This paper describes a collaborative design approach
between system engineering methodology Arcadia
(based on SysML) and architectural design language
AADL using transformation at metamodel level. We
first present our approach and implementation proce-
dures using ATL. Then, we give a formal description
of the key modeling elements of Arcadia and AADL,
respectively. Then translation rules from these Arca-
dia metamodels to AADL are formally defined. Fi-
nally, a case study of train traction controlling system
is used to demonstrate the transformation from en-
gineering concerned design into an architectural re-
finement design which can be further analyzed by
scheduling properties. There are some drawbacks to
use our approach, i) people has to spent times to learn
the syntax of rules, and the writing of rule is error-
prone. ii) the traceback function is not yet imple-
mented automatically.
In our future work, we will try to build a graphic
interface to write rules, and the writing errors of rule
can be detected. We also have to implement the
traceback of simulation results which is sketched in
our workflow with the arrow in dotted line. The re-
sults must be used automatically by upstream model-
ing framework. To this end, we have to extract the
critical information from cheddar outputting file and
transform to an appended file of modeling tool which
can be recognized by the tool and hint user in some-
how. Secondly, we will study the translation rules
for more elements of Arcadia and also for compre-
hensive SysML elements, even for others UML-like
profiles such as MARTE. At the same time, we will
continue to explore the AADL and its annex to sup-
port more analysis and formal verification of system
design. Besides, the safety-critical systems have be-
come a trend in industrial files. We will study the
extension of AADL with verification of safety prop-
erties with transformation methodology.
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Meta-models Combination for Reusing Verification Techniques