islands located at the tip of Sulawesi Island such as
Sangir, Ternate and foreign migrants who have long
formed their communities such as Chinese, Arabic,
and Indian. The settlement of people with old age
proved the interrelation of the presence of the city of
Manado. Other evidence is also seen from several
old heritage sites and old cultural attractions that are
loved by the local community.
From various investment findings related to
community life, cultural attractions and heritage
sites can become a strong tourism asset and become
separate alternative tourism, when it is built together
to support each other to form the synergy of heritage
tourism in the city of Manado. The purpose of this
study was to analyze The Synergy of the
development of various cultural and historical
attractions as a Heritage Tourism around the area of
China Village, Manado.
Tourism is several relationships and symptoms that
result from the stay of foreigners, provided that their
stay does not cause temporary or permanent
residence and business as an attempt to find a full
job. Mc Intosch and Gupta (1980) limit that tourism
is a combination of symptoms and relationships
arising from the interaction of tourists, business,
government, and host communities in the process of
attracting and serving tourists and other supporters.
Meanwhile, Matieson and Wall (1982) define
tourism as the temporary movement of people to an
area outside their place of residence and workplace;
the activities carried out guarantee them during their
stay in the destination and facilities made to meet
their needs. Furthermore, Spillane (1987) states that
tourism is a journey from one place to another that is
temporarily carried out by individuals or in groups
as an effort to find balance and happiness in the
environment in the dimensions of social, cultural,
natural, and scientific. Whereas, Ben (2010)
mentions that tourism is the study systematically
related to symptoms, a person’s journey, or many
people from a particular place, with various
purposes. Thus, it can be concluded that tourism is a
journey only to enjoy, not to find work with various
purposes, where tourist destinations provide various
facilities to be enjoyed by visitors which ultimately
bring income to the community.
In the development of tourism, there are tourist
objects and attractions. In Undang-Undang Republik
Indonesia (1990) states that there are two types of
objects and tourist attractions which consist of: (1)
objects and tourist attractions created by God
Almighty in the form of natural conditions, flora,
and fauna; (2) tourist objects and attractions
resulting from human works in the form of
museums, ancient relics, historical relics, cultural
arts, agro-tourism, water tourism, hunting tours,
nature adventure tours, recreational parks, and
entertainment venues. A tourist destination has an
attraction. Besides having to have tourist objects
and attractions, also has three requirements such as
(1) there is something that can be seen (something to
see); (2) something can be done (something to do);
(3) and there is something that can be bought
(something to buy), (Karyono, 1991). Whereas
according to Spillane (1994) there are five essential
elements in a tourist attraction are consisting of: (1)
attraction, concerning things that attract tourists; (2)
facilities needed; (3) infrastructure of objects; (4)
transportation modes; (5) hospitality, attitude in
serving and receiving guests. Furthermore, Forsyth
and Dwyer (1996) state that there are three types of
resources in tourism, including (1) natural resources
such as mountains, beaches, wild areas, deserts,
oceans, lakes, flora, and fauna; (2) human-made
resources or human-made resources such as historic
cities, villages, entertainment, a mixture of
recreation and sports, monuments, sites, religious
buildings, museums and so on; (3) human resources
such as the population of a destination, social-
cultural relations of the population, cultural values,
artistic and cultural activities.
Tourism history and culture are included in the
category of human-made and human resources, as
well as resources that are hundreds of years old.
Nuryanti (1996) states that in the socio-cultural
context, the tourist attraction category is included in
the cultural heritage attractions related to tourism
and heritage. It has been agreed in the Piagam
Pelestarian Pusaka Indonesia (2003) that Indonesia’s
heritage includes natural heritage, cultural heritage,
and Saujana heritage which is a combination of
natural heritage and cultural heritage in the unity of
space and time. Regarding heritage tourism in the
form of archaeological sites, cultural dances and
folklore and other local wisdom as heritage tourism
show that there is a particular interest from various
visitors to see and learn about local culture (Yang,
2012). Heritage tourism has its enthusiasm but needs
to be maintained so that it does not cause this tourist
attraction to be damaged. The importance of the role
of tourists is to conserve cultural tourism (Irandu
and Evaristus, 2004). Khreis (2015) states that in the
development of heritage tourism looking more at the
management model that promotes carrying capacity,