application. To access the SAP system United Tractor
employees must have a single identity and password.
An information system will run well if it receives
acceptance from employees. The author is interested
in knowing the perception of employee acceptance of
SAP information system applications using the Task
Acceptance Model (TAM) model.
2.1 Task Acceptance Model (TAM)
In the field of information system studies, there is a
need for researchers to know the actual level of use or
acceptance of IT systems in an organization. Some
methods used to measure acceptance of an
information system (Chen, et al., 2017), i.e:
a. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)
(Kurniawan, et al., 2013) was developed by Icek
Ajzen and Martin Fishbein. TRA is a model provide
a conceptual framework predict individual
performance in behaviour. In the TRA concept
mentioned that there were two factors determine the
intention to behave, viz individual attitude to
behavior (attitude toward behavior) and subjective
norms (subjective norms)
b. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
Technology (UTAUT) (Hendrawati, 2013), In the
UTAUT research model, the intention to behave
(behavioral intention) and behavior to use technology
(use behavior) is influenced by people's perceptions
of performance expectations, business expectations (
efficiency expectancy), social influence, and
facilitating conditions which are moderated by gender
(gender), age (age), experience (voluntary), and
c. Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), is the
development of the Theory of Reasoned Action
(TRA). In this TPB a construct of perceived
behavioral control was added. This construct explains
that an individual has a great possibility to adopt a
behavior if the individual has a positive attitude
towards the behavior and gets approval from other
individuals who are close and related to the behavior
and believe that the behavior can be done with (Seni
& Ratnadi, 2017)
d. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a
model for measuring the acceptance of an information
system by a user or users. TAM was developed by
Davis (1989) who adapted the Theory of Reasoned
Action (TRA) model made by Ajzen.
Figure 1: Technology Acceptance Model (Davis 1989)
Based on figure 1 there are four components of
TAM, namely: ease to use, perception of usefulness,
behavioral intention to use and actual system use and
(Pindeh, et al., 2016). In this paper, the author will
only focus on the perception of ease to use, usefulness
2.2 Perceived Usefulness (PU)
In addition, Perceived of Usefulness (PU) (Misron, et
al., 2011) can specifically be defined to what extent
an information system can improve individual
performance on the job. In general, individuals tend
to adapt to new technologies if they find it useful to
achieve certain goals and help them to do their jobs
2.3 Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU)
Davis (1989) defines PEOU as the extent to which
users believe that using the system is free of effort.
PEOU, unlike PU, is more related to individual
intrinsic motivation. The concept of perceived ease of
use shows the level at which someone believes that
the use of an information system is easy and does not
require the effort of the user to be able to use it. This
concept includes the clarity of the purpose of using an
information and convenience system for users. In a
study related to information systems, the higher of
ease to use received by users information system, will
increase level of perceived usefulness by the users of
system. (Osama Isaac, 2016)
The method used in this research is descriptive
method of analysis with quantitative approach.
Descriptive method of analysis is a method that aims
to describe or give an idea of a research object that is
examined through samples or data that have been.
Descriptive research is research conducted to find out
the existence of independent variables, either one or
more variables (independent) without making