Figure 1: The percentage inhibition of bacterial growth in
kirinyuh leaf extract.
Figure 2: The inhibition zone bacterial growth on hobo
According to Andriani et al., (2016) Secondary
metabolite compounds such as flavonoids, alkaloids
and saponins have potential as antimicrobial agents.
This was confirmed by Heinrich (2009) who stated
that flavonoid compounds.
Kurnonealoin compounds can cause bacterial
proteins to become inactive and lose their function,
while saponins can dissolve lipids in bacterial cell
membranes, as a result it can reduce lipid tension,
change cell permeability, abnormal cell function and
eventually lysis and cause death (Ismiyati, 2014). S.
aueus and E. coli are pathogenic bacterial isolates
with thick cell walls because they contain a lot of
peptidoglycan and are quite thick (20 -80 nm) and
also contain teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid
(Heinrich et al. 2009).
This bacterial cell wall arrangement contains
only one layer of plasma membrane, this is what
causes its osmotic pressure to drop dramatically
when given the anthracurnonealoin complex
contained in aloe vera extract. So that the bacterial
cell will have difficulty controlling the respiration
process and ion transport from outside the cell.
Based on the results of data analysis from the One-
Way Anova test, the significance results were
smaller than 0.05, which means that there were
significant differences in the inhibitory power of
various concentrations of kirinyuh leaf extract and
hobo raw on the growth of S. aureus and E. coli
isolates in compared to control (-) and ( +), meaning
that the three concentrations of kirinyuh leaf extract
and hobo have antibacterial effects against S. aureus
and E. coli but not as strong as the control (+).
Secondary metabolites of kirinyuh and hobo is a
group of flavonoids, alkaloides, steroids and
saponins that potential as antibacterial to inhibit S.
aureus and E. coli.
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