sion. So, our first issue was how to extend the model
to an arbitrary velocity V
. If it were possible, our
network model could be guaranteed by the Fisher’s
quantity equation in general. Next, our second issue
was how to compute the velocity of money. If it were
possible, the velocity of money could be explicitly de-
rived. Then, we could know whether the velocity of
money is different in several network topologies and
Solution. For the first issue, we develop an asyn-
chronous price stabilization model in order to express
an arbitrary velocity V
of money. We can use the
concept of asynchronous round or simply round, an
appropriate interval, and define the velocity as the ba-
sis of the slowest agent: In a round, the slowest agent
trades only once, while the others do at least once.
Then, the money payed by the slowest agent moves
only distance 1, while the other money moves farther.
So, the different speed between money gives the con-
cept of velocity.
For the second issue, we consider a variable
of money used at each node i. The sum of
through the network means the total quantity of
money that was repeatedly used in a round. We con-
sider the velocity of money as the sum of flow
by the amount of money supply. Since the moneysup-
ply is constant, the velocity of money becomes large
if the sum of flow
Related Work. The classical theory of price
determination in microeconomics is introduced in
(N.G.Mankiw, 2018). In contrast to the conven-
tional work, we review the theory from a multiagent
viewpoint. There exist a large body of literature on
social economic networks (J.Benhabib et al., 2010)
containing a network formation game (M.O.Jackson
and A.Wolinsky, 1996) and a buyer-seller net-
work (M.O.Jackson and A.Watts, 2010; R.Kranton
and D.Minehart, 2001). The network formation game
considers the choice of relationships between agents,
and the buyer-seller network considers the competi-
tion and exchange in bipartite networks (E.Even-Dar
et al., 2007; R.Kranton and D.Minehart, 2001). Un-
like their interest in maximizing economic surplus,
our work focuses on price stabilization. Auction the-
ory has been comprehensively studied in (V.Krishna,
2002). Our protocol in Section2.2 may be consid-
ered as a consensus algorithm. The consensus al-
gorithm is described in (N.A.Lynch, 1996), and its
self-stabilizing version is described in (S.Dolev et al.,
2010). However, their work cannot be categorized
as economics. Asynchronous systems have been ex-
tensively discussed in the area of distributed algo-
rithms(N.A.Lynch, 1996). This is because most of
the distributed algorithms must work in such an envi-
ronment. Thus the multiagent system should be de-
scribed as an asynchronous system.
Our previous work (J.Kiniwa and K.Kikuta,
2011a) considers a naiveprotocol in which each buyer
makes a bid with an appropriate rate to a seller. Then,
(J.Kiniwa and K.Kikuta, 2011b) and (J.Kiniwa et al.,
2017b) analyze the best bidding price for a con-
stant number of bidders, and (J.Kiniwa et al., 2017b)
assumes the price is determined by the amount of
money and goods.
Contributions. We propose an asynchronous price
stabilization model in this paper. We consider the
asynchronous system is not only as an extension of
the synchronous system but also as a method of mea-
suring the velocity of money. We define the velocity
of money as the total spent money divided by the total
supplied money in a round. To compare the velocity
of money, we execute simulation experiments for two
networks and three protocols. Then we obtain some
reasonable results, that is, the velocity of money is
fast if there is a lot of payment.
We organize the rest of this paper as follows. Sec-
tion2 states our model and protocols. Section 3 dis-
cusses how we can represent the velocity of money.
Section4 shows some results of simulation experi-
ments for several networks and protocols. Finally,
Section5 concludes the paper.
Here we describe our model consisting of a network
in section 2.1, a protocol design in section 2.2, and
the expected number of bidders in section 2.3.
2.1 Network
Our system can be represented by a connected net-
work G = (V,E), consisting of a set of nodes V and
edges E, where the nodes represent cities and a pair of
neighboringnodes is linked by an edge. Let N
be a set
of neighboring nodes of i ∈ V, and let N
= N
∪ {i}.
We assume that each node i ∈ V has a good of one
single type and their initial price may be distinct. Let
be the price of the goods at node i. Each node i ∈ V
has exactly one representative agent a
who always
stays at i and can buy goods in the neighborhood N
Each agent a
has money m
and the quantity q
goods. The price p
is determined by the relation be-
tween the quantity of goods and the buying power,
called a supply-demand balance. So we simply as-
sume two properties at each node. First, the price
is proportional to the amount of money for constant
goods. Second, the price is inversely proportional to