(Figure 4). Two or more piezo buzzers can also be
stacked to increase the energy yield.
For these measurements the piezo buzzers where
connected to a full bridge rectifier consisting of
BAT54 diodes and to a capacitor. The voltage level
of the capacitor after each pulse was evaluated and
the resulting energy calculated.
Figure 4: Energy yield of piezo buzzers at different
preloads and with two different storage capacitor sizes.
The main element of the harvester circuit is an
LTC3588 chip from Linear Technology. It is a
specialized chip for energy harvesting from
piezoelectric sources and consists of a rectifier and
an efficient buck converter to convert the input
voltage of the piezo buzzer into a stable output of
1.8 Volt. The input voltage of the LTC3588 is
limited to 20 Volt. Before converting, the energy is
buffered to bridge idleness.
3.2 Microcontroller and Sensors
Based on (Gugg et al., 2016) an NRF52832
microcontroller by Nordic Semiconductors was used
as a basis for the embedded system. It contains an
ARM Cortex M4 32-bit processor as well as a
2.4 GHz transceiver for BLE. To measure the
weight, force sensing resistors where implemented.
The microcontroller can evaluate them using its 12-
bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC).
With an additional ADC measurement, the
voltage level of the storage capacitor is monitored.
Depending on the available energy in the storage,
the collected data is sent via BLE. In continuous
operation, it is possible to evaluate the sensors and
send the data at every step, thanks to very low power
The ADC measurement, including initialization,
data acquisition and data transfer with Direct
Memory Access (DMA) consumes only 1.1 μJ.
Sending the data in advertising mode on three
channels uses around 20 μJ at a transmission power
of 0 dBm. The transmission power was chosen to
ensure a stable communication, but can be reduced
to save energy. Standby phases of the
microcontroller in between two steps consume
8.1 μJ per second.
A prototypic implementation of the autarkic sensor
was implemented. It consists of a harvester system, a
microcontroller with BLE transmitter and force
sensing resistors (Figure 5).
The system was fitted into an insole. Apart from
monitoring weight load, this device demonstrates a
different potential application. By spreading the
force sensors on the sole, the device measures the
weight distribution. It could be used for orthopedic
gait analysis.
Figure 5: Overview over prototypic system. The piezo
buzzer is placed inside an aluminum housing.
The system contains no moving parts. The most
stress is on the piezo buzzer that has to be deformed
at every cycle. This could potentially damage the
piezo-ceramic layer on top in the long term. To
prevent this, the piezo buzzer was placed inside an
aluminum housing. This allows limiting the maximal
bending to 2 mm. The power output is only
marginally affected this limitation. It is also largely
independent of the weight of the user. The piezo
buzzer can be bent with little force.
The complete system with piezo buzzer, four
force sensors and the microcontroller circuit board
can be fitted on an orthosis (Figure 6).
Miniaturization can presumably be achieved by a
factor of two or more, so that the autarkic sensor
system can also be used in a more limited space like