Probabilistic Modeling and Simulation of Vehicular Cyber Attacks: An
Application of the Meta Attack Language
Sotirios Katsikeas
, Pontus Johnson
, Simon Hacks
and Robert Lagerstr
Department of Network and Systems Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Research Group Software Construction, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Domain Specific Language, Cyber Security, Threat Modeling, Attack Graphs, Vehicular Security.
Attack simulations are a feasible means to assess the cyber security of systems. The simulations trace the
steps taken by an attacker to compromise sensitive system assets. Moreover, they allow to estimate the time
conducted by the intruder from the initial step to the compromise of assets of interest. One commonly accepted
approach for such simulations are attack graphs, which model the attack steps and their dependencies in a
formal way.
To reduce the effort of creating new attack graphs for each system of a given type, domain-specific attack
languages may be employed. They codify common attack logics of the considered domain. Consequently,
they ease the reuse of models and, thus, facilitate the modeling of a specific system in the domain. Previously,
MAL (the Meta Attack Language) was proposed, which serves as a framework to develop domain specific
attack languages.
In this article, we present vehicleLang, a Domain Specific Language (DSL) which can be used to model
vehicles with respect to their IT infrastructure and to analyze their weaknesses related to known attacks.
To model domain specifics in our language, we rely on existing literature and verify the language using an
interview with a domain expert from the automotive industry. To evaluate our results, we perform a Systematic
Literature Review (SLR) to identify possible attacks against vehicles. Those attacks serve as a blueprint for
test cases checked against the vehicleLang specification.
Vehicles, especially passenger cars, are ubiquitous in
European countries and their amount is still rising.
For example, from January 2009 to January 2018 the
number of registered passenger cars was increased
by nearly 18% in Sweden (Statistiska centralbyr
2018) and 12.5% in Germany (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt,
2018). This means that 62% of Swedes and 56% of
Germans owned a car in average in January 2018. Si-
multaneously, IT-systems pervade vehicles more and
more to increase driving security and user experience.
Contemporaneously, the number of IT related security
issues grows as well (Symantec, 2017). This raises
the need to assess the cyber security of vehicles.
However, assessing the cyber security of com-
puting systems in general and of vehicles in special
is difficult. In order to identify vulnerabilities, the
security-relevant parts of the system must be under-
stood, and all potential attacks have to be identified.
There are three challenges related to these needs: Fir-
stly, it is challenging to identify all relevant security
properties of a system. Secondly, it might be diffi-
cult to collect this information. Lastly, the collected
information needs to be processed to uncover all we-
aknesses that can be exploited by an attacker.
Hitherto, we have proposed the use of attack si-
mulations based on system architecture models (e.g.,
(Ekstedt et al., 2015; Holm et al., 2015)) to support
these challenging tasks. Our approaches facilitate a
model of the system and simulate cyber attacks in or-
der to identify the greatest weaknesses. This can be
imagined as the execution of a great number of paral-
lel virtual penetration tests. Such an attack simulation
tool enables the security assessor to focus on the col-
lection of the information about the system required
for the simulations, since the first and third challen-
ges are tackled by the simulation.
As the previous approaches rely on a static imple-
mentation, we propose MAL (the Meta Attack Lan-
guage) (Johnson et al., 2018). This domain-specific
language defines which information about a system
Katsikeas, S., Johnson, P., Hacks, S. and Lagerström, R.
Probabilistic Modeling and Simulation of Vehicular Cyber Attacks: An Application of the Meta Attack Language.
DOI: 10.5220/0007247901750182
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2019), pages 175-182
ISBN: 978-989-758-359-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
is required and specifies the generic attack logic. As
MAL is a meta language, no certain domain of in-
terest, like vehicle security, is represented. There-
fore, this work aims to create and evaluate a domain-
specific, probabilistic modeling language for simu-
lation of known cyber attacks on modern connected
vehicles, so called vehicleLang.
To create vehicleLang, we follow the means of
DSR (Design Science Research) as presented by Pef-
fers et al. (Peffers et al., 2007). Therefore, we conduct
a domain survey to extract a feature matrix containing
all the security assets, the possible attacks and the cor-
responding defenses. This feature matrix serves as in-
put to compile a detailed list of all the possible attacks
following some widely used attack classifications and
taxonomy frameworks. Subsequent, vehicleLang is
constructed and evaluated by the results of a SLR (Sy-
stematic Literature Review). A bottom-up approach
is followed and, therefore, the created artifact is limi-
ted to modeling the internal networks of the vehicles
(i.e., CAN bus (Controller Area Network), FlexRay,
and LIN bus (Local Interconnect Network)), the con-
nected components to them (i.e., ECUs (Electronic
Control Units), Gateway ECUs) and the attacks that
are related. However, it is scheduled to extend vehi-
cleLang to other parts of the vehicle as well in the
near future.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 considers related work. In Section 3
we present the MAL and its syntax to provide the fra-
mework for vehicleLang, which is presented with the
core language in Section 4. The language itself is eva-
luated by a number of test cases depicted in Section
5. Finally, the paper is concluded in Section 6.
Our work relates to three domains of previous work:
model-driven security engineering, attack/defense
graphs, and vehicle security. First, there are domain-
specific languages for security analysis of software
and system models defined in the domain of model-
driven security engineering as vehicleLang is one. Se-
cond, attack/defense graphs are applied as formalism
for its analysis. Last, besides the fact that vehicle-
Lang is in the domain of vehicle security, the results
of existing vehicle security research are utilized for
Model-driven security engineering induced a large
number of domain-specific languages (J
urjens, 2005;
Basin et al., 2011; Alam et al., 2007; Paja et al.,
2015). These languages facilitate the capability to
model a system’s design according to components and
their interaction. Furthermore, they also enable to
model security properties such as constraints, require-
ments, or threats. They are built upon different forma-
lisms and logics like the Unified Modeling Language
and the Object Constraint Language. Model checking
and searches for constraint violations are applied to
conduct security analysis in these languages.
The concept of attack trees is commonly based on
the work of Bruce Schneier (Schneier, 1999; Schn-
eier, 2000). They were formalized by Mauw & Oost-
dijk (Mauw and Oostdijk, 2005) and extended to in-
clude defenses by Kordy et al. (Kordy et al., 2010).
As summarized in (Kordy et al., 2014), there are se-
veral approaches elaborating on attack graphs, e.g.
(Ingols et al., 2009; Williams et al., 2008). Elabora-
ting on the theoretical achievements of the beforehand
presented papers, different tools using attack graphs
were developed. These tools mostly build up on col-
lecting information about existing system or infra-
structure and automatically create attack graphs based
on this information. For example, the TVA tool (Noel
et al., 2009) models security conditions in networks
and uses a database of exploits as transitions between
these security conditions.
The approaches of attack graphs and system
modeling are united in our previous works: e.g.,
P2CySeMoL (Holm et al., 2015), and securi-
CAD (Ekstedt et al., 2015). The central idea of these
works is to automatically generate probabilistic attack
graphs from a given system specification. The attack
graph serves as inference engine that produces pre-
dictive security analysis results from the system mo-
To the best of our knowledge, there exists no re-
search in the direction of probabilistic attack graph
modeling within the domain of vehicle security. The-
refore, we relate following to work elaborating on
vehicle hacking. A first impression on the domain of
vehicle hacking can be received by the work of Wolf
(Wolf, 2009) and Smith (Smith, 2016). On the one
hand, the authors give insights into vehicles’ IT archi-
tectures. We use these insights as input for the gene-
ral construction of our instance of MAL. On the other
hand, they depict different ways to compromise vari-
ous components of the vehicle under investigation.
More detailed attack scenarios are given by diffe-
rent authors e.g. Wolf et al. (Wolf et al., 2004), Taka-
hashi et al. (Takahashi et al., 2017), or Cho and Shin
(Cho and Shin, 2016). The first two work concentrate
on attacking the bus of the vehicle. In (Wolf et al.,
2004) the authors attack different vehicular bus net-
works and show their weaknesses as well as the we-
aknesses of future bus networks. To strengthen vehi-
cle’s security, they also propose a secured communi-
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
cation along the various buses. In contrast to Wolf et
al., Takahashi et al. (Takahashi et al., 2017) focuses
on LIN bus. They show possible attacks on this ele-
mentary vehicle communication system through dif-
ferent case studies. Furthermore, they contribute by
proposing different countermeasures to raise vehicle’s
security. The last work by Cho and Shin (Cho and
Shin, 2016) demonstrates attacks on ECUs using DoS
(Denial-of-Service). For this purpose, they facilitate
the error-handling scheme of the in-vehicle network
to shut down or disconnect the ECU. Additionally,
they suggest and evaluate approaches to detect and
prevent their attacks.
As already presented, this domain specific language
relies on the MAL (the Meta Attack Language) (John-
son et al., 2018). Due to reasons of brevity, we re-
fer the reader to the the original paper regarding the
core parts of the grammar (syntax), the formalism and
more details behind the MAL language.
We would just like to mention that MAL mainly
consists of classes (e.g., Car), that can be in-
stantiated (i.e., myCar), attack steps on classes
(e.g., Car.hijack), and defenses on classes (e.g.,
Car.immobilizer). Furthermore, the entities of
MAL can be related to each other. Classes, and re-
spectively their instances, can be linked to each ot-
her (e.g., Garage.parked = {Car}). Attack steps
are also connected to each other, thus, the successful
compromise of one step leads to the second step (e.g.,
e = (, Garage.parked.accessible)).
Additionally, attack steps can be either of the
type OR or AND, signifying that either one of
its parental steps is needed to elaborate on this
step (OR) or all steps are needed (AND). Las-
tly, defenses are parenting attack steps which they
hinder to be performed if they are TRUE (e.g.,
(Car.immobilizer, E).
Some attack steps may be accomplished without
effort. However, sometimes attack steps require a cer-
tain amount of effort, expressed in time. Those attack
steps can be associated with a probability distribution
describing the expected time to perform this step, the
so called local time to compromise. Simulating diffe-
rent attackers behaviour on the modeled MAL attack
graph allows to calculate the global time to compro-
mise. This value provides a measure of how secure
various points of the modeled system are in respect to
attack resilience. Further, it facilitates a quantitative
way of comparing different system designs.
Beforehand, we briefly presented the foundations un-
derlying the MAL. Following, we will present, first, a
core language containing common IT entities already
included in the presentation of MAL (Johnson et al.,
2018), and, second, vehicleLang covering all the ba-
sic assets that comprise the internal vehicle’s network,
from ECUs and vehicle’s networks, up to applications
and services running on top of them. The core (light
blue) and the extensions made by vehicleLang (dark
blue) are depicted in Figure 1. The elements in teal
color are also part of the core language, but have been
slightly modified within vehicleLang.
4.1 Core Language
The core language consists mainly of entities repre-
senting Machine, Vulnerability, Account, Data,
Dataflow, and Network. There are still more enti-
ties, but in the following, we will only focus on the
previously mentioned. A Machine represents attacka-
ble entities (i.e., hardware or software related) of a sy-
stem under investigation and, thus, are exposed by a
Vulnerability. A Vulnerability can be exploited
by a user represented by an Account. An Account
can also be capable to read, write, and delete Data
which are stored on a Machine. Two Machines can
exchange Data via a Dataflow on a Network.
Following we will explore those entities with
more detail and depict how they and their interrela-
tions are modeled. If one connects to a Machine,
one can then try to authenticate to get access to the
Machine. Another way to get access to a Machine
is to bypassAccessControl. If an attacker achieved
access to a Machine, she can: connect to all execu-
tees (i.e., executed Software on this Machine), re-
questAccess to all stored Data, start denialOfService
attacks, which can be executed against the executees
or to denyAccess of certain Data. Without being au-
thenticated the attacker is, first, able to compromise
all privileges related to the connection and, second,
exploit the vulnerability related to an account in or-
der to gain its privileges. As far as the attacker at-
tained the Vulnerability, she can try to exploit it.
A successful exploited Vulnerability leads to com-
promised privileges of all related Accounts.
An Account can be compromised by either exploi-
ting a Vulnerability or authenticating (e.g., stea-
ling the Credentials). A compromised Account al-
lows to overtake other Accounts (e.g., a super user
can authenticate as each other account on a machine)
and use their privileges. Moreover, an attacker can
Probabilistic Modeling and Simulation of Vehicular Cyber Attacks: An Application of the Meta Attack Language
Read, Write, DeleteRead, Write, Delete
Firmware Execution
Firmware Execution
ClientClient ServiceService
Core language assets
Modified core language assets
New assets introduced by vehicleLang
Core language assets
Modified core language assets
New assets introduced by vehicleLang
Figure 1: Model of vehicleLang.
authenticate at other Machines, which use the same
Account. Last, an attacker is capable of reading, wri-
ting, and deleting Data on a Machine.
Data is a recursive entity as it can store other Data
inside itself. Considering the basic attack steps of
Data, there are three: read, write, and delete. To
get to these attack steps, the attacker needs to re-
questAccess and the used Account must have granted
the corresponding privileges (e.g., anyAccountRead).
The attack steps read, and delete behave intuitively.
In contrast, write allows also to delete Data and to
tamper Data on the Dataflow. The attack step deny-
Access is the result of a denialOfService and prevents
the accessibility of the data.
A Dataflow is a logical communication between
two Software applications. It allows several diffe-
rent attack steps. First, an attacker can eavesdrop on
the Dataflow and, therefore, she can read the contai-
ned data. Second, an attacker can try to carry out a
man-in-the-middle attack on the data flow. This leads
to the control of the contained Data. In both cases,
that Data may be encrypted and authenticated, thus
preventing a breach of confidentiality and integrity.
Besides reading, writing, and deleting, a manInThe-
Middle allows also maliciousRequests and malicious-
A Network is a physical connection between
Machines like Ethernet LANs, the Internet, and Wi-
Fi networks. Basically, it provides access to its
Dataflows and enables the attacker to perform denia-
lOfService, manInTheMiddle, and eavesdrop attacks.
4.2 vehicleLang
vehicleLang extends the core language by adding the
Firmware, ECU, and VehicleNetwork assets. The
Firmware, which is some kind of Software, runs
on the ECU, which is derived from a Machine. Be-
sides the “simple” ECU, there is also a GatewayECU
which acts as gateway to the Network. Moreover, a
GatewayECU offers the possibility to activate a fire-
wall and an IDPS (Intrusion Detection and Prevention
System) to prevent certain attack steps. The ECUs are
connected via the VehicleNetwork to exchange data
with each other.
An ECU specifies any ECU, or embedded control-
ler in a vehicle. An ECU is an embedded system in
a vehicle controlling one or more electrical system or
subsystems like the anti-lock braking system (ABS).
Modern vehicles can contain up to 80 ECUs (Ebert
and Jones, 2009). We model it as an extension of the
existing concept of a Machine, since an ECU offers
many attacks that are not related to the abstract type of
a Machine. If an attacker is connected to an ECU she
can try to get access to the ECU, attemptChangeOpe-
rationMode, or to modify the Firmware. After com-
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
promising ECUs Firmware, bypassingAccessControl,
or properly authenticating, the intruder has access to
the ECU. The access to an ECU can be utilized to chan-
geOperationMode, gainLINAccessFromCAN (Taka-
hashi et al., 2017), modify the Firmware, or execute
a serviceMessageInjection on the related Services
running on this ECU.
A changeOperationMode puts the ECU into diag-
nostics, which is usually used for service mechanics
to seek for failures of the system, or into update mode,
which is e.g. utilized to install a new Firmware.
An ECU in these modes will no longer send messa-
ges and an attacker can imitate it, if she is careful,
thus, executing a bypassMessageConfliction. Further-
more, the changeOperationMode can be protected by
the defense operationModeProtection. This defense
can be implemented in the real world by either pre-
venting diagnostics mode after vehicle starts moving
or allowing diagnostics mode only after some phy-
sical change is done on the vehicle (e.g., a physical
switch is pressed).
bypassMessageConfliction enables the attacker to
inject forged service messages that could notify about
vehicle’s fault or report fake status like speed or ope-
ration mode. This can lead to an unresponsive ECU
(denialOfService) or allows to inject messages for
the services running on this ECU (serviceMessageIn-
jection). A possible defense against serviceMes-
sageInjection is by using message confliction mecha-
nisms, which act like a host-based IDPS (Kleberger
et al., 2011). A host-based IDPS monitors and ana-
lyzes the internals of a computing system as well as
the network packets on its network interfaces. The-
refore, it observes the inbound and outbound packets
from the device and alerts if suspicious activities are
detected (Newman, 2009).
The VehicleNetwork extends the Network of the
core language and serves as an abstract layer con-
taining the common attack steps and relations of its
specializations: CANNetwork, FlexRayNetwork, and
LINNetwork. E.g., accessNetworkLayer implies the
possibility to transmit messages over the network.
But, it does not imply the possibility to listen to ot-
hers’ traffic on the network, because the attacker has
no access on the GatewayECU but is capable to com-
municate into the network. Therefore, she is able
to connect to all related ECU, perform a networkSpe-
cificAttack, or execute a messageInjection. Additio-
nally, the eavesdrop attack is still inherited from the
A maliciousRequest/maliciousRespond on the
Network allows to connect to the Machine on top of
which the Service or Client is running, respecti-
vely. For the purpose of protection, an IDPS can be
deployed which enforces the attacker in some cases to
bypass it. As this takes time, we use an exponential
distribution with a rate parameter of 6.13 to estimate
the time consumption (Holm et al., 2012; Sommestad
et al., 2012).
A CANNetwork represents the CAN bus network
which is a soft real-time control network used for e.g.
anti-lock breaking or engine control (Wolf, 2009). It
is subject to two CAN related attacks: exploitArbi-
tration, and busOffAttack. A exploitArbitration for
message prioritization in CANNetwork can lead to in-
validation of legitimate messages and allows tampe-
ring with the Dataflow. exploitArbitration is diffe-
rent from the messageInjection attack, because it al-
lows direct malicious respond and request.
A busOffAttack exploits the error-handling
scheme of in-vehicle networks to disconnect or shut-
down not compromised ECUs (Cho and Shin, 2016).
The busOffAttack is easy to mount if the attacker
has access to a CANNetwork or specializations of it,
because the attacker only needs to discover messages
which are sent periodically. Consequently, this
removes the need for a costly reverse-engineering
procedure for the messages or the network. Additi-
onally, an IDPS cannot distinguish between injected
and error messages. As a result, an attacker who
has access to a CANNetwork can directly apply a
busOffAttack and a denialOfService to all connected
ECU, no matter if there is an IDPS in place or not.
Cho and Shin (Cho and Shin, 2016) propose a pro-
tection against the busOffAttack attack, which is mo-
deled with the busOffProtection defense. In this case,
the busOffAttack cannot be performed against the ECU.
In reality, this defense is two-fold. First, the presence
of more than 16 consecutive error frames indicates
a busOffAttack. However, some errors can also pro-
duce so many consecutive error frames. Therefore,
second, the protected ECU should send a message to
the CANNetwork and observe if there will be another
message with the same ID, something that is by de-
sign not allowed on a CANNetwork. Consequently, if
those two criteria are fulfilled there must be a busOf-
fAttack and the ECUs can be designed in a way that
they do not get shut down.
The FlexRayNetwork is a hard real-time con-
trol network used for X-by-wire applications e.g.
break-by-wire or emergency braking systems. It al-
lows three special kinds of attacks: commonTime-
BaseAttack, exploitBusGuardian, and sleepFrameAt-
tack. The attacker sends for a commonTimeBase-
Attack more than defined messages within one cer-
tain timeframe to make the whole network inoperable
(Wolf, 2009, p. 103). Consequently, this leads to a
denialOfService of the FlexRayNetwork.
Probabilistic Modeling and Simulation of Vehicular Cyber Attacks: An Application of the Meta Attack Language
The Bus Guardian is usually a part of a
FlexRayNetwork connected ECUs and regulates the
access to the bus for sending messages to certain,
defined time periods (Sung et al., 2008). This Bus
Guardian is utilized in the exploitBusGuardian at-
tack for sending well-directed faked error messages
to deactivate ECUs (Wolf, 2009). Therefore, on all
FlexRayNetwork connected ECUs a shutdown can be
performed. However, the Bus Guardian mechanism
is hardened and, therefore, an attacker may need to
spend much effort on this attack (Mundhenk et al.,
A LINNetwork is a low-level non-real-time subnet
which is used for e.g. door locking or light sen-
sors. The attacker can easily gainLINAccessFrom-
CAN from the ECU (Koscher et al., 2010; Rippel,
2008) on the LINNetwork and, consequently, perform
the attack step accessNetworkLayer. Another possi-
ble attack on the LINNetwork is injectBogusSyncBy-
tes. To perform this attack, the attacker sends frames
with bogus synchronization bytes within a SYNCH
field. This makes the local LIN network inoperative
or causes at least serious malfunctions (Wolf, 2009).
This leads in our model to a denialOfService of the
A specific attack on the LINNetwork which ex-
ploits the error handling mechanism is the injectHea-
derOrTimedResponse. If the attack is successful, it al-
lows to tamper the Dataflow (Takahashi et al., 2017).
To overcome this shortcoming of the LINNetwork Ta-
kahashi et al. (Takahashi et al., 2017) proposes a pro-
tection against this attack, which is modeled as the he-
aderOrTimedResponseProtection defense in our mo-
del. Additionally, to exploit this attack significant ef-
fort is needed (Takahashi et al., 2017).
vehicleLang is an open source project and there-
fore the code behind the language is publicly available
on the internet.
According to Hevner et al. (Hevner et al., 2004), ve
methods are possible to evaluate the output of DSR:
observations, analysis, experiments, tests, and des-
criptions. Since developing vehicleLang is similar to
developing source code, we opt for testing as the eva-
luation method. We ground our decision on the fact
that testing is widely spread in application develop-
ment and commonly accepted as means to ensure that
an application behaves as intended.
More concretely, we apply two different kinds of
testing. First, we implement unit tests to ensure that
vehicleLang behaves like we expect it to. To ensure
our results, we apply, additionally, cross checking by
another developer, who works also on a realization
of MAL. This cross checking includes a revision of
vehicleLang as well as the implementation of further
unit tests to uncover unintended behavior. Second, we
implement integration tests. Those integration tests
rely on a compiled attack list created by a SLR.
Our SLR follows the methodology of Webster and
Watson (Webster and Watson, 2002). The scope of
the SLR is in line with the objectives of this pa-
per, in other words, identifying attacks on the in-
ternal networks of vehicles. Therefore, we sear-
ched for the terms “vehicle security”, “in-vehicle pro-
tocol security”, “CAN bus attacks”, “LIN bus at-
tacks”, “FlexRay attacks”, “connected cars security”,
and “automotive communication security” in title and
abstract of articles in the Google Scholar
, and Springer Books
databases from 2006 to
present. We scanned the abstracts of about 100 found
results, filtered them with respect to their relevance
to our research objective, and ended up with fourteen
conference papers, three long papers, five scientific
books, and one ENISA (European Network and In-
formation Security Agency) report relevant to our ob-
jective. We completed the SLR by conducting a back-
and forward search, which resulted in no more additi-
onal papers.
We scanned the identified literature and found 22
possible attacks on seven different classes. We relate
to each class its possible attacks and give a short des-
cription of the attack steps. Furthermore, we refer to
defenses which could be put in place to prevent the
attack. We also kept track of the literature in which
each attack is mentioned, and linked it to the test ca-
ses which models the related behavior.
The following provides a sample test case as de-
picted in Figure 2. It is based on a scenario where
an attacker aims to perform a maliciousResponse on
the OtherDataflow by using as entry point the phy-
sicalAccess on VehicleNetwork vNet1. It simula-
tes two VehicleNetworks with two ECUs, each one
of those running a Service. Each ECU is placed in
its own Network and the Networks are connected to
each other via a GatewayECU. On this GatewayECU
the firewall and the IDPS are unfortunately disabled
or not present at all. The attacker initially has access
to the network layer of the Network where the ECU#1
running the Service is connected. Consequently, she
can also compromise the Dataflows in this Network.
However, she only reaches (is able to connect to) the
Service and the respective ECU, but is not able to
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
compromise them. Same holds for the other Network,
since the attacker can compromise the Network, be-
cause the firewall and IDPS are disabled, but she is
not able to compromise the ECU#2 and the correspon-
ding Service#2 connected to the other Dataflow.
Figure 2: Sample Attack on Vehicle’s Network.
In total, we conducted more than 50 tests to verify
vehicleLang. Those tests confirmed that vehicleLang
acts like expected and that the attacks and the possible
countermeasures successfully modeled.
When it comes to performance and scalability eva-
luation, the following notes must be done. Vehicular
infrastructure is by many factors smaller compared
to an IT infrastructure, therefore, work towards bet-
ter scalability for vehicleLang was minimal. In more
detail, only in two occasions scalability wise decisi-
ons were taken. First, the way the dataflows are mo-
deled in vehicleLang, namely, the decision to model
a dataflow as a many-to-many or one-to-many con-
nection between the network service and clients. The
advantage of this approach is that it significantly de-
creases the number of needed dataflows in a complete
model. Second, another scalability related question
was how the firewall allowed dataflows should be mo-
deled. The approach followed was that any firewall
allowed dataflow should be connected to all the per-
mitted networks. This decision was taken in favor of
easier implementation and higher user friendliness
Assessing the cyber security of modern vehicles is
becoming of paramount importance as more IT and
cyber-physical systems pervade them and, simulta-
neously, the number of IT security issues increases.
Within this paper, we presented vehicleLang, a DSL
based on the MAL. vehicleLang will foster security
analysts in the automotive domain to model vehicles
and focus on analyzing possible design weaknesses.
Of course, further work remains. First, we only
modeled the internal vehicle networks and the con-
nected components to them but we did not model furt-
her components, like the infotainment system, the te-
lematics unit, the connectivity with the internet, etc.
Second, our studies have shown that the expected
time consumption of attackers is only researched for
one of the included attacks. Consequently, future
research should elaborate on uncovering the needed
time consumption to create more realistic models. As
already mentioned, evaluating an artifact via test ca-
ses is feasible, but, third, a complete real world eva-
luation of vehicleLang is still underway and will be
presented in further extensions of this work.
Finally, one more limitation of vehicleLang is that
it does not allow to identify zero-day attacks as it re-
lies on known cyber attacks. On the contrary, it al-
lows to uncover unknown combinations of known cy-
ber attacks and, therefore, offers a better foundation
for analysis of possible weaknesses.
This work has received funding from the Swedish
Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (Vin-
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ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy