the land is illuminated for a given incidence angle,
and the grating will become ineffective. Under this
circumstance, the laminar type is suitable.
The grating is fabricated on a
152mm×152mm×6.35mm silicon plate. It is the
largest sample which our e-beam writer (JBX-
6300FS, JEOL, japan) can handle; and it can share
the same cassette with an industry standard 6025
mask. To get a flat surface, the thickness of the plate
is very important. The silicon plate was polished to
be very flat and very smooth, the surface flatness is
less than 60nm with in 100mm in diameter, and the
surface roughness is less than 0.5nm.
To reduce the writing time, we used SAL-601, a
negative tone, chemically amplified resist from the
Shipley Corporation, to pattern the grating. The
exposure dose of SAL-601 is about 20-50 uC/cm2,
much lower than that of PMMA or ZEP520A.
Consequently, the e-beam writing time is reduced to
about 70 hours.
Figure 3: Process flow: (a) A 4 inch silicon wafer was spin
coated with a layer of negative tone photoresist SAL-601
(Shipley Corporation); (b) Lithography was performed
with a 100 kV e-beam writer (JEOL JBX-6300FS).
Photoresist was developed in CD26 after a 105 °C 3 min
PEB; (c) Silicon was etched by a high-density plasma
etching system (ULVAC NE550); (d) Photoresist was
removed by plasma etching with oxygen and the wafer
was diced into a 100mm×40mm slice by a laser dicing
machine. (e) The thin slice of grating was bonded to a
30mm thick bulk silicon. (f) The protective layer on both
side of the grating was removed and the surfaces were
cleaned thoroughly; (g) The surface of the grating was
coated with a thin layer of gold (50nm) by using a
magnetron sputtering system.
The process that we have implemented is
sketched in Fig. 3. The silicon plate is cleaned by
acetone, ethanol and DIW and is baked in an oven at
105℃ to remove moisture. It is spin coated with a
layer of SAL601, which is 500nm in thickness. The
photoresist was baked in an oven for 30 minutes at
105℃ to remove solvent in the photoresist. A JBX-
6300FS (JEOL japan) e-beam writer is used to
pattering the gratings, at 2 nA e-beam current, it
takes about 70 hours to pattering the gratings.
For a chemically amplified resist, the post
exposure bake (PEB) is a very critical process. The
PEB temperature affects the line width of the
photoresist and the PEB time affects the thickness of
the residue resist. After many times of experiment,
the PEB temperature is set to 105℃ and the PEB
time is 30 minutes. After PEB, the photoresist was
developed in CD26 for 3-5 minutes. The pattern
on the photoresist needs to be transferred to the
silicon to form a deep trench structure to eliminate
stray lights reflected by the bottom of the grating.
Before silicon etching, the residue photoresist should
be removed using oxygen plasma. (ULVAC NE550,
Oxygen 20 sccm 50w/300w for 5 seconds, 50nm of
resist is removed evenly). Then the silicon is etched
by a high-density plasma etching system (ULVAC
NE550) with SF6 and C
. (oxygen 2 sccm, C
60 sccm, SF
10 sccm, 50w/600w for 75 seconds).
The etch depth is 300nm. After silicon etching, the
excess photoresist is removed completely by oxygen
After been etched, the photoresist is removed by
using oxygen plasma etching. Before dicing, the two
sides of the wafer are protected by photoresist. The
four inch wafer was diced into a 110mm×30mm
slice by a laser dicing machine. After thoroughly
cleaning, the back side of the wafer and the front
side of the bulk silicon was coated with 50 nm of
titanium and 500 nm of gold using magnetron
sputtering. Ti is mainly used as Au-Si bonding layer
and diffusion barrier layer, which is used to enhance
the viscosity of Au-Si and avoid excessive diffusion
of gold into the silicon. The external gold surfaces
need to be treated very carefully to ensure successful
The gold surfaces were cleaned by ultrasonic in
acetone, ethanol and deionized water, and dried by
nitrogen. Then surface activation, which is a very
critical process for successful bonding, was
performed by an ICP-RIE system. The oxygen
plasma was employed to eliminate of organic matter
on the gold surfaces, then the Ar+H
plasma was
used to remove the oxide layer. The treated gold
surfaces should be bonded as soon as possible,
otherwise the surfaces might be contaminated again
and bonding could fail.