goods and their services ". After the product is ready
to be marketed, the company will determine the price
of the product. The price offered by Transmart
Carrefour Grand Kawanua varies according to the
product being sold. Place where the product is
available in several distribution channels and outlets
that allow consumers to obtain a product quickly. The
place in the marketing mix is usually called the
distribution channel; the channel where the product
reaches the consumer. Promotion (promotion)
describes a variety of ways in which companies take
in order to sell products to consumers. According to
Tjiptono (2008), promotion is essentially a form of
marketing communication. What is meant by
marketing communication is marketing activities that
seek to disseminate information, influence / persuade,
and/or remind target markets for companies and their
products to be willing to accept, buy, and be loyal to
the products offered by the companies concerned.
Promotion carried out by Transmart Carrefour Grand
Kawanua is with electronic and print media.
According to the Fitzsimmons brothers in
Sulastiyono (2011) explained that the quality of
service is something complex, and guests will assess
the quality of service through the five dimensions of
service dimensions as their measurements, as follows:
Reliability (Reliability), is the ability to provide
precisely and correctly the type of service that
has been promised to guests.
Responsiveness, namely the awareness or desire
to quickly act to help guests and provide timely
Assurance, is knowledge and courtesy of
compensation and employee confidence. The
assurance dimension has the following
characteristics: competence to provide service,
being polite and having a respect for guests.
Empathy (Empathy), gives special attention to
individual guests. This empathy dimension has
characteristics: the willingness to approach,
provide protection and effort to understand the
desires, needs and feelings of guests.
Tangibles, which is visible or tangible, namely:
the appearance of employees, and other physical
facilities such as equipment and equipment that
support the implementation of services.
According to Gerson (2002), customer
satisfaction is the customer's perception that
expectations have been met or exceeded, if the
customer hopes the item will function properly.
Otherwise, the customer will be disappointed. Then
the company must find ways to overcome these
problems so that customers can be satisfied. Satisfied
customers will do business more and more often with
a company, so the company's profits are more
2.1 Framework and Hypothesis
Based on the formulation of the problems that have
been described regarding the influence of products,
prices, promotions, places and services, the
theoretical framework proposed in this study is
described as follows:
2.1.1 Framework
Figure 1: Research Framework.
2.1.2 Hypothesis
H1: Marketing Mix influence on consumer
satisfaction Transmart Carrefour Grand Kawanua and
Trans Studi Mini.
H2: Service Quality influence on consumer
satisfaction Transmart Carrefour Grand Kawanua and
Trans Studio Mini.
The author uses quantitative research methods in
research conducted at Transmart Carrefour Grand
Kawanua and Trans Studio Mini, precisely located at
Jl A.A Maramis, Kairagi Dua, Mapanget, Manado,
North Sulawesi. The population of this study is all
customers/consumers of the Carrefour Grand
Kawanua and Trans Studio Mini, with a total
population of 1920 consumers. The technique used in
determining the sample is the Lemeshow formula. If
a large population and research are not possible to
study everything in the population, for example,
limited funds, workforce and time, then research can
use samples drawn from that population (Sugiyono,
2008). The population in this study is vast in number
and to determine the number of samples using the
formula Lameshow et al. (1997).