correctly. In addition, there is an increase in features
that can be tailored to customer needs in order to
improve service quality by adding services such as
transfers to other banks or between banks using
foreign currencies.
The results showed that the higher the Self-
Service Technology Service Quality, Customer
Satisfaction will also increase. Therefore, managers
need to add additional e-banking functions that are
attractive such as trading services for
businesspeople, goods auction services (houses,
cars, land). In addition, managers must also promote
SST e-banking services to the fullest, hold promos
and prizes to attract customers to use e-banking SST.
This value aims to increase customer satisfaction.
The results showed that the higher the Self-
Service Technology Service Quality, the higher the
Behavioural Intentions. Therefore, managers need to
convince customers that the e-banking SST that has
been chosen as the best SST, because it is easy to
use, product and service offerings are also complete
and in accordance with the wishes of the customers.
Managers must also ensure that customers continue
to use SST-banking by communicating with
customers. Asking whether there are complaints or
suggestions in supporting the improvement of
service quality is one way to find out whether the
customer has the intention to continue using the
SST-banking service or not.
The results show that the higher the Customer
Satisfaction, the loyalty will also increase. Self-
service technology provided by the service provider
company is in line with customer expectations, it is
expected that managers can maintain the quality of
service so that customers are more loyal to the
service provider company. In addition, managers
need to improve overall independent technology
services. One way is to check the system regularly
and provide monthly reports to oversee the system
from e-banking.
The results showed that the higher the Customer
Satisfaction, the Behavioural Intentions would also
increase. Managers need to listen to the ideas of
customers in order to improve self-service
technology. This condition is so that the intention or
behaviour of customers becomes positive and
customers feel heard about the ideas given for the
development of e-banking SST. In addition,
managers must give a positive impression to
customers, so that customers can provide
recommendations to friends, family and relatives to
participate in using services from SST e-banking.
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