Relationship between Interpersonal Communication with School
Principal Performance in Disruption Era Study in Manado
Helena Vonny Opit
, Felly Ferol Warouw
Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tondano, Indonesia
Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tondano, Indonesia
Keywords: Relationship, Interpersonal Communication, Principal Performance
Abstract: This study aims to determine the role of interpersonal communication in improving the performance of
principals. The research method is descriptive research to identify the definition of research justified by
correlational research methods using the SPPS application. The population in this study was the High School
Principal in the city of Manado. Samples were taken 50 randomly by purposive sampling method. The results
of the study regarding the form of interpersonal communication resulting from identification found that
currently, various forms of interpersonal communication are developing. The tendency of communication
leads to the use of internet-based technology. The results of the SPSS test show that there is a positive
relationship between Interpersonal Communication and Principal Performance. Based on conclusions and
looking at the facts in the field, the form of relationships created can be used as a basis for improving the
performance of Middle School Principals through maximization, technology-based interpersonal
communication. If the form of interpersonal communication runs, the performance of the principal will
increase. The findings of the form of dominant interpersonal communication are carried out using internet
smartphone technology accompanied by the Manado dialect as an effective interpersonal communication
In 2019 the development of human resources received
special attention from the government. This
development is evidenced by the speech of President
Jokowi, who will prioritize human resources
development. Improving the quality of human
resources is an absolute prerequisite for achieving
development goals. The quality of human resources
is currently developing, along with technological
developments (Susar & Aquaro, 2019). Human
resources determinants are enhanced through various
educational programs that are carried out
systematically and directed based on interests that
refer to the advancement of science and technology.
The science and technology developed undoubtedly
does not neglect the local wisdom of the Indonesian
people (Meliono, 2011).
The level of education prevailing in Indonesia is
divided into basic education, secondary education and
higher education. Primary education consists of
Elementary School (SD) and Junior High School
(SMP). Secondary education is called high school
(SMA). Regarding high school results, the research
shows that school performance in 2016, the
performance of schools in Indonesia is still low.
Academic quality is still in the order of the world
average (Navarro et al., 2015).
In the industrial revolution era 4.0, the
implementation of education shifted from
conventional procedures to digital. Most of the work
previously carried out by humans shifted to robots
(Shahroom and Hussin, 2018). This shift in
conventional functions to digital requires new
knowledge for the world of education, including the
performance of principals. Education transformation
should be able to accommodate the use of technology
for the sustainability of life without ignoring the
environment (Mota & Oliveira, 2014).
The city of Manado consists of eleven sub-
districts and has a high school population of 55
schools which can accommodate as many as 12,198
students. The performance of the Principal in Kota
Manado in 2009 can be stated in 2 (two aspects),
namely: (1) equitable distribution of education, and
(2) improving the quality of education. In the
Vonny Opit, H. and Warouw, F.
Relationship between Interpersonal Communication with School Principal Performance in Disruption Era Study in Manado.
DOI: 10.5220/0010685100002967
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE 2019) - Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable 4.0 Industry, pages 359-363
ISBN: 978-989-758-530-2; ISSN: 2184-9870
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
education sector, 1,172 teachers were identified as
63.57% in the category of teaching eligibility, and
36.43% in the category of inappropriate teaching
(Daud, 2012)
School performance as an area of present
educational transformation is primarily determined
by the performance of principals as top managers in
an educational institution. The principal has a vital
and strategic role in controlling the school while
providing direction for the progress of the school he
leads (Goolamally & Ahmad, 2014). The principal
also controls the activities of the teaching and
learning process carried out by teachers and other
education personnel. The principal’s performance is
an essential and fundamental aspect of determining
the success of educational institutions.
Interpersonal communication is still essential in
the current era of globalization what our called
disruption era. The direction and form of digital
communication is a demand today. The headmaster
should have mastered the technology in
communicating. This communication is done to
improve the quality of the curriculum, learning,
managerial and so forth in order to be able to
encourage the growth of activity, creativity, and
professionalism possessed. The era of industrial
revolution encourages forms of interpersonal
communication that consistently utilize technology to
encourage schools to be more open, democratic, and
responsible. Based on the description, the researcher
chose the title: “Relationship between Interpersonal
Communication with School Principal Performance
In Disruption Era Study in Manado.”
The purpose of this paper is to do Relationship with
Interpersonal Communication School Principal
Performance In Disruption Era Study in Manado. The
research was conducted at the Senior High School in
Manado City North Sulawesi Province. The time for
conducting research is nine months, starting from
June 2018 to February 2019.
The method used in this study is a survey with a
correlational approach. Data were obtained by
applying instruments developed by researchers. The
target population in this study was the Head of
Manado City High School. The affordable population
is the Head of Manado City Senior High School,
amounting to 55 people.
Figure 1: Research Model Variable.
3.1 Form Interpersonal
Sopiah defines communication as the delivery or
exchange of information from the sender to the
recipient, both verbally, in writing and using
communication tools. The exchange of information
that occurs between the sender and the recipient is not
only done in oral or written form but also using
sophisticated communication tools (Coyle-Shapiro &
Diehl, 2018). Today many managers send
information with complex management information
systems, where data comes from various sources
which are then analyzed by computers and delivered
to recipients electronically (Information, 2011).
Every individual in an organization in daily life
cannot be released from the world of communication.
Richard et al. stated that the level of communication
in an organization carried out by humans consists of
four, namely: (1) intraindividual, namely
communication within oneself, (2) interpersonal
namely communication that occurs between two or
more people, (3) Intra organizational namely
communication that occurs in groups or workgroups
(sub-units) that are different in the organization, (4)
other organizational communication that occurs
between organizations with other organizations or
organizations with their environment (Buć and
Divjak, 2018).
According to Byars and Rue, communication is
more than conversation, words, and reading. Real
communication occurs when a particular purpose has
been conveyed by one group and received by another
group. Therefore, communication can be defined as
the transfer of meaningful information to those
involved in it. The process of exchanging and
understanding information between two or more
people intends to motivate or influence a person’s
behaviour (Byars & Rue, 2003).
Better communication would lead to better
interpersonal communication. This statement is in
accordance with the opinion of Caputo, et al. in the
ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”
state of communication effectiveness can be
classified in various elements (POSEE), namely: (a)
positiveness, high appreciation for someone and other
people, where both show a positive attitude; (b)
openness, a high level of openness where self-
disclosure can occur by itself, (c) supportiveness,
clear communication rather than evaluative
comments accompanied by acceptance of ideas from
others, (d) equality, not treating others, or letting
others treat someone higher or lower, in that case,
more likely to give the same appreciation, (e)
empathy, the ability to put themselves in the shoes of
others, trying to understand the difficulties of others
through their perceptions (Opit, 2017).
Some communication theories define
interpersonal communication in several ways.
Bochner and Cappella in Devito stated that each
approach would add a different perspective on the
nature of interpersonal communication, namely: (1)
in the component definition that interpersonal
communication can be explained by paying attention
to its main components. In this case, the main
component is sending messages to someone and
receiving messages from other or small groups. This
process creates an opportunity to get an immediate
response, (2) in a rational definition, interpersonal
communication is considered as communication that
occurs between two people who have a relationship
clear and pre-existing, (3) in the development
approach, interpersonal communication can be seen
as the result of advancement in communication, and
the last thing if there is improved personal
communication. This progress signalled that there
had been a development of interpersonal
communication. According to Liliweri there are four
principles of interpersonal communication in
communication, namely: (1) inevitably as social
beings, humans always interact and communicate
with others, (2) cannot be changed, that something
that has been conveyed is challenging to change
again, (3) complicated, because they have to use
symbols, mutually understandable languages, (4)
contextual, these do not occur in confined spaces and
are always in context: (a) psychological, (b) rational,
(c) situational, (d) environment, (e) culture.
Furthermore, Liliweri stated that aside from the four
principles, the function of interpersonal
communication is: (1) growing information, (2)
building a context of understanding, (3) forming
identity, (4) fulfilling interpersonal needs, and (5)
developing relationships Judging from the
arrangement of interpersonal communication is the
interaction or face-to-face communication between
individuals. The prefix “inter” means between, or in
between, thus interpersonal understanding is not one-
way communication. According to Arendondo,
interpersonal communication is an interaction that
takes place during a dialogue between two people or
a discussion between several people and is the active
participation of everyone involved in it. The methods
of communicating today have increased dramatically
with the emergence of broadcasting through
audiovisual, e-mail, internet, computers and mobile
phones. Ironically, more and more types of
technology are expanding the reach of
communication, but only a few use it to communicate
in the interest of increasing productivity and
performance. Sofo stated that (1) communication to
the frontline workers must come directly from the
supervisors, (2) communication must be face to face
(face to face), and (3) communication must be
specific to the local work area. In this regard, training
is needed for communication skills. It can be said that
individuals who are involved in interpersonal
communication in advance do not only use words and
patterns of grammar but also rely on nonverbal
gestures and complex body language to express their
intentions. In each culture, facial expressions,
patterns of action, and gestures have different
interpretive standards. This communication can add
an essential dimension to interpersonal understanding
in communication and as a contribution when the
recipient of the message provides feedback (Gardjito,
3.2 Research Interpretation
The process of exchanging and understanding
information between two or more people intends to
motivate or influence a person’s behaviour. In the
process, communication requires two essential
elements, namely the presence of senders and
recipients. The sender is someone who sends ideas or
concepts to others or information that expresses a
thought or emotion while the recipient is the person
intended to receive the message.
Communication is not only limited to
conversation, saying and reading. Real
communication occurs when a certain purpose has
been conveyed by one group and received by another
group. Therefore, communication is a meaningful
transfer of information to those involved in it.
Through interpersonal communication, a person
or group will be directly involved in a problem or
problem they face. Responding to the issue, they must
try to deal with it together to bring about an agreement
and understanding between the two parties. Thus,
dependence and concern arise between those who
Relationship between Interpersonal Communication with School Principal Performance in Disruption Era Study in Manado
need and who help to overcome the problems faced
by others. The higher the intensity of interpersonal
communication can be done, the higher the level of
dependence and concern between the two parties can
Through interpersonal communication, all past
experiences, both experience in success and failure
can be used as a reference in performing tasks better
and can strengthen one’s self-efficacy. Principals who
can utilize interpersonal communication effectively
can improve their self-efficacy by communicating
with their professional partners, leaders and staff.
They can manage a situation that is not conducive to
reduce user dissatisfaction as a result of the
limitations of the collection they have. His ability is
one form of efficacy in neutralizing difficulties with
various alternative solutions that can provide a better
The principal’s performance can be seen as
someone who uses the structures and procedures that
apply to achieve the goals of the school organization.
The attention of a manager is mainly focused on
maintaining the structure, procedures and objectives
set. A manager can be said as a stabilizer. The
principal, as a leader, is seen as a person who makes
changes. They are leaders as new structural and
procedural initiatives to achieve organizational goals.
Improving the performance of effective principals
can be done if the principals can adapt to nature and
behaviour, anticipating differences in the
characteristics of each individual who interacts in
interpersonal communication. The existence of
responsibility in anticipating every problem that
arises by giving special attention and challenges will
directly be able to minimize the big problems that
may arise in interpersonal communication. In
contrast, it can be assumed that Interpersonal
Communication has a positive relationship with the
Principal’s Performance. The better interpersonal
communication, the better the Principal’s
Performance (Byars & Rue, 2003).
The research hypothesis formulation tested is that
there is a positive relationship between Interpersonal
Communication and Principal Performance. The
calculation results show that the regression equation
between the Principal’s Performance (Y) with
Interpersonal Communication (X) is Ŷ = 59.7 + 0.471
X. Linearity testing and significance of the regression
coefficient using F distribution as the results of an
analysis of variance (ANOVA) in the following table:
Table 1: Participation Level with Participation Ranking
Source D
N 50 α =
α =
Regresi 1 3438,7 3438,
4,00 7,0
48 10964,3 228,4
Total 49 12822,0
TC 28 8056,3 287,7 1,96 2,04 2,7
Galat 20 2908,0 145,4
dk = degree of freedom
α = significance level
JK = sum of squares
JKT = Amount of average square
** = significance at α = 0.01 (Fh = 15.05> Ft = 7.08)
Based on the results of testing the significance and
linearity test shown in Table 1, it can be concluded
that the regression equation Ŷ = 59.7 + 0.471 X is
significant and linear. The regression equation shows
that every increase of 1 (one) score about
Interpersonal Communication will cause an increase
of 0.471 on the Principal Performance score with a
constant of 59.7.
Based on the results of data analysis, the results of
the study can be concluded as follows that there is a
positive relationship between Interpersonal
Communication and the Performance of Principals.
This result shows that if Interpersonal
Communication is getting better, then the Principal’s
Performance will also be better. Conversely, if
Interpersonal Communication is not right, then the
principal’s performance will decrease. This
communication shows that if interpersonal
communication can determine and contribute
significantly to the Principal’s Performance. In the
sense that if Interpersonal Communication is
improved, the Principal’s Performance will increase.
Conversely, if Interpersonal Communication
decreases, the principal’s performance will also
Interpersonal communication can improve
working relationships that are more effective,
harmonious and dynamic. In these conditions,
ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”
information can be delivered and received more
quickly, so that by itself, decisions can be taken
more quickly as well.
One of the capable forces in the management of
schools that play a responsible role in facing
change is the leadership of the school principal,
namely the behaviour of the principal who is able
to initiate new thinking in the interaction process
in the school environment by making changes or
adjusting goals, objectives, configurations,
procedures, inputs, the processor output of the
school in accordance with the demands of
development. No matter how great the design of
an educational program results from an
innovation effort, it will not provide a picture of
quality education results if the teacher does not
implement the concept in the design. For this
reason, various efforts to improve the quality of
education cannot escape the conditions of the
Based on the conclusions and implications of the
research, several suggestions will be made regarding
the improvement of Principal Performance, namely:
First, programs should be implemented that can
support the Principal’s Performance, for example in
the form of training for Principals to increase
knowledge, ability, skills and simultaneously
increase the principal’s work motivation both as a
manager or as a professional educator.
The results of the study regarding Identifying the
Forms of Interpersonal Communication in improving
the performance of the Principal of Manado City
High School can be arranged. The author would like
to thank all those who have participated in the
implementation of this research. Thanks also to those
involved in formulating research results and their
implications for the progress of the education process
in Indonesia, especially North Sulawesi. Further,
thanks to the ICVHE seminar committee for this
opportunity to present this study. Hopefully, it can be
published for the sake of the advancement of science.
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Relationship between Interpersonal Communication with School Principal Performance in Disruption Era Study in Manado