can be caused by factors of knowledge and
experience. Knowledge influences the attitude of
cadres, good cadre knowledge influences cadre
competence in conducting participatory training. As
revealed by Eka's research, cadre knowledge has an
effect on cadre skills on what material is to be
conveyed. Cadre knowledge influences positive
attitudes, then forms good behavior when cadres
conduct counselling9. The more positive the attitude
of cadres will be to improve the practice and
behavior of cadres in conducting counselling which
is their responsibility (Notoatmodjo, 2012).
In addition to the knowledge factors positive
attitude of cadres because all cadres have realized
that they have a function, motivate and strive so that
residents in the environment are healthy and
prevented from various diseases specifically
pulmonary diseases. This is supported by the
opinion of Djafar, the more positive the attitude of
cadres will be to improve the practice and behavior
of cadres in conducting counselling which is their
responsibility (Djafar, 2014).
The results of the study showed that the cadre's
actions after being carried out in the category of
enough as much as 67.2%. Efforts to control TB
disease as a whole are still not ideal, because there
are some inappropriate actions carried out by cadres
(Kritiawati & Diyan, 2014). In conducting referral
TB suspects, the actions of cadres are still wrong,
because in making referrals do not use forms. This is
probably due to the cadre's ignorance of how to fill
in TB patient forms and the possibility of TB
patients who have been found coming to the
subdistrict community health centre without being
accompanied by cadres. However, the cadre's
actions in finding and conducting counselling are
good enough, this is because the cadre's knowledge
of TB disease, especially in recognizing the
symptoms of TB patients is good enough. So that
TB cadres can recruit TB suspects and provide
counselling to the public about TB at the integrated
system service.
The development of participatory training is suitable
for cadres in order to reduce morbidity and mortality
of TB in the community with the implementation of
this training model can be received by cadres.
Development with participatory training approach is
an innovative training model and effective in
improving the competence of health workers about
TB so it is necessary to be applied in other health
fields. This training model is expected to become a
habit of cadres when mentoring in the community
and integrated with empowerment programs for
patients such as HORAS (Horas believed model,
Observation, Relaxation, Action, Supporting).
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
research is supported by Ministry of Research and
Technology and Higher Education Republic of
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