students have high adaptability in facing creative
and innovative times that require character values
that never give up, honest, creative, innovative,
tolerant, disciplined, resilient, and self-confidence.
For people who celebrate change, disruption is the
future. However, some people who feel comfortable
with the present situation and are afraid of change
will think that this is the beginning of extinction.
The problem is, for education that can play a role in
the era of disruption, this is an opportunity to fix the
problem of education in Indonesia.
For the Indonesian people, the development goal
is still trying to maintain cultural identity during the
industrial revolution 4.0, which crushed the nation’s
culture into a global culture that is increasingly
difficult to reduce. Today society is increasingly
dynamic in facing the impact of the dynamics of the
industrial revolution 4.0 that is still ongoing in social
life that requires high responsive abilities and
proactive attitudes. To understand the dynamics of
the 4.0 industrial revolution, we can review the
article presented by McKinsey & Company in its
report titled “An Incumbent’s Guide to Digital
Disruption” which formulates four stages of the
position during a technological distrust era, namely:
middle noise (signals amidst the noise). In 1990,
Polygram was recorded as one of the largest
recording companies in the world. However, in 1998
the company was sold when MP3 technology had
just been discovered. The owner still felt the peak of
the glory of Polygram at that time and obtained an
optimal sales value.
Another example is the traditional newspaper
industry that pursues circulation and revenue from
advertising. The emergence of a threatening internet
is exploited by Schibsted, a Norwegian media
company that uses the internet to anticipate threats
while taking advantage of business opportunities.
This company is disruptive to their core business
through internet media which eventually becomes
the backbone of their business in the future. At this
stage, the company (incumbent) responds to
technological developments quickly by shifting the
comfortable position of the core business that they
are involved in following the trends in technological
development, consumer preferences, regulations,
and shifts in the business environment (a change
takes hold). At this stage, the change is already
apparent, both technologically and economically.
However, the impact on financial performance is
still relatively insignificant, so it cannot be
concluded if the new business model will be more
profitable or vice versa in the long run. However,
this insignificant impact was taken seriously by
Netflix in 2011 when they shook off their core
business, shifting the business focus from DVD
rental to streaming. This situation is a big decision
that succeeded in maintaining the company’s
sustainability in the future, so it does not follow the
bankruptcy of its competitors, such as Blockbuster.
The third stage is the inevitable transformation. At
this stage, the new business model has been tested
and proven to be better than the old business model.
Therefore, incumbent companies will accelerate the
transformation towards a new business model.
However, the transformation at this stage will be
more severe considering that incumbent companies
are already relatively large and fat, so that they are
not as agile and adaptable as start-up companies that
come with new business models.
Therefore, the company has been depressed on
the side of financial performance. It will reduce the
budget and even some business activities and focus
only on the core business of the incumbent
company. The fourth stage is an adaptation to a new
balance (adapting to the new normal). At this stage,
incumbent companies have no choice but to accept
and adjust to a new balance, because industry
fundamentals have changed, and incumbent
companies are no longer as dominant players.
Incumbent companies can only strive to survive
during competition. At this stage, even the decision-
makers in incumbent companies need to be
observant in making decisions, like Kodak coming
out faster from the photography industry so that it
does not experience deepening loosening. From
these stages, each company should be able to
conduct early detection of the company’s position,
so that it can set appropriate anticipatory measures.
The toughest challenge is precisely for market
leaders, who usually feel superior and disruptive
attacks that are only directed at minor competitors
whose performance is not excellent.
Therefore, incumbent companies need to
continue to move quickly and aggressively to follow
the direction of the changing business environment
in welcoming the era of the fourth generation
industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). Reed Hasting,
CEO of Netflix, once said that it is rarely found
companies die because they move too fast. However,
the opposite is often found that companies die
because they move too slowly (Hassim, 2016). By
understanding the stages in the 4.0 revolution, the
world of education is increasingly massive, because
Indonesia is currently still moving from education
2.0 to education 3.0 and still faces problems to
proceed to education 4.0. Therefore, the choice to
design culture-based education is expected to reduce