Government should give them transportation
subvention. In this sense, we see that every public
transportation users resist and carry out collective
actions which are mainly based on hopes of gaining
more compensation with services, rather than
organising to achieve institutional changes and goals
which would guarantee and provide them with long
term socio-economic access and gathered benefit as
communities. Theories of planning are said
occasionally to be irrelevant to planning the
implementation. Furthermore, the diversity of
practices in planning and different types of
stakeholders in different contexts complicates the
relevance of theories of planning as standard practice.
According to the data collection, almost all
respondents regard the people of Jakarta need leaders
profile (96,8 percent) who can provide space for
businesses in all segments of society, and bring the
city to compete in the global economy to exploit the
potential of the local social economy, culture and
creativity. Making plans is quite simple for anybody,
but implementing and maintaining consistency to
make changes for the better in Jakarta is those that not
everyone can do. They require a lot of smart and
humane cooperations from all stakeholders.
With new Government leading the efforts to
implement and execute the plans and support solution
for new Jakarta, all the people of Jakarta and all
parties can support a variety of solutions, to realise
the dream of the Jakarta megacity. In relation to
security problems in the development of the public
transportation system, 94,4 percent respondents
believed the Government could handle this matter.
66,2 percent of the respondents thought that the
Government could provide jobs and cover social
problems. Improving the quality of the physical
environment, social, cultural and realignment of
services public facilities, was also believed to be able
to be done by Government (63 percent). However,
only 47,3 percent of the respondents thought that the
Government could anticipate the flooding problems.
This paper research findings challenge the adequacy
of the prevailing view that ignores a significant
contribution of the integrated public transport to
urban economic structural transformation in terms of
Social Context Mobile scope. In this context, we
would argue that people in Jakarta and greater Jakarta
share similar value and contributions in turning the
city into a megacity as a result of their high level of
mobility within the city bottlenecks. First rapid
urbanisation in Jakarta must be slowed down to
reduce the problems within Social Context Mobile
scope. One possible way to reduce urbanisation in
Jakarta is to redistribute the central functions in
Jakarta to other areas and to strengthen other urban
agglomerations around greater Jakarta or even in
Indonesia to pull urban growth away from the capital.
Congestion problem in the capital is a significant
issue that must be resolved by the Jakarta provincial
government together with the central Government of
Indonesia. Two of the essential agendas as an effort
to overcome the congestion is to suppress and control
the number of private vehicles and to create
integrated public transportation. The second,
integrated public transportation for commuters must
be built.
The adequate urban economic development will
be created and run well when there is revamping of
urban and spatial planning related to public
transportation options. Integrated solution based on
user expectation, such as various public
transportations, with good and free disaster facilities,
should be a consideration in building public transport
embedded with national payment gateway and
cashless support system. As a consequence,
commuters would have to develop new social
relations, networks, and integrate themselves into the
new behaviours. This process is partly associated
with the developmental plan of Jakarta and more
significant Jakarta socio-economic strategies.
In the case of Jakarta, Social Context Mobile
scope still exists. Government still has a role and final
authority, to formed community which has of
consciousness. The Government of Jakarta should
pay attention to the citizen’s expectation of an ideal
urban and spatial planning concerning public
transportations, to win the citizen’s trust. This way,
they can work hand in hand to realise their dream, a
stable form of integrated public transportation for
economic development.
This research was supported and funding by the
Ministry of Research Technology and the Higher
Education Republic of Indonesia, PDUPT
056/SP2H/PPM/DRPM/2019. We thank our
anonymous reviewers and colleagues from banking
and finance laboratory Vocational Education
Program Universitas Indonesia, who provided insight
and expertise that greatly assisted the research.