enjoyed and see firsthand the manufacturing process
in the village of Cireundeu.
One of the development of tour packages that
can be done by business travel companies in the
field of packing tour packages is the local culinary
tour package of the Cireundeu traditional village.
2.1 Tour Package
According to the WATA (World Association of
Travel Agent) provisions, tourism is a trip for more
than three days, organized by a travel office in the
city and the event includes browsing in various
places or cities both inside and outside the country.
Meanwhile, according to Government
Legislation number 10, year 2009 concerning
tourism: tourism is a journey carried out by a person
or group of people by visiting a particular place for
recreational purposes, personal development, or
studying the tourist attractions that he visits in a
temporary period.
Another opinion is from Hornby AS in Suyitno,
2001, tour is journey in which a short stays are made
at a number of places, and the traveler finally returns
to his or her own place. (Travel is a journey where
someone is in the trip temporarily stopped in several
places and finally returned to the original place
where he began to travel.)
Referring to the above definitions, it can be
concluded that the notion of tourism emphasizes
more on activities carried out by tourists in a tourism
journey. In a tourist trip, tourists visit a historical
tourist spot so that tourists can be said to have
carried out historical tourism activities. In the sense
that activity is done is to enjoy historical objects.
This is an illustration of activities in a tourism trip.
Where activities in tourism are very much
determined by the interest of tourists themselves.
Not only determined by tourists' interests but based
on available tourism resources. Therefore there are
many historical tourism terms, cultural wista, natural
tourism, educational tourism, sports tourism and
other types of tourism.
While the types of tourism in terms of activities
or activities according to Kesrul, (39-40: 2003)
consist of; Pleasure Tourism, Recreation tourism,
cultur tourism, adventure tourism, business tourism
and Sport tourism, or sports, namely tourism
activities with scheduled events as the main visit to
visit regional or international sports events.
In tourist activities, dining tour packages become
a very important part. Tour Packages according to
Nuriata (2014: 11) are defined as a tourist trip with
one or more visit destinations arranged from certain
travel facilities in a fixed travel event, and sold as a
single price that concerns all components of the tour.
Damardjati in Suyitno (2001: 67) defines a
package tour as a tour plan or event that has been
arranged in a fixed manner, with a certain price that
includes costs for transfer/transportation,
accommodation/hotel facilities, and sightseeing in
the city, these attractions will be cheaper to fall
compared to specially planned tours or request
Whereas according to Desky (2001: 23) The tour
package is a combination of several tourism
products, a minimum of two products, which are
packaged into a single price that cannot be separated
from each other,
Based on the above experts’ definitions about
tour packages, the authors conclude that tour
package is a travel product that is planned and
organized by a travel agency where the travel
program has one or several visit destinations that
involve certain travel facilities that have a single
price concerning all components of a tour.
The types of tour packages include:
a. According to Suyitno (2001: 69) in terms of its
arrangement, package tours can be divided into
two, namely Ready Made Tour and Tailor
Made Tour.
Ready Made Tour
Is a tour package prepared by the tour
operator without waiting for requests
from prospective participants. In other
words, the preparation of the product is
entirely on the initiative of the tour
Tailor Made Tour
A tour package that has been prepared
after a request from prospective
b. Definition of tour packages in terms of the
origin of tourists
According to the Desky (2001: 23),
Inbound is a tour package designed for
the consumption of foreign tourists with
the aim of traveling domestically. While
Outbound is a tour package designed for
consumption of domestic tourists, with
the of traveling abroad. In addition Yoeti
(2010: 75) inbound tourism is tourism that
specifically attracts or brings in foreign
tourists (foreign tourists) into the country
in order to increase foreign exchange