out by involving the active role of the
community and all parties involved, both
election participants, political parties, election
participants, the Government and the
community. Participatory supervision is needed
to support democratic elections.
The need for direct involvement of outsiders in
carrying out participatory; The firstly, the presence
of large-scale voters in Indonesia. Second, efforts
to equalize perceptions among stakeholders and at
the same time, increase awareness of the courage to
report indications of violations of election
implementation. Third, as a political education for
the public to participate in all stages of the
Election, and fourth, in an effort to introduce the
duties and authority of the election supervisory
board to the community so that the community is
willing to support the work of the Election
Supervisory Body in conducting election
2. Cooperation
The reason for cooperation conducted by the
election supervisory board of Riau Province consists
of two things: first, subjective reasons, namely
personnel limitations. And the second reason is
objective reasons, namely: a very wide area of
supervision and a limited ratio of election
supervisory personnel when viewed from the
unbalanced number of government administrative
areas. Therefore the election supervisory board of
Riau Province cooperates with various parties,
including KPU, DKPP, Sentragakkumdu,
Universities, Community Organizations, Media,
and Communities.
The concrete step of the election supervisory
board in conducting participatory supervision, as
part of a program of cooperation with other parties is
to create a "One Million Volunteer Election
Movement". This movement was raised when
guarding the 2014 election. The election supervisory
board actively formed a million volunteers from
various elements, including the community,
students, the media and activists of community
organizations who were concerned about election
The principles used in raising election
supervisor volunteers are: first, mutual respect,
without coercion, beneficial both parties and
transparently accountable. Second, creating
dependency, planned, measured and has legal
certainty. Third, proportional, professional, effective
and efficient.
3. Institutional Optimization
The strengthening of the election supervisory
board consists of two categories, namely: internal
institutions and external institutions of
a) Internal institutional of strengthening
Optimization of the internal institutions of
the election watchdog organization is carried out
in two ways: first, Strengthening the
performance of supervisors. The main role of the
election supervisory body is as an institution that
oversees all stages of the Election. Therefore, the
performance indicators of the election
supervisory board are the success of democratic
elections at the provincial level with integrity
supervision. In the oversight process carried out,
the Election Supervisory Body identifies various
violations that occur in the election process.
Second, strengthening human resource capacity.
This step is carried out by coaching the election
supervisory board members at the provincial
level down to the following ways: education
related to supervision and guidance that
originates from findings/information in the field.
b) External institutional of strengthening
External institutional strengthening consists
of two, namely: building synergy with
stakeholders and creating a positive image in the
4. Actions
The action is a follow-up action from the program
prepared by the election supervisory board in an
effort to strengthen the institution. The election
supervisory board implemented two actions in
carrying out its authority as election supervisors,
including first, preventive measures—prevention of
potential violations by taking action, optimal steps
and efforts to prevent early potential violations.
Prevention must be results-oriented. The methods
used are socialization, stakeholder involvement,
early warning, mass media publications and
recommendations. Second, repression. Enforcement
of alleged violations by taking action to deal quickly
and accurately with the findings and/or reports of
alleged election.
5. Evaluation.
Evaluation is the final stage of the communication
strategy carried out by the election supervisory
board in institutional strengthening. In the
Evaluation, phase consists of two activities, namely
monitoring and Evaluation. Monitoring is carried out
periodically to all the performance of personnel and