, 2011).
Based on the results of the study on the effect of
the ethanol extract of M. micrantha leaves on the
egg hatchability and the development of A. aegypti,
it can be determined that the most significant
concentration which can reduce the rate of the egg
hatchability and the larval development is the P4
treatment with a concentration of 0.4 %.
The same thing occurred in the research of
Nursal & Hardiansyah (2018). The dichloromethane
extract of the leaves of the bitter melon (Momordica
charantia L.), basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), and
lemongrass (Cymbopogon winterianus) can reduce
the percentage of the egg hatchability and the larval
development (larvae- pupae and pupae – adult) of
Aedes aegypti. Likewise, with Nursal & Yeanny
(2019), the ethanol extract of the leaves of bitter
melon (Momordica charantia L.) and basil (Ocimum
basilicum L.) can also reduce the hatchability of the
eggs and the growth (larvae-pupae and pupae-adult)
of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
Based on the test results, it can be concluded that the
LC50 concentration of the ethanol extract of M.
micrantha leaves on the mortality of third instar
larvae was at 0.58%. The sublethal concentration of
the ethanol extract of M. micrantha leaves has a
significant influence on the eggs hatchability and
larval development. The ethanol extract
concentration of M. micrantha at 0.4% was effective
in reducing the rate of the eggs hatchability and the
larval development into pupae, and the pupae
development into imago by 41.6%, 19.5%, and
63.3% respectively.
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