adjusted design parameters. All generated design
variants are consistent with the given boundary
conditions. A systematic evaluation and selection
process can be performed afterwards. Classic
approaches (without a digital re-execution) create
only one or a few design variants while this approach
explores the full solution space. It reveals full variety
of possible and consistent designs. This article
showed the process with the example of an
automotive dashboard and selected engineering tasks
(requirements formalization, cable wiring and
verification and validation). We see the approach
presented as a starting point for further digital
engineering efforts across all engineering domains.
The approach can be extended incrementally to
achieve a more digital product design process with
tremendous time and cost reduction while improving
overall product quality.
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Stuttgart, Jens Schmidt, Roland Weil, Peter Arnold,
Marius Riestenpatt, Marc Eheim and Stefan Hess at
IILS mbH and Jan Martin, Jonathan Schmidt, Hanna
Dettki and Marco Piechotta at Daimler AG.
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MODELSWARD 2019 - 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development