computed given the models, hence by avoiding any
form of data pre-processing. We conducted an em-
pirical evaluation of our approach based on a dataset
representing sub-sequences of the Bolus chase pro-
cedure, a technique in peripheral arteriography, per-
formed on Philips Healthcare’s Image Guided Ther-
apy interventional systems. The gathered results sug-
gest that Growing N-Grams can return cluster com-
positions with lower entropy scores of classification,
which indicate the algorithm’s ability to retrieve dif-
ferent usage behaviours.
Growing N-Grams appears to be more prone to
self-adaptation than other algorithms considered in
our study, which also implies it could be better fit for
our ultimate goal. We also highlighted a plethora of
future work which would ultimately lead to the defi-
nition of a fully adaptive algorithm.
The research is carried out as part of the ITEA3 14035
REFLEXION project under the responsibility of the
Embedded Systems Innovation by TNO (ESI) with
Royal Philips as carrying industrial partner. The RE-
FLEXION research is supported by the Netherlands
Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO
and Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs.
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ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods