Majorly Adapted Translator: Towards Major Adaptation in ITS
Tina Daaboul and Hicham Hage
Department of Computer Science, Notre Dame University - Louaize, Zouk Mosbeh, Keserwan, Lebanon
Keywords: Culturally Aware Learning System, Major Adaptation, Information Extraction, Intelligent Tutoring
Systems, Relation Extraction.
Abstract: Culturally Aware Learning Systems are intelligent systems that adapt learning materials or techniques to the
culture of learners having different “country, hobbies, experiences, etc.”, helping them better understand the
topics being taught. In higher education, many learning sessions involve students of different majors. As
observed, many instructors tend to manually modify the exercises several times, once for every major to adapt
to the culture, which is tedious and impractical. Therefore, in this paper we propose an approach to making
learning sessions adaptable to the major of the learner. Specifically, this work introduces an Artificial
Intelligent system, “Majorly Adapted Translator (MAT)”, which aims at translating and adapting exercises from
one major to another. MAT has two main phases, the first identifies the parts of an exercise that needs changing
and creates an exercise template. The second translates and adapts the exercise. This work, highlights the first
phase, the Feature Extract phase, which relies on our own relation extraction method to identify variables
which extracts relations specific to named entities by using dependency relations and shallow parsing.
Moreover, we report the performance of the system that was tested on a number of probability exercises.
In recent years, culture became widely adapted
especially on the level of educational technology,
since an e-learning session can easily involve people
from different countries and cultures. A shift was
done in e-learning to become more culturally aware;
specifically in intelligent tutoring systems (ITS),
which are named “Culturally Adapted Tutoring
Systems (CATS)”.
In the case of CATS, the culture being adapted is
the “social culture” since it mainly involves factors
on the social level such as country. However,
learners taking the same topic might be from
different majors, in this case adapting to the “social
culture” of the learner is not enough, and the major
of the learner should be considered as well. As
suggested by Carnegie Mellon University, if a
learning session includes students of different
majors, it is preferable to either split them into
sections or to introduce, for each group, examples
that are “relevant to the major or appropriate to the
students’ ability” (Carnegie Mellon University,
Moreover, one of the common questions students
ask is “when will I ever use this in the real world?
(Briggs, 2014). Students are usually more concerned
in knowing how a certain learning material applies
to their major rather than other majors. For example,
a civil engineering student uses the probability topic
in expecting how much capacity a large container
can hold (Prudchenko, 2017) whereas a computer
science student uses the same topic in determining
how a certain program will act (The University of
Chicago, 2017). This is important because learning
material should be designed in a way that has a
lifelong effect on students and prepares them to their
future career as mentioned by Kneale (Kneale,
2009). Several researchers highlight the importance
of making learning material relevant to the student’s
major. As (Azi et al., 2008) mentions, most people
learn by relating the material to what they previously
know. Relevance is a key component to motivate
learners and help them maintain a good memory of
the material they are learning. The neurologist Judy
Willis gives an example of memorizing long
vocabulary words, she says that if they “don’t have
personal relevance or don’t resonate with a topic
about which the student has been engaged, they are
likely to be blocked by the brain’s affective (or
emotional) filters (Briggs, 2014).
Currently, in multi-disciplinary classes, adapting
Daaboul, T. and Hage, H.
“Majorly Adapted Translator”: Towards Major Adaptation in ITS.
DOI: 10.5220/0007296904510457
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2019), pages 451-457
ISBN: 978-989-758-350-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to the major is taken into consideration by human
instructors, were some tend to manually modify the
same exercise several times, in order to cover all the
contexts to suit learners from different majors.
Despite helping learners better understand the
concepts being taught, this method has several
shortcomings: students do not relate to all the
examples, it is very tedious, time consuming, and
not yet supported by e-learning systems.
The purpose of this paper is to lay the
foundations for an ITS, to adapt the topics being
taught to the major of the students in an automated
and efficient way. For this, we propose “Majorly
Adapted Translator (MAT)” an intelligent system
that translates exercises authored by an instructor
from one concept to another while maintaining the
same structure of the exercise. This system contains
two phases, the first is “Feature Extract (FE)” which
identifies the parts of an exercise that need to be
translated and adapted to other concepts and the
second is “Translate” which is used to translate the
exercise into other concepts. This paper highlights
the initial phase of the system FE which is based on
the Natural Language Processing (NLP) method
“Information Extraction”. The main purpose of FE
is to identify the parts that can be translated and
obtain the mathematical form of the exercise to be
used in the next phase “Translate” for translating the
exercise to other concepts. For this purpose, we have
created our own “Relation Extraction (RE)” method
that extracts relations of domain specific words by
relying on their dependency (grammatical) relations
with the rest of the words in the text. Currently,
MAT focuses on translating exercises written in
human language related to the “Probability” branch
of mathematics, since this is a common domain
taught to students of different majors such as
mathematics, biology, business, computer science,
and engineering, to name a few. The paper is
organized as follows: the next section provides an
overview of CATS, Section 3 details our approach,
Section 4 highlights the testing and results, and
Section 5 concludes this work and presents the
future works.
Culture or “the programing of the mind” (Hofstede,
1997) affects the way people think, act, and even
their understanding of certain matters, which all
goes back to what is in their cultural background. In
early stages, culture in the subdomains of e-learning
was adapted on the level of nation by taking the
“human culture perspective” which is based on
Hofstede’s method who studied the dimensions of
culture in organizations from the human’s
perspective (Hofstede, 1997). These dimensions
represent emotions such as pride, teamwork spirit, or
ability to accept criticism which are common among
certain cultural groups. They are used as the bases
for dealing with the learner since they are assumed
to be inherited from the learner’s cultural group in
which he/she unconsciously acts upon when
interacting with the system (Blanchard and Frasson,
2005) (Vartak et al., 2008). “Culturally Adapted
Tutoring Systems (CATS)” is an example of a
system that relies on Hofstede’s method. Other than
adapting culture in learning techniques, several
systems adapted culture in the pedagogical resources
given to the learner such as in mathematical tutoring
systems (Melis et al., 2009) and authoring tools
(Vartak et al., 2008). In later stages, scientists
claimed that it is not enough to rely only on the
“nation” culture as this results in many “cultural
stereotypes” (Ogan et al., 2014). Thus, other factors
should be considered as well such as “technological
factors” (Nye, 2014), “collaborative filtering” (Eboa
et al., 2010) and “Instructional Cultural
Contextualization (ICON)” (Mohammed and
Mohan, 2014) which learns from analyzing the
learner’s preferences. Later, (Gasparini et al., 2010)
introduced an e-learning system that is more learner-
personalized, i.e., it considers factors such as
personal, culture, technological, and pedagogical
perspective of the user (how much he/she knows
about the topic). Currently, many systems adapt the
personalization concept in e-learning making a
learning session more student-centered such as
(Khemaja and Taamallah, 2016) and (Klašnja-
Milićević et al., 2017). However, to the best of our
knowledge, no work has been done to adapt to the
major of the learner.
“Majorly Adapted Translator (MAT)” contains two
major phases. The first “Feature Extract (FE)” which
identifies the parts of the exercise that needs to be
translated and adapted to other concepts. The
second, “Translate” translates the exercise into other
concepts. In this work we highlight the first phase,
“Feature Extract”. Specifically, Feature Extract
defines the structure of an exercise through
transforming it into a template. This template
includes the list of variables and the mathematical
form of the exercise. This template will later be used
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
in order to translate the exercise.
Consider the following sentence: 4% of the
resistors are defective. The value 4% should remain
unchanged, whereas “resistors are defective” should
be contextualized and adapted. We define a variable
as a core part of an exercise that has stable
keyword(s) having a related dynamic value which
could be changed without affecting the structure of
the exercise”. A variable is formed of a “keyword”
(the “4%” in the previous example) which is an
expression that has a mathematical implication
depending on the domain of the exercise and a
“value” (the “resistors are defective” in the previous
example) that refers to all the words linked to the
keyword in a way that defines it. The aim is to find
the keyword, look for its value and contextualize it
into other concepts.
Identifying variables is obtained by extracting the
relations of the keywords. However, the challenge is
for MAT to be able to find the “correct” value of the
keywords since not all terms linked to a certain
keyword are its correct value. In this paper, we
contributed in creating a “Relation Extraction (RE)”
method which extracts relations specific to named
entities, by relying on the dependency relations of
these named entities with other words in the text. As
shown in Figure 1, FE undergoes several steps,
detailed in the rest of this section. Note that we
consider an exercise as composed of two parts: the
given where all the details are provided, and the
questions that the learner must answer.
Figure 1: Feature Extraction Process.
3.1 Tokenization
The initial step in FE is “Tokenization”; it divides
the “given of the exercise into “chunks of
words/tokens” which are a group of words
belonging to the same grammatical type. FE
identifies chunks as either a “keyword chunk” or a
“non-keyword chunk” and labels each with its
grammatical type which is used as a key to identify
the relations among the chunks. Like any other
Information Extraction (IE) task, the initial step is to
split the text into smaller parts, i.e., splitting the
given into sentences and then to clauses in which
each undergoes the process of identifying the
variables. Splitting into clauses is helpful since the
smaller the text, the easier it is for the dependency
parser, used in the next step, to extract accurate
dependency relations. Next each clause is divided
into tokens using a “word tokenizer” and the part-of-
speech tag of each token is retrieved which will be
used to group them into chunks.
Next, the Stanford NER (Named Entity
Recognition) tool is used to identify the “Keyword
Chunks”. Stanford NER is a statistical parser created
by Stanford University, trained on previously
annotated text that labels sequence of words
referring to “name of something” (Manning et al.,
2014) (Finkel et al., 2005). Since NER is a domain
specific tool, it was required that we customize the
Stanford NER to identify keywords related to the
domain of MAT, i.e., mathematical or probability
expressions. Stanford NER can identify numbers
such as percent, integer, and money. Whereas other
types of numbers and mathematical/probability
expressions that Stanford NER cannot read, are
identified using “Stanford Regex NER”; a rule based
NER system that uses Java regular expressions in
order to label named entities. Accordingly, we have
trained the Regex NER to identify specific
probability expressions which we created by
developing our own Java regular expressions such
as: “2 out of five” is identified as “2/5”, and the
words “probability, random, standard deviation,
average, median, etc.” are identified as keywords.
Furthermore, all the chunks that are not
identified as keyword chunks are considered non-
keyword chunks and parsed using a shallow parser.
Chunking non-keywords at early stages is important
because it simplifies the work of analyzing the
relations between a keyword and its value. Consider
the phrase “20 have a laptop computer” where “20”
is the keyword; instead of obtaining the relations:
“20” linked to “laptop” and “laptop” linked to
“computer”; having “laptop computer” as one chunk
of type “Noun Phrase”, directly leads to the relation
that “20” is linked to “laptop computer”. In order to
obtain similar forms of chunks such as noun phrases
and verb phrases, we developed our own grammar
customized for MAT to perform the shallow parsing.
This grammar contains “tag patterns” which were
derived from studying various grammatical rules and
from looking at frequently encountered chunks
“Majorly Adapted Translator”: Towards Major Adaptation in ITS
related to a value of a variable found in
mathematical text. Finally, we reserved for each
chunk, its type, the original token value, its
normalized form, and most importantly the index of
each token in the chunk in order to link it later on
with the indexes of the dependency relations.
3.2 Retrieve Dependency Relations
After identifying the keyword chunks and the non-
keyword chunks, the second step is to extract the
dependency relations among these chunks. This step
relies on the Stanford Core NLP dependency parser
(Manning et al., 2014). It uses its enhanced
dependency relations that consists of a governor (or
the head) and a dependent that depends on the
governor. In order to analyze the dependency
relations between chunks, we studied various
dependency type relations. One of the most
important relation types to mention is the “core
argument” type which is a relation that includes a
subject and an object (Universal Dependencies
Contributors, 2016). Consider the phrase “three have
defects”, the following relations are obtained:
“three” is the subject of “have” represented as
nsubj(have,three) and “defects” is the object of
“have” represented as dobj(have,defects). This step
helps the system in the next stage to link certain
chunks to the keywords according to their
dependency relations, forming up a “variable”.
3.3 Identify Variables
This step is the most important step in FE, as it
detects the parts of an exercise that needs to be
translated into other concepts, i.e., the “variables”.
“Identify Variables” takes as an input the list of
chunked phrases obtained from “Tokenization” and
the list of dependency relations determined by the
“Retrieve Dependency Relations step. As
mentioned previously, not all relations of a keyword,
are supposedly its value. Hence, the challenge is to
obtain the correct value of the variables; FE
performs this through three main steps:
First, Getting the linked Relations extracts all
the linked relations of the keyword(s) and omits
those that are not. A chunk can be directly linked to
a keyword chunk or indirectly through other chunks
linked to the ones related to the keyword. Moreover,
a value can be found in more than one chunk, so the
dependency relations among these chunks are to be
considered as well. All the dependency relations
obtained from this step are called “linked relations”.
Moreover, MAT considers a predefined priority list
of keywords; this list was carefully created based on
scanning similar examples, such that it gives the
shortest path leading to the value and accurate
results. Accordingly, the system starts with the
priority keyword, gets all its directly linked relations
and then completes to get the relations linked to the
direct chunks, i.e., the indirect relations. This
process stops when the system cannot find linked
relations any further. Consider the phrase “Eleven of
the motors are free of defects” where “eleven” is a
keyword of type “Number” and “free” is a keyword
of type “Negation”. According to the predefined
priority list, MAT starts with “eleven” and obtains
the direct relations: “eleven” is the nominal of
“motors” and “free” is the subject of “eleven”. Since
“free of defects” is one chunk, thus “eleven” is
linked to “free of defects”. The indirect relation
obtained is that the verb “are” is the copula that
connects to the subject “free” and “free” is the
nominal of “defects”.
Second is the Translating Relations step which
helps the system understand the relations among the
dependencies and how to use them as instructions to
identify the variables. It does that by translating the
linked relations based on “the type of relation” and
on the “type of the related chunks”, as well as
eliminating relations that are considered useless. In
the previously mentioned example, “Eleven of the
motors are free of defects” the obtained dependency
relations are translated as:
1. “nmod:of(11,motors)” “Number is
2. “nsubj(11,free) “Number has Subject
3. “cop(free,are)” “Negation has Equality”
4. “nmod:of(free,defects)”
“Negation has
Third, Variable Identification” aims to identify
the correct value of a keyword by understanding the
translated linked relations obtained from the
previous steps. FE defines an algorithm that extracts
the “value” for different types of keywords.
Essentially, while searching for the “value”, the
system undergoes two levels of search, the first
searches in the direct relations and the second in the
indirect relations. Throughout both levels of search,
the system performs three actions: “Search”,
“Continue”, and “Add”. Based on the type of the
related chunks and the type of the relation, the
system decides whether to add the word as a value
or ignore it and continue the search. As the system
analyzes the dependency relations, it relies on
general grammatical rules inspired from previously
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
chunked variables of similar structure. For example,
when a keyword is linked to a “verb” by the relation
“subject”, the system understands that there should
be an “object” so it continues to search for it, if the
encountered object is a noun, then it is added to the
“value”. In the previously mentioned example, the
keyword “11” is linked to a negation “free” by the
relation subject, so FE adds “free” to the value and
continues to add the chunks related to “free” as part
of the value, forming up the value “free of defects”
for the keyword “11”. Furthermore, when MAT
identifies the value, it defines the type of it. A value
can be a regular value type (denoted as “Value”) or
of the types: “Key Is”, “Number”, or “Relation (i.e.,
negation or intersection)” type. According to the
type of the value, FE determines the variables. In the
above mentioned translated results, FE identifies
“motors” and “are free of defects” as values of “11”
of value type “Key Is” and “negation” respectively.
Thus, the obtained variable is “11 (of the motors)
=free of defects”.
3.4 Translate into Mathematical Form
The final step, “Translate into Mathematical Form”
generates the mathematical form of the exercise.
First, it translates the extracted variables, then the
given part of the authored exercise, and finally the
questions associated with the exercise. Basically,
MAT tries to understand the given as if trying to
solve it, taking advantage of the structure of the
variables and related mathematical rules. As
probability exercises vary in type and in the way
they are solved, MAT defines different algorithms
for different categories of probability exercises. For
instance, for probability exercises of type “basic
probability”, the system searches for the “sample
space”, the events and the possible negation or
intersection relations. Following are examples of
obtained variables: (1): 20.0 (electric motors); (2):
11.0 (of the motors) = free of defects; (3): 8.0 = have
defects on the exterior finish; (4): 3.0 = have defects
in their assembly. MAT translates (3) and (4) as
events A and B because they are related to the
keyword with the value type “value”; (2) is
identified as a “relation value” since it has the value
negation (Not A and Not B), and (1) is the sample
space. After translating the variables, MAT displays
the given in mathematical form using predefined
probability symbols. For example, it associates each
event with its number value, e.g., Event A= 8.0.
Also, it identifies terms that have mathematical
implications, e.g., the word “at least one” implies a
union P(AUB). Thus, the translated mathematical
form is displayed as: “Consider the Sample Space
20.0, let the events A and B, 8.0 is the number
having A, 3.0 is the number having B, 11.0 is the
number having NOT A & NOT B.” Finally, MAT
translates the questions associated with the exercise
to mathematical form using the same approach.
The performance of Feature Extract (FE) is
evaluated based on the percentage of exercises it can
produce a valid template for and the various types of
probability exercises it can cover. Based on the
recommendation of statistics and probability
professors, and after researching commonly used
statistics/probability books (such as (Scheaffer et al.,
2010) and (Grinstead and Snell, 2009)) and other
online resources, we decided to cover the following
topics for the testing: Basic Probability (20
questions), Permutation & Combination (24
questions), Conditional Probability (14 questions)
and Distributed Probability (12 questions). The
reason behind choosing these categories is that they
are the most common and preliminary to several
majors requiring probability courses. As such, a total
of 70 different exercises were selected to cover the
various question formats and topics. The exercises
were first translated to mathematical form using
MAT. Then, with the help of probability instructors,
the translated forms were compared and evaluated
either as correctly translated, partially translated
(containing some minor errors) or incorrectly
translated. Overall, MAT succeeded in extracting the
templates and translating correctly to the
mathematical form 84% of the exercises. Moreover,
MAT was able to partially translate 14% of the
exercises and incorrectly translated only 2% of the
4.1 Results and Findings
Figure 2, shows the detailed results of each tested
category. As observed, FE performed well in
translating correctly exercises of the different
categories. As for the exercises that were partially
and incorrectly translated, we observed several
issues in which the majority of them could be fixed.
First of all, in the “Basic Probability” category,
MAT correctly extracted and translated 90% of the
exercises and it performed well in identifying events
and sample spaces, and distinguishing between
different probabilities symbolic forms.
As for the “Conditional Probability” category, in 86%
“Majorly Adapted Translator”: Towards Major Adaptation in ITS
Figure 2: Detailed Results.
of the exercise FE was able to detect conditional
probabilities in the form of P(A|B) whereas in 14%
of the exercise, where the given was more complex,
it was only able to translate it partially. In the
“Distributed Probability” FE also performed well, as
it was able to correctly translate 92% of the
exercises. Finally, in the “Permutation and
Combination” category FE was able to correctly
translate 95% of the exercises.
The shortcomings of the FE component were due
mainly to the following reasons. First, FE assumed
that all the variables were in the given. In the cases,
where not all the events were presented in the given,
but some in the questions, MAT incorrectly
translated the exercises. This issue can be solved by
performing further text analysis and extracting the
keywords that were not found in the given. Second,
FE had some difficulties in exercises having
unidentified keywords such as X members attend
Sport”. This can be solved by further extending the
FE to recognize single letters to be keywords.
Finally, FE failed to identify “list of words” which
infers a number, for example the phrase the vehicle
can go straight, turn right, or turn left” which infers
3 choices, denoted as n=3. This can be solved by
training FE to identify list of consecutive words
separated by a comma as “values”.
Overall, the performance of FE is considered to
be acceptable, especially that the FE phase can
successfully handle complex terms including
numbers (“two out of five is recognized as 2/5),
units (such as “10 ohm resistors”), negations (such
as neither”, nor or free of”) and other
ambiguous terms ( A+ is recognized as a blood
This paper contributes first in providing arguments
in order to expand the field of AIED towards
adapting to the major of the learner. The proposed
system, “Majorly Adapted Translator (MAT) is
designed for that end. Indeed, MAT adapts to the
students’ major by translating exercises from one
concept to another according to their major. The
system consists of two parts, “Feature Extract”
which identifies the parts of an authored exercise
that must be changed (i.e., variables) and
“Translate” which translates these to different
concepts. In this work, we highlight the Feature
Extract phase, which relies on our own relation
extraction method to identify variables which
extracts relations specific to named entities by using
dependency relations and shallow parsing.
The system was tested on 70 different exercises,
which were selected to cover the various question
formats and topics from the Statistics and
Probability domain. MAT was successful at properly
extracting the templates and translating into
mathematical form 84% of the exercises. Moreover,
in 14% of the exercises MAT was partially
successful, and the reasons for these limitations were
As future works, first we plan to increase the
performance of the FE phase by addressing the
limitations highlighted in the testing section.
Second, the translate phase only translates to
mathematical form. As such, it should be extended
to translate other majors in order to further test the
system with actual learner. In addition, we plan to
investigate extending the system to translate various
topics other than probability such as linear
programming problems and numerical analysis.
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