Tour Packaging based on Local Culinary Products
in Cireundeu Traditional Village
Khoirul Fajri and Titing Kartika
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi, Pariwisata Yapari, Bandung Indonesia
Keyword: Tour package, Kampung Adat Cireundeu, Local Culinary Products
Abstract: Packaging tour for a destination is very important. This is an effort to provide facilities for tourists in their
tourism activities in enjoying a destination. Incorporating culinary aspects into tour packages is still not a
priority in making tour packages so far. Cireundeu traditional village with typical local products like Rasi
(cassava Rice) is an interesting part and can be introduced to tourists. This study aims to analyze local
culinary products that can be used as tour packages in Cireundeu City of Cimahi. Tour Packaging can be
done among other with activities such as the introduction of local food with the community, educational
activities for making local food, as well as examining typical foods in terms of philosophy and history. The
method used in this research is a qualitative approach through interviews, observation and documentation
studies. The results of the study show that the packaging of tour packages based on local culinary products
can enrich the insights of tourists in addition to being able to enjoy nature, art and other cultures
The development of business sectors in Indonesia
specifically in the form of providing good products
from companies included in the business class,
tourism objects and tourism businesses, one of
which is a travel company that forms a travel
agency. The main role of the travel agency
according to Desky (2001: 3) is to connect between
tourists and companies which providing travel
facilities needed by tourists to reach the destination
of travel.
Moreover, according to Indonesian Law No. 10
of 2009 concerning tourism that the Travel Bureau
or tour operator has an important role in advancing
the development of tourism because its main
function is making tour package products for
tourists. For this reason, the innovations of the types
of tour packages
made by a tour and travel agency company need
to be improved, apart from tour packages for natural
destinations, religious destinations, game
destinations, it is also necessary to develop
developments in terms of cultural tourism packages
of a village or customary community. One of the
activities of an indigenous community or village that
can be developed in a tour package is its traditional
culinary processing.
A village in the middle of the Cimahi City
metropolitan namely Cireundeu Village is one of the
locations located in Leuwi Gajah Village, South
Cimahi District, Cimahi City. This is based on Law
No. 1 of 2001 concerning the formation of the City
of Cimahi. Cireundeu Village is located on the
border of Cimahi City and West Bandung Regency,
precisely with Batujajar District. The distance from
Cireundeu Village to Leuwi Gajah Village ± 2 km to
South Cimahi District, and 6 km to the City or
Cimahi City Government, with a flat topography,
bumpy to hilly.
With all the potential, the uniqueness and local
wisdom that is owned is a special attraction with its
unusual characteristics like other communities,
namely making cassava as its main foodstuff, among
others for snacks and processed staple foods such as
rice or better known as Rasi, In addition, Rasi is
food made from cassava produced by the people of
Kampung Cireundeu include cassava opak, sampeu
skin jerky (denkusam), egg roll, rangining, gendu
tape, peyeum, cassava chips, aci flour, cassava
spices and can be enjoyed and denkusam), egg roll,
rangining, gendu tape, peyeum, cassava chips, aci
flour, cassava spices and cassava chips can be
Fajri, K. and Kartika, T.
Tour Packaging based on Local Culinary Products in Cireundeu Traditional Village.
DOI: 10.5220/0010221301660171
In Proceedings of the 1st NHI Tourism Forum (NTF 2019) - Enhancing Innovation in Gastronomic for Millennials, pages 166-171
ISBN: 978-989-758-495-4
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
enjoyed and see firsthand the manufacturing process
in the village of Cireundeu.
One of the development of tour packages that
can be done by business travel companies in the
field of packing tour packages is the local culinary
tour package of the Cireundeu traditional village.
2.1 Tour Package
According to the WATA (World Association of
Travel Agent) provisions, tourism is a trip for more
than three days, organized by a travel office in the
city and the event includes browsing in various
places or cities both inside and outside the country.
Meanwhile, according to Government
Legislation number 10, year 2009 concerning
tourism: tourism is a journey carried out by a person
or group of people by visiting a particular place for
recreational purposes, personal development, or
studying the tourist attractions that he visits in a
temporary period.
Another opinion is from Hornby AS in Suyitno,
2001, tour is journey in which a short stays are made
at a number of places, and the traveler finally returns
to his or her own place. (Travel is a journey where
someone is in the trip temporarily stopped in several
places and finally returned to the original place
where he began to travel.)
Referring to the above definitions, it can be
concluded that the notion of tourism emphasizes
more on activities carried out by tourists in a tourism
journey. In a tourist trip, tourists visit a historical
tourist spot so that tourists can be said to have
carried out historical tourism activities. In the sense
that activity is done is to enjoy historical objects.
This is an illustration of activities in a tourism trip.
Where activities in tourism are very much
determined by the interest of tourists themselves.
Not only determined by tourists' interests but based
on available tourism resources. Therefore there are
many historical tourism terms, cultural wista, natural
tourism, educational tourism, sports tourism and
other types of tourism.
While the types of tourism in terms of activities
or activities according to Kesrul, (39-40: 2003)
consist of; Pleasure Tourism, Recreation tourism,
cultur tourism, adventure tourism, business tourism
and Sport tourism, or sports, namely tourism
activities with scheduled events as the main visit to
visit regional or international sports events.
In tourist activities, dining tour packages become
a very important part. Tour Packages according to
Nuriata (2014: 11) are defined as a tourist trip with
one or more visit destinations arranged from certain
travel facilities in a fixed travel event, and sold as a
single price that concerns all components of the tour.
Damardjati in Suyitno (2001: 67) defines a
package tour as a tour plan or event that has been
arranged in a fixed manner, with a certain price that
includes costs for transfer/transportation,
accommodation/hotel facilities, and sightseeing in
the city, these attractions will be cheaper to fall
compared to specially planned tours or request
Whereas according to Desky (2001: 23) The tour
package is a combination of several tourism
products, a minimum of two products, which are
packaged into a single price that cannot be separated
from each other,
Based on the above experts’ definitions about
tour packages, the authors conclude that tour
package is a travel product that is planned and
organized by a travel agency where the travel
program has one or several visit destinations that
involve certain travel facilities that have a single
price concerning all components of a tour.
The types of tour packages include:
a. According to Suyitno (2001: 69) in terms of its
arrangement, package tours can be divided into
two, namely Ready Made Tour and Tailor
Made Tour.
Ready Made Tour
Is a tour package prepared by the tour
operator without waiting for requests
from prospective participants. In other
words, the preparation of the product is
entirely on the initiative of the tour
Tailor Made Tour
A tour package that has been prepared
after a request from prospective
b. Definition of tour packages in terms of the
origin of tourists
According to the Desky (2001: 23),
Inbound is a tour package designed for
the consumption of foreign tourists with
the aim of traveling domestically. While
Outbound is a tour package designed for
consumption of domestic tourists, with
the of traveling abroad. In addition Yoeti
(2010: 75) inbound tourism is tourism that
specifically attracts or brings in foreign
tourists (foreign tourists) into the country
in order to increase foreign exchange
Tour Packaging based on Local Culinary Products in Cireundeu Traditional Village
earnings from the tourism sector. This
type of tourism will succeed, if domestic
tourism can be developed properly.
2.2 Itinerary
Itinerary according to Suyitno (2001) in a travel
planning book gives an understanding "A document
that can be used to illustrate the implementation of a
tour or become a shadow product that will be
accepted by consumers". Meanwhile, according to
Robert T Reilly is still in Suyitno, giving a
definition; "A day byday schedule of travel plans
and arrangements on a specific tour"
According to M. Kesrul (2003: 41), the
itinerary or tour program is: "A document that
contains a travel program, from the departure to the
destination to return to the place of origin with an
explanation of the travel time, the object of the visit
and the place to eat.
2.3 Cullinary
Culinary in English means kitchen matters relating
to cooking skills. A culinary center is a place to eat
with many food stands. Visitors are free to choose,
both food and eating places. The interior layout of
the Culinary Center is equivalent to the food court.
Food court is a place to eat with counters consisting
of various food vendors and a public area is
provided for self-serve dining. (Chambers-Essential
English Dictionary. Chambers Harrap Publishers
From various books including Larousse
Gastronomique's book The World’s Greatest
Cookerry Encyclopedia, there is no precise meaning
of Culinaire or Culinary. Culinary is also called the
art of cuisine. Textbooks on culinary books are used
by professionals so that they can control the
restaurant kitchen in terms of cooking techniques.
The basic theories of cooking skills include
management, selection of ingredients, preparation of
ingredients before processing, storage of ingredients,
menu settings, food processing, utilization of
leftovers, utilization of cooking utensils, food
appearance, and workforce management (Soenardi,
The methodology used was qualitative approach.
The itinerary and design analysis of Cireundeu
leader community, Chief of kompepar in Cireundeu
and coordinator of local cullinary processing. Whilst
data collection was conducted by interview
techniques and literature studies
Based on the results of the research that has been
done, the following findings are obtained The
formula of packaging processing local cullinarry in
Cireunde as the product of tour package.
4.1 Culinary Potency
4.1.1 Making Rasi from Cassava
The first thing to make Rasi is to pull out the cassava
first after that it is peeled and paruded (a and b) until
smooth and washed thoroughly (c) and squeezed (d)
after being squeezed in the aci drying until a day
after dry, lifted and crushed until powdered and soft
after sifting and then made into a dough and steamed
until cooked for a maximum of five minutes (e and
Figure 1: Process of Making Rasi
Source: KKN STIEPAR 2019
4.1.2 Eggroll
Eggrolls are made with ingredients including eggs,
butter, sugar, constipation, cassava flour, and flour.
With the manufacturing flow as follows:
NTF 2019 - The NHI Tourism Forum
a. Eggs washed
b. Mixing ingredients: eggs, sugar, developer (in
the mixer) with cassava flour, flour, milk and
c. After that the ingredients are mixed into a
d. Then enter the printing stage
e. After that enter the packaging stage
f. Finally, Eggroll products are labeled,
production code and shelf life
Figure 2: Egg Roll
Source KKN, 2019
4.1.3 Cireng
Cireng made with ingredients including cassava
flour, leeks, salt, flavoring, pepper and hot water.
With the manufacturing flow as follows:
a. Leek washed and sliced
b. All ingredients are mixed and kneaded
c. After that the ingredients are mixed into a
d. Then enter the printing stage
e. After that enter the frying stage
f. Finally, Cireng products are neatly packaged
Figure 3: Cireng
4.1.4 Dendeng
Sampeu skin beef jerky is made with ingredients
including cassava peel and catfish with galangal,
white ingredients, onion, coriander, brown sugar,
white sugar, salt, pepper, flavoring and tamarind.
Production Process
a. Cassava peels are washed, boiled, soaked and
b. Then catfish in pilet and in milled
c. After that galangal, onion, garlic and coriander
washed and then blended
d. Mix the ingredients and seasonings in a cook
until evenly mixed and cooked
e. After that the ingredients are mixed into a
f. Then enter the printing and baking stage
g. After that enter the frying stage
h. Finally, Sampeu Skin Dendeng products are
neatly packaged
Figure 4: Dendeng
4.1.5 Kecipir
Kecipir is made with ingredients including cassava
flour, eggs, butter, salt and flavoring.
Production Process:
a. Eggs washed
b. After that the ingredients are mixed into a
mixture and knead
c. Then enter the printing and frying stage
d. Lastly, Tasting products are neatly packaged
in addition to products produced by Serba
Singkong, there are also other products from
Cireundeu Village that are no less interesting. The
product is called Cassava Noodles or better known
as Mikong which has been established since 2017 in
Cireundeu Village based on a proposal from the
Ministry of Agriculture of Bogor.
The process of making Mikong takes one to two
days due to the heating process of cassava in the
oven for 10 hours before finally being processed to
the next stage. Mikong is not the same as instant
noodles in general, which uses seasoning. Teapi,
how to cook the same, only boiled and drained and
then mixed with the spices that have been provided.
The difference,
Tour Packaging based on Local Culinary Products in Cireundeu Traditional Village
Mikong is instant noodles made from cassava
which is marketed at a price of Rp 5,000 / pcs.
Figure 5: Mikong
4.2 Local Culinary Package
Based on the results of interviews with informants,
among others, one of the Cireundeu indigenous
elders, Abah Widi, obtained data information that
the development of visitors who want to see the
activities or activities of the Cireundeu community,
especially seeing the processing of cassava-based
food from time to time, there is an increase,
especially on days holiday.
Meanwhile, the representative of the compepar,
Mr. Ajat, also provided information that the
Kompepar was continuing to work on developing
cooperation with both the non-commercial
community and travel companies to arrange a
package of tourism packages, especially the local
culinary tour of Cireunde.
The steps in the preparation of culinary tour
packages based on information and data obtained are
as follows:
Figure 6: The Steps in The Preperation f Culinary Tour
Source: Research Data Analysis
4.3 Macro Factors
a. Human Resources
b. Local Government Regulation
c. Social and Culture
d. Technology
e. Geography
f. The Economy
g. Facilities and infrastructure
4.4 Micro Factors
a. Prospective Travelers
b. Visit Duration
c. Fees charged
d. Travel partners
4.5 Input
a. Culinary attraction
b. Local guide on culinary tourism
c. Cost of culinary processing raw materialsiner
4.6 Process
a. Compilation of culinary tourism programs
b. Calculation of selling prices for culinary tour
c. Making a culinary tour package brochure
4.7 Output
a. Product Information Culinary tour packages in
the form of brochures
b. Cireundeu people's skills in packaging culinary
tour packages
4.8 Feedback
a. Evaluation results after organizing a culinary
tour package that has been prepared or
b. Program improvement activities or prices of
culinary tour packages.
Based on the results of the study, a conclusion can
be made based on the identification of
predetermined problems, namely:
NTF 2019 - The NHI Tourism Forum
a. The indigenous people of Cireunde village
have a lot of potential local traditional culinary
tourism which can be developed into several
types of traditional culinary tourism packages
with the same basic ingredients namely
b. The technique of packaging culinary tour
packages in the indigenous community of
Cireunde village can be done in 4 (Four) steps,
namely: 1). Input, 2). Process, 3). Output, 4).
Feedback or evaluation process. By paying
attention to 2 factors, namely macro and micro
DeskyPengantar Bisnis Biro Perjalanan Wisata, Adicita
Yogyakarta, 2001
Indonesian Law of Tourism No. 10. 2009
Suyitno, Perencanaan wisata, Kanisius Yogyakarta 2001
Kesrul (2003) Penyelenggaraan operasi perjalanan wisata,
PT. Gramedia Widisarana, Jakarta, 2003
Nuriata Paket Wisata (Penyusunan Produk dan
penhitungan harga) Alfabeta, Bandung, 2014
Chambers-Essential English Dictionary. Chambers Harrap
Publishers Ltd.: 1995)
Soenardi, Tuti dan Tim Yayasan Gizi Kuliner Jakarta.
2013. Teori Dasar Kuliner. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia
Pustaka Utama
Tour Packaging based on Local Culinary Products in Cireundeu Traditional Village