reactions, neutralize and scavenge free radicals.
Water-soluble vitamins that can function well as
antioxidants are commonly known as vitamin C or
ascorbic acid. This vitamin C plays an important role
in protecting cell damage caused by free radicals.
Because structural vitamin C is similar to glucose
and can replace glucose in various chemical
reactions (Pacier and Martirosyan 2015).
Nicotine extraction from smoker's urine can be
done in several ways, namely extraction, maceration,
reflux, and distillation. Extraction by means of
maceration gives an advantage, so that it is not
damaged and so that more tends to be obtained.
Extraction by maceration was identified by
sonication and electrosynthesis methods (Taufik et
al. 2017). Fidrianny (2004) has carried out the
preparation and analysis of nicotine contained in
smoker's urine where chloroform is used as a solvent
in sample preparation The electrolysis coupling
maceration method is the best extraction method
compared to the results of the maceration method
(Muhammad Taufik, Rid Wanto, Athaillah, Anny
Sartika Daulay, Lilis Karlina Siahaan, Desi Ardilla,
Mariany Razali 2017). However, this study has a
weakness where the solvent used has not been
optimized. In this work, the use of UV spectroscopy
was also developed at a wavelength of 260 nm.
However, this study is a basic study in order to
search for nicotine in the urine of smokers simply in
the laboratory.
2.1 Sample Collection
The sample was collected purposively, namely based
on the criteria determined by the researcher. The
sample obtained was the urine of volunteers who
consumed cigarettes that had been given vitamin C
and not given vitamin C. The samples were taken
within 24 hours after the volunteers consumed
cigarettes. The urine sample used was from Garu II
Medan Amplas. The dose of with Vitamin C = 50
mg x 2. Samples were taken until day 7.
2.2 Administration of Vitamin C
Filling in the questionnaire sheet including name,
age. Followed by giving vitamin C 50 mg / tab x 2
for 2 times a day morning and evening to volunteers
for 7 days.
2.3 Preparation and Extraction
Each 25 ml active smoker's urine sample was added
with 25 ml of chloroform inserted into a separating
funnel. The lower layer was put into a 50 ml beaker
glass and followed by maceration of the
electrosynthetic coupling for 15 minutes. The result
of maceration is evaporated until the solvent
evaporates. The nicotine evaporated was diluted at
pH 9 then continued with qualitative and
quantitative analysis.
2.4 Preliminary Test using Cyanogen
The extracted sample was dripped with Cyanogen
bromide reagent until a yellow color was obtained
which indicated positive nicotine, observed the
yellow color that occurred and compared it with the
standard differentiated into + (slightly), ++
(moderate), +++ (abundant).
2.5 TLC Analysis
Thin layer chromatography (TLC) analysis was
performed using the mobile phase of Methanol:
Chloroform (50:50). The stain appearance solution
used was dragendorff reagent. Physically, the stain
analysis uses UV light.
2.6 UV Analysis
The results of the smoker's urine sample which was
macerated with electrosynthetic coupling were
analyzed quantitatively using MDA 50 UV-Vis
spectrophotometry. This instrument was switched on
for 10-15 minutes and used a wavelength of 200-800
nm. The cuvette used was a glass cuvette with a
thickness of 10 mm, a square shape. In this work, the
blank used is methanol.
Preparation and Extraction
The sample was taken from 5 respondents who were
active smokers. The preparation has a very
important role in determining the success of the
extraction and analysis process. The extraction
process uses chloroform as a solvent. This sample
extraction aims to separate nicotine from the urine of
active smokers. The electro synthetic method was