High fungal population at moisture content 8.2%
in cacao and 12% in coffee beans indicate that most
storage fungi were able to grow at low moisture
content. The presence of yeast in cacao beans might
the single cellular yeast still viable after
fermentation stage before drying process. In
addition, a total of 14 A. flavus strains were isolated
from cacao and coffee beans. Higher moisture
content in coffee beans might more A. flavus was
found than that of cacao beans. The cacao bean was
colonized by 3 strains of aflatoxigenic A. flavus
while 4 strains on coffee beans.
The presence of fungal infection at cacao and coffee
bean at collector distribution chain was potentially
reduced quality and mycotoxin contamination.
Appropriate postharvest handling of cacao and
coffee beans was required to prevent fungal growth
during storage.
The research was funded by Universitas Sumatera
Utara, contract DRPM Reseach grant no.
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