work was addressed in its exact problem definition by
Seo et al (Seo, 2005). Seo et al. tackled the problem
in a geometric setting. They decompose the 2D plane
using Voronoi diagram. They also use a genetic
approach to balance the sums of weights of different
sub graphs.
The reorganization of enterprise network problem
is similar to k-center problem which is a classical
problem in facility location. It is stated as follows:
Given n cities and the distances between them, select
k of these cities as centers so that the maximum
distance of a city from its closest center is minimized
(Hauchbaum, 1995). Two fixed parameter
approximations were given for graphs with bounded
highway dimension. This is a k-center problem
which occurs naturally in transportation networks
(Abraham, 2011), (Feldmann, 2015).
Some graph problems such as facility location,
and p-median problem (Ahmadian, 2017) can be
related to our problem too.
In (Farahani, 2010), authors reviewed literature of
facility location problems that uses multi-criteria
decision making tools as solution techniques. Some
of the problems studied have been applied to real-
world problems, which was the main target of their
In a recent PhD thesis (Ahmadian, 2017), author
considered some sophisticated facility-location
problems that well abstract some real-world sceneries
than the basic facility location problems like un-
capacitated and capacitated facility location problems
and k-median. The author developed techniques for
approaching these problems by leveraging
understanding of basic facility location problems and
their techniques produce some approximation
guarantees for these problems.
In (Wang, 2012), authors studied a facility
location model with fuzzy random parameters and its
swarm intelligence approach. The numerical
experiments from their research showed that the
hybrid algorithm is robust to the parameter settings
and exhibits better performance than the particle
swarm optimization and genetic algorithm
The nearest neighbour algorithm is one of the
simplest learning methods known (Cost, 1993) and
we used it as motivation for one of suggested
algorithms for finding centres of sections.
The problem studied in this paper, reorganization
of enterprise network, is different compared to those
studied in (Farahani, 2010), (Ahmadian, 2017),
(Wang, 2012) since it requires a balanced distribution
centres over the diverse regions and that any city can
be a centre. Further, unlike the facility location
problem, reorganization of enterprise network define
the number of to-be-selected centres. Unlike the p-
median problem, regrouping sites requires an exact
number of selected centres and not an upper bound.
Another similar problem is graph partitioning
where a graph is partitioned into sub graphs which
sizes are nearly balanced and the sum of the weights
of the cut edges between sub graphs is minimized.
The difference between this problem and the
reorganization of enterprise network problem is
mainly that the weights of the edges between the sub
graphs are of no importance to the reorganization of
enterprise network problem. Several heuristics have
been proposed for this problem (Battiti, 1999),
(Echbarthi, 2014).
(Chen, 2011) proposed a genetic algorithm for
solving the m-way graph partitioning problem and
showed it is more efficient than some other
algorithms in terms of computation time and solution
Genetic algorithms have been applied in different
problems to find good approximate solutions.
Examples are given in (Fernandez, 2018),
(Azadzadeh, 2011), (Wang, 2017) and (Morell,
In (Djordjevic, 2011), authors showed
quantitative analysis of separate and combined
performance of local searcher and genetic algorithm.
Even when both components have serious drawbacks,
their hybridized combinations combine good
qualities from both methods applied, significantly
outperforming each of them.
(Karout, 2007) used a hybrid genetic algorithm
(HGA) to solve two-dimensional phase unwrapping
problem. They employed both local and global search
methods. The HGA was compared to three well-
known branch-cut phase unwrapping algorithms and
was found to be more robust and fast.
The reorganization of enterprise network problem is
formulated as follows:
, where is the set of
service sites.
V; is a vertex of G that has
derived from the user-defined site’s
attributes whether related to economic, social or
demographic factors.
) E, , i ,
denotes an edge with cost
representing the
ICORES 2019 - 8th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems