changes of the subjects body position near the start
of the “lying” activity. This results in a lower-than-
expected amount of matches near the start, causing
the transition to be guessed too early. Note that both
techniques have trouble with subject 1.
Table 3 lists the results for the transition from
“sitting” to “standing”. Again, we see similar or
improved results when applying noise elimination,
except for 3 subjects using the first sensor series.
Though results are worse compared to Table 2, the
gain by using noise elimination is more significant.
When using a single sensor, results on average im-
prove from 21.12 to 15.35, corresponding to a gain of
about 27 seconds. If segmentation uses all 3 sensors,
results change from 16.9 to 10.3 on average, a gain of
around 31 seconds.
In this paper we discussed techniques and applica-
tions related to the Matrix Profile. Our contribution
consists of a method to remove the effects of Gaussian
noise on the time series when calculating the Matrix
Profile, without affecting the complexity of the un-
derlying algorithm. This method is based on a sta-
tistical analysis of the effects of z-normalized noisy
sequences on the Euclidean distance. The only re-
quirement for this technique is to know the variance
of the noise, which is an intuitive measure and can
be easily estimated by manually extracting a flat but
noisy segment from the time series.
As the Matrix Profile is widely usable for a va-
riety of problems and across various domains, so
is our technique. In this paper, we showed gains
for anomaly detection and time series segmentation.
Both cases were evaluated on public datasets contain-
ing real-word data and showed an improvement of
the results. On the Numenta Anomaly Benchmark,
we were able to retrieve more anomalies with less
guesses, saving an operator valuable time. On the
PAMAP2 dataset, we were able to more accurately
predict transitions between passive activities. We fo-
cused on datasets containing flat and noisy segments,
a subject that was not yet tackled in other Matrix Pro-
file related literature.
Further work can be done on using a dynamic
value for the noise estimation, for series where noise
does not originate from measurement, but rather from
the underlying process.
This work has been carried out in the framework
of the Z-BRE4K project, which received funding
from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme under grant agreement no.
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ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods