From the observations of the JJA period, it tends
to provide statistical values which are also not much
different from temporal data with the weather
condition being dry with the precipitation below 150
mm and the sunshine duration about 6-8 hours/day
(see Table 5).
For the SON period, the pattern is almost the same
as in MAM because this pattern classified as the
transition months where October and November have
differences in index with other months. For August, it
still follows the condition of the previous month, JJA
where the west coast is still categorized as "Very
good". Whereas for September and November the
west coast has decreased to “Acceptable” and for the
southeast coast “Excellent”. In November, Lepar
Island are in top condition. transition and October-
November for the dry-wet transition season (see
Table 6).
Based on the data analysis it can concluded that the
BCI index (Beach Climate Index) spatially and
temporally on Bangka Island generally shows the
category of "Excellent" in June, July, August (JJA) so
it is recommended for tourists who want to visit
Bangka Island during the dry season.
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