Theorem 5.2 (Maksimova principle for PBD). Sup-
pose V(α
) ∩ V(β
) 6=
0 for any formulas
and β
. If PBD ⊢ α
∧ β
⇒ α
∨ β
, then
either PBD ⊢ α
⇒ α
or PBD ⊢ β
⇒ β
We can also introduce a first-order extension,
FPBD, of PBD, as well as its valuation semantics
in a natural way. Thus, we can show the theorems
for syntactically and semantically embedding FPBD
into a Gentzen-type sequent calculus FLK for first-
order classical logic. By using these embedding the-
orems, we can obtain the cut-elimination, complete-
ness, modified Craig interpolation, and Maksimova
separation theorems for FPBD.
We would like to thank the anonymous referees for
their valuable comments and suggestions. This re-
search was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Numbers JP18K11171, JP16KK0007, and JSPS
Core-to-Core Program (A. Advanced Research Net-
works). This research has also been supported by the
Kayamori Foundation of Informational Science Ad-
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