3. The role of an underwriter must be fair and
honest in assessing risks, other than that a
marine underwriter in deciding whether the
company will refuse the risk, or accept the
risk unconditionally and or accept the risk
with additional terms and conditions for
specific reasons.
4. A marine underwriter must completely
control the ins and outs of each type of
vessel and may read the agreement
submitted by the insured or the broker as
well as the completeness of the vessel letters
relating to transport or shipping permits.
5. If a marine underwriter has no knowledge of
the ship’s vessel and can not read the
agreement, then the company and
prospective insured will experience losses,
1. It will benefit one party
2. Can not provide a suitable rate for an
insured vessel
3. Does not provide the potential of a
reasonable premium for the company or
prospective insured
4. If there is loss, then the financial health
of the company will shake
5. Can cause companies to go bankrupt
Based on the observations of the authors, the authors
have some suggestions on the underwriting process of
ship order insurance, namely:
6. A marine underwriter must be well informed
about the ins and outs of the ship type
7. Completeness of the ship’s mail must be
8. Marine underwriters should be able to read the
agreement well
9. Human Resources for a marine underwriter in
10. Actuaries are required to determine the amount
of rate for vessel order insurance
11. The rate should be adjusted to the risk borne
12. Risk assessment should be done well and
13. There is always a re-risk assessment for the
vessel to be insured again
14. The alacrity in the business process given to the
company should be accelerated
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