establish the application of Porter’s Five forces
analysis. Qualitative analysis is the rational,
explorative and intuitive approach to research.
Qualitative analysis was used in this case since the
study entails research questions and objectives that
focus on uncovering people’s experiences, opinions
and attitudes towards the five forces model. Repeated
choices, comments, and preferences were analysed
and grouped into themes that form the basis for
making conclusions.
There was a strong positive correlation between
the Five Forces Analysis as shown by the R value of
0.5. The F value of 0.019 and a small significance
value of 0.419 that is P = 0.419 > α = 0.05, indicates
that there is a regression relationship between the
dependent variable and the predictor variables. The
standardized coefficients of 0.70 show there is effect
of the Five Forces Analysis in the performance
potential of extreme night culinary in Jakarta.
The concentration of suppliers and the availability of
substitute suppliers are important factors in
determining supplier power. The tourists as
businesses or just usual tourist are in a better position
when there are a multitude of suppliers. Sources of
supplier power also include the switching share cost
from tourist and location of the destination in extreme
night culinary as a potential area in Jakarta.
The threat of new entrants in the extreme night
culinary in Jakarta can be considered as medium to
high. Moreover, new entrants need licenses,
insurances, distribution channels and other
qualifications that are not easy to obtain when you are
new tourism community in urban area, which is in
Jakarta have a qualification of area like slum area,
marginal area and urban area actually in central and
south Jakarta, there are a lot of culinary destination
with great target market and business oriented. A new
entrant is likely to not have this kind of expertise,
therefore creating a competitive disadvantage right
from the start the activity but the starting is to make
sure meeting point, schedule and rundown. New
entrants in an industry bring new capacity and the
desire to gain market share.
This is the Porter’s Five Forces examines how
intense the current competition is in the tourism
community. Rivalry is high when there are a lot of
competitors in tourism sector to make a balance.
Buyers or enthusiasts of tourism who are offered
unnatural attractions and culinary facilities will feel
the packages and activities can help give this new
experience a line. The bargaining power of
consumers is also higher when what is purchased is a
standard or undifferentiated product. When
conditions are like this, consumers can often
negotiate selling prices, warranty coverage and
accessory packages to a higher level.
In many industries, companies compete closely
with substitute product manufacturers in different
industries. The existence of a substitute product
creates the highest price limit that can be charged
before the consumer switches to a substitute product.
Competitive pressure from substitute products
increases with decreasing relative prices of substitute
products and as consumer costs of switching to other
products decrease, the best way to measure the
competitive strength of substitute products is to
monitor the market share gained by these products,
also by monitoring the company's plan to increase
capacity and market penetration.
The researcher made the following
recommendations: In line with the first research
question, the study concludes that there is a strong
positive relationship potential from Porter Five
Forces Analysis. The F value of 0.019 and a small
significance value of 0.419 that is P = 0.419 > α =
0.05, indicates that there is a regression relationship
between the dependent variable and the predictor
variables. The standardized coefficients of 0.70 show
there is effect of the Five Forces Analysis in the
performance potential of extreme night culinary in
Based on the findings of the study, the study
suggests that detailed research could be done to
ascertain the effect of each component of the Five
Forces individually and not all of them in a package
as were the case in this study. A study could also be
conducted on individual players within each force
such as different taste experiences with direct
visualization that is complemented by extreme food
processing attractions and the shortcomings of
extreme night culinary tourism in Jakarta is the
legality of the practice of using unusual and unnatural
food ingredients and even lack of permission and
protection for animals used in extreme night culinary
in Jakarta and not guaranteed food safety and halal
labels for certain tourists.