the board’s thickness swelling and water absorption
values from the adhesive without citric acid addition
at 200°C pressing temperature (Santoso et al., 2017).
Besides maltodextrin, there is also dextrin from
durian seed starch that may be potentially
developed. Durian seed waste and its starch have not
been widely used yet, instead of their potential
availability on Indonesia. Some researchers had
studied the potential uses of durian seed waste and
its starch for animal feeds, food filler, biodegradable
film and pharmaceutical industry (Ho & Bhat, 2015;
Malini et al., 2016; Pimpa et al., 2012; Siriphanich,
2011; Sugiarto & Toana, 2018), but the dextrin have
not been studied yet. The dextrinization of durian
seed starch was expected to increase its properties
and utilization. Two types of dextrin (maltodextrin
and durian seed dextrin) were expected to have
different effect on wood bonding. This research was
aimed to study the effect of dextrin types and
dextrin/citric acid ratio on the physical and
mechanical properties of particleboard made of
petung bamboo (Dendrocalamusasper).
2.1 Materials
Petung bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) particles
were collected from Sleman district, Yogyakarta
province, Indonesia. The particles passed through 10
mesh screen with the moisture content around 12%
were used as raw material. Maltodextrin with
dextrose equivalent (DE) 10-15 were purchased
from Zhucheng Dongxiao Biotechnology Co. Ltd,
China without further purification. Durian seed
dextrin was obtained by dextrinization of durian
seed starch in acid hydrolysis. The durian seed was
collected from Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia.
The dextrinization method was done by making
durian seed starch into suspension with 30%
concentration based on dried weight before adding
HCl until its pH was 1, then it was liquidated at
95°C for 35 minutes, neutralized by NaOH, oven-
dried at 50°C for 2 days and pulverized into 80 mesh
size. Citric acid (anhydrous) was purchased from
Brataco Ltd, Indonesia without further purification.
2.2 Methods
2.2.1 Preparation of the Adhesive Solution
All of the adhesive solutions were made in the
concentration of 50 wt%, except the durian seed
dextrin/citric acid ratio (100/0) that used dextrin-
solvent ratio of 1:20 (w/v) for good spraying. The
dextrin and citric acid was dissolved in hot water
(70°C±2°C). The mixture ratios of dextrin/citric acid
were set at 100/0, 75/25, and 50/50wt%.
2.2.2 Manufacturing of Particleboard
The adhesive solution (45°C ± 2°C) was spreaded on
the surface of the bamboo particles using spraying
method. The adhesive content of the solution was 15
wt% based on the air-dried particles weight. The
moisture contents of the sprayed particles were then
reduced to 2-4% by oven-drying for good inter-
particles bonding. The particles were then hand-
formed into a mat with 25 cm x 25 cm size using
forming box. The mat was hot-pressed using 3-step
press cycle method as done by Widyorini et al.
(2018). The mat was hot-pressed for 5 minutes in
first-step cycle, followed by breathing process (hot-
press release) for 1 minutes in second-step cycle,
and then another 5 minutes hot-press in third-step
cycle (the total pressing time was 10 minutes). The
hot- press was set at 200°C in the specific pressure
of 3 MPa. The target size and target density were 25
cm x 25 cm x 1 cm and 0.75 g/cm³, respectively.
After hot press process, the boards were then
stored/conditioned for ± 7 days at room temperature
before the board properties evaluation.
2.2.3 Evaluation of Board Properties
Evaluation of boards properties used Japanese
Industrial Standard (JIS) A 5908 (2003) as the
standards of sample sizes, test method and board
quality classification. The boards properties
evaluated in this research were density (D), moisture
content (MC), thickness swelling (TS), water
absorption (WA) and surface roughness (SR) for
physical properties, as well as, internal bonding
strength (IBS), modulus of rupture (MOR), and
modulus of elasticity (MOE) for mechanical
properties. D, MC, TS, WA and IBS were tested
using sample in 5 cm x 5 cm size, while MOR-MOE
was tested using sample in 20 cm x 5 cm size. D was
determined by dividing the weight of the sample
with its volume, while MC was determined by
dividing the weight change of the sample after oven-
drying with its oven-dried weight (based on the
percentage). TS and WA were determined by the
percentage of thickness change and weight change
of samples after 24 hours water-immersion at room
temperature based on initial thickness and weight of
the sample. SR test was measured with surface
roughness tester SRG 4000 (Bosworth Instrument,