Determination of the Stress Level of Active Smokers after 3 Days of
Intake of Vitamin C Tablets
Endang Susilawati
Muhammad Taufik
, Afniwati
, Mariany Razali
and Desi Ardilla
Nursing Department, Poltekkes Kemenke,s Medan, Indonesia
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Pharmacy Department, Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien, Medan, Indonesia
Agricultural Technology Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Stress Level, HARS, Vitamin C, Active smokers.
Abstract: Stress is the body's reaction that occurs when someone faces a threat, pressure, or a change. Stress can also
occur because of situations or thoughts that make a person feel hopeless, nervous, angry, or excited. The
instrument used in determining the level of stress is the HARS method. This study aims to determine the
stress level of active cigarette users after 3 days of vitamin C intake. To quasi experimental was carried out
in one group pre test - post test design with a cross sectional approach. The results showed that Correlation
0,800, Sig.: 0,000 at level 0,01, Df: N- 1. t = 1,000: in this research, t = 6,679 > 2,4620 (significant). Sig.
(2-tailed): p value at T Paired = 0,000. In means : there is a difference between before and after treatment.
Because: p value > 0,05 (95% confidence). The relationship between giving Vitamin C to stress levels gave
a very strong relationship after the third day of giving Vitamin C.
Stress is a state when a person feels mental and
mental discomfort caused by feeling depressed (Das,
Mishra, and Murari 2020). Stress is individual and is
basically destructive when there is no balance
between individual mental endurance and the stress
load that is felt (Wang et al. 2020). The sources of
stress or causes of stress are recognized as stressors
(Bawuna;, Julia Rottie, and Onibala 2017).
External stressors come from outside the
individual such as stressors in the environment and
social stressors, namely pressure from outside
caused by the individual's interaction with their
environment (Wolniak 2020). Unavoidable
traumatic social stressors, such as losing loved ones,
losing jobs, retiring from work, divorce, financial
problems, moving house and others. Meanwhile,
internal stressors are stressors that come from within
the individual, such as psychological stressors,
usually negative internal stress, such as frustration,
anxiety, guilt, excessive worry, anger, hate, sadness,
jealousy, self-pity, as well as a sense of inferiority
(Bawuna;, Julia Rottie, and Onibala 2017).
Biological stressors such as the release of
neurotrasmitters during stress from the adrenal
glands, the medulla ie epinephrine and
norepinephrine in response to stress. The release of
neurotransmitters causes physiological effects such
as increased heart rate, increased alertness and
others (Wolniak 2020).
A person who consumes a cigarette for the first
time experiences several symptoms such as
coughing, a bitter tongue, and nausea, but some of
the beginners ignore these symptoms (Williamson
and Proud 2011). Usually this situation continues to
become tobacco dependency or tobacco dependence.
Tobacco dependency itself can be defined as
sedentary tobacco use. Usually more than half a
pack of cigarettes per day, and done repeatedly. This
means that smoking behavior is a fun behavior and
shifts into an obsessive activity, which if stopped
suddenly will cause distress. This is because nicotine
is addictive and if it is stopped suddenly it will cause
stress (Defie et al. 2018). Even though active
smokers know the harmful effects of smoking, many
of these smokers persist.
Determination of the stress level of smokers can
use the HARS method. Stress is a stimulus or
situation that causes distress and creates physical
and psychological demands on it. someone. Stress
requires coping and adaptation (Bawuna;, Julia