smart meters are commonly used for recording
customers’ energy consumption and send it as meter
readings to be transmitted as electronic signals to the
energy provider. Furthermore, using smart sensors,
actuators and controllers would help internet-based
systems to measure many parameters like
temperature, humidity, and air flow and predict other
external factors such as, weather forecast. Thus, IoT
is mainly considered in forming the connection with
objects and with each other. It is not only a connected
system, it is a more intelligent environment involved
in constant communication.
It is expected that the increasing number of smart
HVAC systems will affect the pattern of the electrical
grid. Thus, various techniques have been proposed in
order to tackle related problems (Mirinejad et al.,
2008). In this paper, a DMS strategy is proposed for
managing the HVAC systems in smart grids. In the
proposed strategy, an appliance scheduling algorithm
based on a modified fuzzy logic control system, that
maintains the comfort level of end-use customers
saturated, is introduced considering a new input
parameter for the controller.
The rest of this paper is organized as follow.
Section 2 represents the literature review. In Section
3, the model description of house heating system is
presented. Section 4 introduces the proposed
algorithm. Section 5 discusses the simulation results.
Finally, conclusion and future work are explained.
Recent energy management systems aim to offer
efficient advantages for both the customers and the
utility. For the customer side, many studies based on
applying DR program have been proposed. DR
programs depend basically on motivating a customer
to reduce his consumption during peak periods. On
the other hand, it has to keep the level of customer
comfort satisfied. (Paterakis, Erdinç and Catalão,
2017) presented a survey of technologies, programs,
consumer response categories of DR and the
corresponding benefits and barriers from DR
programs application. Moreover, (Siano, 2014)
proposed a review on DR classification and
techniques regarding real case studies and research
Customer response for such DR programs may
differ according to customer profile. For residential
customers, it is more appropriate to apply Direct Load
Control (DLC) incentive-based and price-base DR
programs. Recently, in (Shakeri et al., 2018), an
adaptive HEMS control system was proposed to
manage and schedule the electric appliances in order
to reduce the electricity consumption and
corresponding cost. A TOU pricing model was
implemented that resulted in a cost reduction of 14%
with ensuring the user comfort. An intelligent
algorithm that could help users to Handle their
consumption rates was presented in (Fotouhi
Ghazvini et al., 2017). Both RTP and TOU DR
programs were investigated in addition to an
incentive-based program. The results showed that the
incentive-base DR program can perform better than
the RTP-based one under the pricing scheme of TOU
strategy. Furthermore, in (Wang et al., 2018), a multi-
agent system was established to investigate several
types of load demand in multi-agent household
considering the price-based DR scheme. They
concluded that shiftable loads outperform other loads
in DR potential and cost saving, while the sheddable
loads are better for energy saving. A structure of an
HEMS with reference to the management process of
thermostatically and non-thermostatically loads was
introduced in (Paterakis et al., 2015) under load
shaping and day-ahead pricing DR strategies.
Similarly, a classification of residential smart
appliances was proposed in (Qu et al., 2018).
Moreover, an optimal control algorithm was
submitted through day-ahead electricity prices and
real-time incentive measures.
An HVAC system is considered to have a great
attention of appliance scheduling systems due to their
widely spread over the world. (Sala-Cardoso et al.,
2018) introduced a data-driven based model for the
short-term load prediction of the HVAC systems in
smart homes. In (Adhikari, Pipattanasomporn and
Rahman, 2018), a hybrid algorithm based on both
greedy and binary search algorithms was proposed
to control and monitor HVACs. Their algorithm is
based on DLC DR scheme by using IoT-based
Fuzzy set theory was introduced by (Zadeh, 1965)
to tackle uncertainties and vague problems, also it has
been successfully applied to the field of control
engineering. In particular Fuzzy Logic (FL) is a
decision making-based tool which allows
intermediate values to be defined between
conventional evaluations like (True/False) and
(High/Low) (Caggiano, 2014). Thus, it can be
considered as an effective tool for appliance
scheduling problem. In (Soyguder and Alli, 2009), an
FL-based model was implemented for HVAC
systems to maximize the performance of the
controller in predicting the damper gap rate.
Moreover, (Qela and Mouftah, 2014) proposed a
fuzzy system approach to reduce the peak loads using