Based on table 5 it can be seen the results of
normality test data on the MrU group with the
probability value in the pre-test (p-value) is 0.501, so
it can be concluded that the data are normally
distributed (p> 0.05). The probability value in the
post-test (p-value) is 0.519, so it can be found that the
data has a normal distribution (p> 0.05). Data
normality test results in the D.F. group with the
probability value in the pre-test (p-value) is 0.976,
and it can be concluded that the data are typically
distributed (p> 0.05). The probability value in the
post-test (p-value) is 0.919, so it can be found that the
data is normally distributed (p> 0.05).
Tabel 6: Hasil T-test untuk Uji Hipotesis.
n Mean ± S.D. p
MrU 5 4,8 ± 0,82 0,000
DF 5 6,64 ± 0,41 0,000
Based on table 6. the value of pain measurement in
the treatment group I, namely the administration of
myofascial Release, which was analyzed using the
Paired Sample T-test obtained probability value (p-
value) of 0,000. The probability value is smaller than
0.05 (p <0.05), this means that Ha is accepted and Ho
is rejected. It can be concluded that in hypothesis I
there is an influence of myofascial Release and
Ultrasound on pain reduction in tennis elbow.
Hypothesis II test is to determine the effect of deep,
transverse friction on pain reduction in tennis elbow.
To test hypothesis II, the Paired Sample T-test was
Based on table 6. the value of pain measurement
in treatment group II, namely the provision of deep,
transverse friction which was analyzed using the
Paired Sample T-test obtained probability value (p-
value) of 0,000. The probability value is smaller than
0.05 (p <0.05), this means that Ha is accepted and Ho
is rejected. It can be concluded that in hypothesis II
there is an effect of giving deep transversion friction
to decrease pain in tennis elbow
Based on the results of the research, it can be
concluded that DF [mean = 6,6, SD = 0.41, p = 0.000]
is more effective than MrU (mean = 4.8, SD = 0,82)
in reducing the pain of tennis elbow patients. The
results of One-Way ANOVA study also showed that
there was a significant difference in the decrease of
pain produced by frequency treatment of D.N. & E.S.
[F (1, 6) = 12,333, p = 0,007].
The author would like to thank Allah Azza Wa Jalla,
my dear Hannah, Vinka, Juno & Echa. Sincere
gratitude for Prof. Sigit and the doctor's team for the
valuable discussions and assistance during the
drafting process.
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