Phishing Email Detection based on Named Entity Recognition
ıt List
Simon Let
, Jan
and V
aclav Hlav
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Cybernetics, Czech Technical University in Prague, Technick
a 2,
Prague 6, Czech Republic
Faculty of Information Technology, Department of Theoretical Computer Science, Czech Technical University in Prague,
akurova 9, Prague 6, Czech Republic
Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics, Jugosl
ych Partyz
u 1580/3, Prague 6, Czech Republic
Named Entity Recognition (NER), Phishing, Email.
This work evaluates two phishing detection algorithms, which are both based on named entity recognition
(NER), on live traffic of The first algorithm was proposed in (Ramanathan and Wechsler, 2013).
It is using NER and latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) as feature extractors for random forest classifier. This
algorithm achieved 100% F-measure on the publicly available testing dataset. We are using this algorithm
as the baseline for our newly proposed solution. The newly proposed solution is using companies detected
by the NER and it is comparing URLs present in the email content to the company URL profile (based on
history). The company URL profile contains domains which are frequently mentioned in legitimate traffic
from that domain. The advantage of the proposed solution is that it does not need phishing dataset, which is
hard to get, especially for languages other than English. Our solution outperforms the baseline solution. Both
solutions are able to detect previously undetected phishing attacks. Combination of the solutions achieves 100
% F-measure on the portion of live traffic.
Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to steal personal in-
formation. It is commonly used in email. This method
is often using impersonation techniques. The attacker
wants the victim to click on the malicious URL and
fill in personal information. The attacker achieves that
because the victim thinks that the email was sent by
the legitimate and known organization. Phishing is
causing huge financial and reputation losses globally.
1.1 Traffic Statistics is the biggest freemail provider in the Czech
Republic. The in-house anti-spam solution is analyz-
ing approximately 50 million messages a day. The
current anti-spam system it not focused on phishing
detection. But the negative effects of those attacks
affect not only the users but also the company. It be-
came a bigger problem when started offer-
ing email on custom domain because it is a service
commonly used by companies.
Based on the language detection
75% of incom-
ing email messages at are in Czech language
and 15% in the English language. The rest is mostly
1.2 Task
Our task is to create a model for detecting phishing
emails in traffic. As shown in Sec. 1.1 huge
portion of the analyzed messages are in the Czech lan-
guage. Therefore the proposed solution should be ex-
tensible for other languages than English and should
not use phishing examples because they are almost
impossible to obtain (described in Sec. 4.1).
Phishing detection was approached many times. The
task solution may be based on metadata or content.
We are focusing on the content based methods. Those
methods may use email text, images contained in the
email or the attachments. We are using natural lan-
guage processing methods (NLP) for phishing de-
tection. More specifically named entity recognition
(NER) which was proven efficient for this task (Ra-
manathan and Wechsler, 2013).
Listík, V., Let, Š., Šedivý, J. and Hlavá
c, V.
Phishing Email Detection based on Named Entity Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0007314202520256
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2019), pages 252-256
ISBN: 978-989-758-359-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Other possible approaches are based on metadata,
the best example is information from SMTP traffic
(i.e. sender reputation). Those approaches are suc-
cessful for tasks like spam detection because the mes-
sages are sent in bulks big enough to build the rep-
utation. Which does not apply to phishing which is
sent in smaller batches and the SMTP servers are of-
ten stolen. That makes reputation approaches ineffec-
tive for phishing detection. Next argument for not ex-
ploring this path is that those mechanisms are already
used in most anti-spam solutions, therefore, those at-
tacks would be not delivered anyway.
Most commonly used approach for phishing de-
tection is using blacklists, which is also true for spam
detection. This method is simple to implement. It
is using URLs present in the email body which are
searched in the blacklist. The benefit of this method is
very high precision because the lists are hand-curated,
which is also its biggest downside, because the addi-
tion of new attacks is slow, causing a low recall.
2.1 Named Entity Recognition
Named entity recognition (NER) is a natural language
processing technique which is mapping sequence of
words to sequence of tags. Tags are called named en-
tities i.e. personal names, places, companies, dates,
and numbers.
We are using NER implementation called
Nametag (Strakov
a et al., 2014) because it achieves
the best results for the Czech language. It also has
good performance for English. We need to target
Czech because most of traffic is Czech (Sec.
1.1) and the Czech language is more complicated for
machine processing then English.
Nametag is a two-pass algorithm based on maxi-
mum entropy Markov model. It is using morpholog-
ical analysis and other features like word clustering,
gazetteers and orthographic features (capitalization,
punctuation) (Strakov
a et al., 2014).
We propose two methods for phishing detection. First
one is described in the (Ramanathan and Wechsler,
2013). Authors achieved a great result of 100 % F-
measure. This method is a random forest classifier
based on features extracted by NER and latent Dirich-
let allocation (LDA). We are re-implementing this
method and validating its performance in live traffic.
This method is dependent on a representative dataset
which is hard to get for this task.
Our second proposed method is overcoming this
precondition. We are detecting entity impersonation
instead. This method is based on NER which is de-
tecting companies and then comparing the detected
company link profile to the email link profile. The
email link profile is extracted from the email body.
The company link profile is built from historical data
and consists of domains which are referred in the le-
gitimate emails sent by the company.
3.1 Random Forest Classifier
We trained model based on (Ramanathan and Wech-
sler, 2013). This model consists of three parts. The
first part is named entity recognition. The second part
is latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). Third and the last
part is random forest classifier.
First part is responsible for detecting names of
people, places, and organizations. LDA is responsible
for estimating topic probabilities. Those two models
work well together because NER is considering the
input word position and LDA is based only on word
frequencies (position independent) (Ramanathan and
Wechsler, 2013).
Stanford NER was used in the original paper
(Jenny Rose Finkel and Manning, 2005). We are us-
ing Nametag because it has more granular tags and
it was tested on the email language (described in 5.1)
a et al., 2014). We are using tags starting with
”g” (geographical names), ”i” (companies and institu-
tions) and ”p” (personal names).
LDA model is using the term-document matrix as
an input. This matrix is created with the Scikit count
vectorizer (Pedregosa et al., 2011). We are using 1000
features after stop words removal. The vectorizer is
trained on 90% of the dataset. We are using 90% of
the corpus because the corpus is small and we do want
most of the words to be present in the vectorizer. We
are using 200 categories as supposed in the original
paper. Achieved perplexity is 421 which is compara-
ble to the original paper.
First two models are used to create an input feature
vector for the final classifier. The feature vector con-
sists of 200 topic probabilities predicted by the LDA
model, and 40 NER based features consisting of the
tags and the entities.
The final model consists of 200 weak learners of
max depth 5. We trained it using the dataset described
in Sec. 4.1 the same way as the original paper did.
This model architecture was able to achieve 100% F-
measure in the original paper. We achieved 94% F-
measure (more details in 5.2), which is a sufficient
result for the production test (described in Sec. 5.3).
Our implementation in Python is using scikit-learn
Phishing Email Detection based on Named Entity Recognition
(Pedregosa et al., 2011) and is available on Github
3.2 Impersonation Detection
Phishing is based on entity impersonation. The ap-
proach proposed in Sec. 3.1 may learn to detect the
entity impersonation, because it is using NER features
but it needs a lot of phishing samples to do that. As
stated in Sec. 4.1 there is no dataset for phishing in the
Czech language (and other languages) and the avail-
able datasets in English are old and not very represen-
tative. We still want to detect those attacks. Therefore
we propose an impersonation detection method. This
method is using the knowledge that phishing is imper-
sonating some trusted entity to make a user click on
the malicious link.
Our suggested method consists of three steps.
1. Detect company entities from the email body with
use of NER (Sec. 3.3).
2. Map detected company entities (names) to the do-
mains (Sec. 3.4).
3. Compare domains extracted from links to de-
tected domain link profiles and report unexpected
domains present in the email (Sec. 3.5).
Those steps are described in greater detail in the
following sections.
3.3 Entity Detector
The first step of this system is to detect company en-
tities from the email body. The email headers may be
edited by the attacker, but the email body almost al-
ways contain the company entity to persuade the user
that the entity sent the email. We are using NER for
this task, specifically Nametag with the custom model
described in Sec. 2.1. The output consisting of com-
pany entities (tag IF) detected by the Nametag model
is passed to the Target Detector module (Sec. 3.4)
3.4 Target Detector
Second step of the system is called target detector. We
are mapping company names detected with the en-
tity detector (Sec. 3.3) to the corresponding domains
(entity URL). Companies may be referred by many
names, our goal is to normalize all company names to
their canonical URL which may be used as an input
to the next part of the algorithm (Sec. 3.5).
We built the mapping from the national registry of
companies and added 50 selected international com-
panies by hand. We are using entity name expansion
(adding suffixes like ”co.”) because the official name
of the company contains them, but it may be omitted
in the email communication.
3.5 Domain Link Profile
Domain (company) link profile creation is an essential
part of the phishing detection. We did choose 20 can-
didate domains which are commonly attacked. This
list was created based on Phishtank reports and inter-
nal database of historic reports (OpenDNS, ). The ad-
vantage of this approach is that new domains may be
added (by hand or automatically) and it significantly
lowers false positive detections.
For each of those domains, following steps are ex-
ecuted to build the link profile.
1. Take emails signed with DKIM (Kucherawy et al.,
2011) matching to the domain of the analyzed
company from the historic traffic (1 week in our
case). This ensures that only emails legitimately
sent from the company are used for the profile cre-
2. Extract all domains linked from those emails.
Linked means present in the href attribute in the
HTML body of the email.
3. Filter out the long-tail.
The detection part of this system is using the built
domain link profile. It gets a list of links (URLs) from
the email body and the detected domain for that email.
If the DKIM signature matches the detected domain,
the email is considered as valid (Kucherawy et al.,
2011). If there is no signature or it does not match
the module continues with the analysis. It extracts
domains from the email body links and checks if they
are present in the detected company profile, if not the
email is considered as phishing.
This section describes datasets used for training and
evaluation of the presented models.
4.1 Public Phishing Datasets
Most of the email phishing detectors are tested with
the publicly available datasets.
The standard dataset of positive phishing samples
is (Nazario, ). This dataset consists of 4450 emails
sent from 2004 to 2007. This dataset is no longer
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
available online, we published it again at Academic-
It is complicated to publish negative phishing
samples because of the email private nature. Com-
monly used is the (spa, ) dataset. It is a collection of
ham and spam messages collected from 2002 to 2005.
It consists of 6047 messages.
Most of the messages in those datasets are in the
English language. To our knowledge, there are no
publicly available phishing datasets for the Czech lan-
4.2 Named Entity Recognition
We have created a dataset of annotated entities from
email conversations. This dataset was created for the
internal use of It is based on 2 million email
texts dumped from live traffic. Those emails were pre-
selected and no personal messages were used in this
dataset. Those messages were annotated by 4 people.
We used entity tags based on Cnec 2.0 (
et al., 2007), but used only 39 of the 45 original tags.
We created this dataset because of poor results (de-
scribed in Sec. 5.1) of the original model on email
data. This dataset (annotated part) consists of 54724
sentences and 125711 tags.
In this section, we present results of NER on
dataset and also phishing detection models on pub-
licly available datasets and live traffic.
5.1 NER Models
We tested Nametag model (Strakov
a et al., 2014)
(trained on Cnec 2.0 (
a et al., 2007)) and our
Nametag based model (trained on internal dataset (de-
scribed in Sec. 4.2)) on testing data separated from
the Email NER 2018-04 dataset (described in Sec.
4.2). Results for those models are shown in Tab. 1.
Reported Nametag results for Cnec 2.0 is 77.35% F-
score (for 45 tags) (Strakov
a et al., 2014).
Table 1: Results for NER models on dataset.
Model Precision Recall F-score
Cnec 2.0 8.81 14.82 11.05 77.31 80.58 78.91
Based on the results shown in Tab. 1 we used NER model as the base for the other exper-
iments. We assume that the low performance of the
Cnec 2.0 based model is caused by the different lan-
guage nature used in an email (informal speech) and
Cnec 2.0 (based on news articles).
Because the domain link profile model (Sec. 3.2)
relies on NER correctly detecting companies (IF tag)
we have also done evaluation only for that tag in Tab.
Table 2: Results for NER models on dataset (only
companies - IF tag).
Model Precision Recall F-score
Cnec 2.0 26.57 21.11 23.53 75.16 75.67 75.41
5.2 Evaluation for Publicly Available
Phishing Datasets
Results for our implementation of the phishing ran-
dom forests classifier may be seen in the Tab. 3.
The test was performed on randomly chosen 20%
emails (testing sample not used for the training) from
(Nazario, ) dataset described in Sec 4.1.
Table 3: Results for phishing random forest classifier on
publicly available dataset.
Metric Ham Phishing avg / total
Precision 0.93 0.99 0.94
Recall 1.00 0.75 0.94
F-score 0.96 0.85 0.94
Support 1400 447 1847
Domain link profile based detection is not evalu-
ated on publicly available datasets because it needs
to build domain link profile, which would mean over-
fitting the dataset. Present domain link profile (built
form production data) also cannot be used
because many of the targets in the dataset does not ex-
ist anymore or their profile changed significantly over
the years.
5.3 Phishing Detection Results for Traffic
Both solutions were used for analysis of the small por-
tion of live traffic at Systems were evalu-
ated for two days. 132000 messages were analyzed
during that period.
Those emails were annotated by hand. Some
of the malicious URLs were detected by Phishtank
(OpenDNS, ). Most of the analyzed emails are not
Phishing Email Detection based on Named Entity Recognition
Table 4: Phishing detection results for traffic.
Model Precision Recall F-score Support
Random forest 0.0002 1.00 0.0004 132000
Random forest filtered 0.33 1.00 0.50 77
Link profile 0.88 1.00 0.93 77
Combined 1.00 1.00 1.00 77
unique, therefore the annotation was simpler. 7 phish-
ing attacks were found in this corpus although only 4
of the attacks were unique. We can see that the por-
tion of the attacks is 0.0053%.
Results may be seen in 4. We can see that pro-
posed solutions are able to detect all attacks. Random
forest classifier (Sec. 3.1) itself achieves very low pre-
cision. When we filter only domains which are com-
monly attacked by phishing attacks (described in Sec.
3.5) the model achieves much better results.
In comparison model based on domain link profile
(described in Sec. 3.2) is even more precise. Best re-
sult was achieved with the combination of both mod-
We evaluated two phishing detection systems. First
one is using random forest classifier with features ex-
tracted by NER and LDA and was proposed in (Ra-
manathan and Wechsler, 2013). The second solution
is new in this work. This solution is based on NER de-
tecting organizations. Then it is comparing company
URL profile to the URL profile present in the email.
Both solutions were evaluated in live traffic of
a freemail provider The first solution
achieved 50% F-measure with 100% recall. Our pro-
posed solution achieved 100% recall with 93% F-
measure. Combination of the methods achieved 100%
F-measure. None of the detected phishing attacks was
detected by system currently used at
We optimized the solution to work also for the
Czech language but over the testing period, there were
only attacks in English. We suggest running this test
for a longer period, which will generate more signif-
icant result. The detected attacks should be reported
to Phishtank in the future (OpenDNS, ). This sys-
tem should label and store phishing attacks and cre-
ate a multi-language public dataset which is currently
Spamassassin corpus.
publiccorpus/. [Online; accessed 2015-02-01].
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ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy