range of model components, only a proper subset of
the UML standard is supported; thus, some UML se-
mantics – as interfaces – cannot be expressed exactly.
Nevertheless, by using alternate ALF components –
e.g., abstract classes instead of interfaces –, the se-
mantics can often be approximated pretty well such
that in practice, the consequences concerning limited
expressiveness do not restrict the development pro-
cess too much.
In this paper, we introduced our approach to integrate
two model editors based on different paradigms: A
projectional editor for UML diagrams and a parser-
based editor for ALF text. The resulting tool chain
supports the creation of fully executable models based
on both specifications and allows for the generation of
Java source code. Since it relies on official standards
– UML (OMG, 2015b) and ALF (OMG, 2013a) –,
compatibility with other CASE tools is ensured. The
integrated environment provides benefits for the mod-
eler in terms of providing different views on the un-
derlying models, e.g. class diagrams for the structural
parts and ALF textual specifications for the behav-
ioral parts of method implementations. Consequently,
the modeler always works on the right level of ab-
straction and uses the most appropriate formalism.
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Unifying Modeling and Programming with Valkyrie