dilution method followed by pour plate method in
dichloran 18% glycerol agar (DG18 medium) (5 g/l
peptone, 10 g/l glucose, 1 g/l KH
, 220 g/l
glycerol, 0.5 g/l MgSO
O, 15 g/l bacto agar, 2.0
mg/l dichloran and 100 mg/l chloramphenicol (Pitt
and Hocking 2009). Twenty five gram of each
sample in 500 ml erlenmeyer was diluted in 250 ml
sterilized distilled water. The suspension was
homogenized using shaker (Gallenkamp, orbital
shaker SG92, England) 100 rpm for 2 minutes.
Four dilutions, 10
, 10
, 10
and 10
were made.
From the 10
or 10
dilution, 1 ml was transfered
onto petridish (diameter 9 cm) and pour plated in
DG18 medium. The plates were incubated at
ambient temperature (29±2ºC) for 6 days. All
colonies were counted as colony forming unit per
gram (cfu/g) of the sample. Each single separate
colony was isolated and cultured on czapex yeast
extract agar (CYA) or CYA+20% sucrose
(CYA20S) and identified. Macroscopic and
microscopic identification of each fungal species
were conducted according to Pitt and Hocking
(2009).. All of the storage fungi are culture
collection of Microbiology Laboratory, Biology
Department, Sumatera Utara University. Each fungal
isolates was kept on potato dextrose agar (PDA)
slants and subcultured before used.
2.2 Plant Material
Calliandra calothyrsus was obtained from
abandoned area 1300 meter above sea level at
Berastagi, Karo Regency, North Sumatera Province,
2.3 Plant Extraction
Methanol extract of Calliandra calothyrsus was
prepared according to Larson et al. (2016). Four
kilogram of the fresh leaves were air dried to
constant weight and ground using electrical grinder
to 1.2 kg fine powder and dissolved in 15 l 96%
methanol (MeOH) for 48 hours. The simplisia was
then filtered using Whatman’s No.1 filter paper,
removed to clean vessel and concentrated using
rotary evaporator (Heidolph, Instruments GmbH and
Co, KG Walpersdorfer Str, Germany). This was
repeated three times. The extract appears as semi-
solid greenish paste.
2.4 Flavonoid and Flavonol Test
For test flavonoid, 10 g fine powder of the leaves
was extracted with 100 ml 96% methanol and
suspended for 12 hours, the extract was filtered
using Whatman’s No.1 filter paper and hydrolized
by hydrochloric acid (HCL) 6% in warm condition
for 1 hour. Immediate development of red color
indicates the presence of flavonoids. The flavonol in
methanol extract was identified both using
Ultraviolet-Visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis) (200 to
500 nm) and nuclear magnetic resonance proton
spectrum (
2.5 Antifungal Test
Paper disc diffusion inhibition method was used to
determine antifungal activity of the extract in petri
dish 9 cm diameter. Agar plugs (5.0 mm in
diameter) of potato dextrose agar plate containing 5
days fungal mycelia were made. Plant extract was
dissolved in DMSO to make concentration 0, 20, 40,
60, 80 and 100%. Antifungal ketoconazole (10
µl/mL) were used as the reference standard. Steril
paper discs (5.0 mm) were impregnated with each
extract concentration and allowed to dry before
being placed in PDA plate. The agar plugs and discs
were placed in petridishes (9 cm diameter)
containing PDA plates. This was repeated three
times. All plates were incubated at 29°C for 6 days
and observed for zone inhibition. The diameter of
the zones were determine in millimeter (mm).
2.6 Germination Inhibition Test
Ten mL of semi-solid potato dextrose agar medium
containing plant extract at concentration 0, 20, 40,
60 and 80% and ketoconazole (10 µl/mL) were
made. Conidial suspension of each storage fungi
were prepared by washing 7 days old PDA cultures
with 10 mL steril distilled water containing 0.05%
Tween 80. The concentration of conidia was
adjusted to 1×10
and 1 mL of the conidial
suspension was mixed thoroughly with the semi-
solid PDA containing plant extract. Three drops of
conidial suspension of each fungal species were
cultured on sterilized microscope glass slide. All of
the glass slides were covered with cover glass then
were incubated for 20 h at ambient temperature
(29°C). Each was repeated three times. The
percentage of germinating conidia was observed
microscopically after 20 h by counting 100 conidia.
Germinating conidia were considered based on the
presence of germ tubes at the germ pore.