that have fluctuated and not proportional to the
concentration of the compound.
Elifah (2010) suggested that the diameter of the
inhibition zone does not always increase in
proportion to the increase in antibacterial
concentration. This can occur because of differences
in the speed of diffusion of antibacterial compounds
on agar media. Different types and concentrations of
antibacterial compounds give different inhibitory
zone diameters for a certain period of time.
Irregularity in the diameter of the zone of inhibition
of the growth of test bacteria is at the time of
unequal disk drying. Therefore, it causes a inhibitory
zone at the highest concentration to decrease. Disk
which has long drying time, when it is placed on top
of the bacterial hatching media, the area of the
inhibitory zone is small, this zone is formed from
extracts diffused from the disk to the agar media. On
disks with only a short drying time, when placed on
top of the bacterial hatchery media, the extract
which is still attached immediately spreads around
the disk and quickly diffuses to the media so as to
form a larger inhibitory zone.
Sinarsih (2016) suggests that the presence of
unstable antibacterial performance at high
concentrations is likely due to compounds in general
having a limited ability in bioactivity. So that at
increasing concentrations certain compounds do not
provide a significant increase in response or not
significantly different.
The strength of antibacterial activity can be seen
from the inhibitory zone formed. According to
(Aleksandra et al., 2017) said that antibacterial
activity was classified to be 3 groups. There were
strong that produced inhibition zone diameter at 8
mm, medium activity that produced inhibition zone
at 7-8 mm, while weak activity that produced
inhibition zone diameter less than 7 mm. Thus 6-
compound and 4-allyl-6- (dimethylamino) methyl-2-
methoxy phenol compounds have relatively strong
antibacterial activity.
Synthesis of 6-allyl-8-methoxy-3-propyl-1,3-
benzoxazine compound obtained from eugenol
through the Mannich reaction, where eugenol is
reacted with iminium ions which were previously
formed through the reaction between formaldehyde
and propylamine. The results obtained were 6.116
grams (82.54%) compound of 6-allyl-8-methoxy-3-
propyl-1,3-benzoxazine. The formation of 6-allyl-8-
methoxy-3-propyl-1,3-benzoxazine compound is
characterized by the appearance of C-N stretching
vibrations at wave number 1242.16 cm-1
Synthesis of 4-allyl-6- (dimethylamino) methyl-
2-methoxy phenol compound obtained from eugenol
through the Mannich reaction, where eugenol is
reacted with iminium ions which were previously
formed through the reaction between formaldehyde
and dimethylamine. The results obtained were 5,728
grams (86.39%) of the 4-allyl-6- (dimethylamino)
compound methyl-2-methoxy phenol. The formation
of 4-allyl-6- (dimethylamino) compound methyl-2-
methoxy phenol is characterized by the appearance
of C-N stretching vibrations at wave number
1242.16 cm-1 and O-H vibrations at wave number
3410.15 cm-1
The 6-allyl-8-methoxy-3-propyl-1,3-benzoxazine
compound and the 4-allyl-6- (dimethylamino)
methyl-2-methoxy phenol compound exhibit
antibacterial activity that is classified as strong
against S. mutans and E bacteria .coli. This is
indicated by the diameter of the clear zone produced
which is more than 8 mm so that both compounds act
as antibacterials that are classified as strong.
Author would like to thank to organic chemistry
laboratory faculty of mathematics and natural
sciences University of Sumatera Utara.
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