Let us also mention that in the literature there are
some other possibilites such as path-based clustering
approach (see (Fischer and Buhmann, 2003)) that can
also be used for solving multiple closed curve detec-
tion problem.
The proposed
-index for detecting the most ap-
propriate number of clusters (closed curves) enables
this procedure to be carried out as fast as possible.
In more complex cases of intersecting closed curves,
i.e. when Algorithm 3 does not give a globally opti-
mal partition, construction of the
-index enables
the detection of some closed curves and the algorithm
to be run on a constrained data set.
The proposed DBC-index should be further inves-
tigated and corrected. We will try to apply the pro-
posed method to other curves. In the meantime, we
successfully applied the method to multiple gener-
alised circle detection problem with application in Es-
cherichia Coli and Enterobacter-cloaca recognizing.
The proposed algorithm could also be applied to
real-world images.
The author would like to thank Mrs. Katarina Mor
for significantly improving the use of English in
the paper. This work was supported by the Croa-
tian Science Foundation through research grants
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ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods