The Benefits of Massage on Subjective Physiological Complaints in
the Second Semester Students of IKOR FIK Universitas Negeri
Fentje Welliam Langitan
, Cindy Ranti Rantung
Department of Health and Recreation Education, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tomohon, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Department of Sports Education, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tomohon, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Massaging, Subjective Physiological, IKOR.
Abstract: From the fact of field observation both physical education teachers and coaches do not understand the importance
of the implementation of massage for warming up and cooling down dynamically, in one activity or sport and
exercise activities at that time. Moreover, athletes were massaged at the rest period or the next round. They
found massage to be a beneficial role for the recovery and physical condition, injury prevention. This
formulation of the research problem is whether the benefits of massaging on the lack of physiological
complaint in the second-semester students of IKOR FIK. The method in this study is a quasi-experimental
design with one group pretest-posttest design. Data analysis techniques used to test the hypothesis in this
study is the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Based on data collection and data
processing, it can be concluded that
massaging can be benefits to the decline of subjective, physiological
complaints in the second-semester
students of IKOR FIK Universitas Negeri Manado.
Massaging is one of the most effective ways to assist in
the athlete coaching process. Massaging is a massage
activity with hands on the surface of the body to help
facilitate the circulation of blood and fluids (Delaxtrat,
2013). Its implementation is by the form of massage,
polishing, anxiety and beating on blood surface of skin
and muscle correctly. However, massage can cause
excitement in the nerve ducts located in the entire body
tissue to cause a reaction, resulting in muscle and joint
movement, and help the process of metabolism in the
body. More than that, massage is useful for the
maintenance of the body and reduce fatigue only and
naturally in sports.
Massaging is an effort that is used as an active
break during exercise in volleyball, basketball and
other sports (Zadkhosh, Joseph, 2018). Even
massaging is done to stimulate the body to produce
heat naturally needed for athletes who do not warm
up enough in avoiding injury. In the implementation
of massaging, it needs to be considered in particular
areas as a massage area. So that massage is done
useful and brings a positive effect for the body
(Giovanelli, 2018). Massaging is only performed on
specific body parts such as a javelin thrower that
allows the thrower not to continue his work due to
illness. So massage should only be done in times of
need (Langitan, 2012). According to Hardianto
(1993), "massage can prevent injury by applying an
electric appliance, the water sprays or by the
manipulation with hand massage". The benefits of
massaging for body tissue consist of four parts are:
first, the benefits of massaging to the neural network;
second, the benefits of massaging to skin tissue; third,
the benefits of massaging to muscle tissue, and
finally, the benefits of massaging to the circulatory
system (Jung, 2000).
Furthermore, according to (Rahim, 1988) massaging
may be used for: a) hygienic massage, b) therapeutic
massage (c) massage in joint injury and massage in the
treatment of muscle and tendon injury. In reality, both
physical education teachers and trainers still do not
understand the importance of the implementation of
massage as a substitute for dynamic warning and
dynamic calling down, in one activity or sport or
exercise activities at
that time—moreover, an athlete
who is playing a game or a race. Trainers do not
perform massage while at rest to enter in the next set
or round their role; the role is beneficial for the
recovery of the condition and physical, injury
prevention. Based on the above facts, researchers feel
interested in examining the benefits of massaging to