0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Side parameter t
(Tanaka+, 2018)
Figure 9: AUCs on test images compared with (Tanaka
et al., 2018). The treatment as simple label noise failed to
correct labels in the preferable way for our settings.
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datasets showed that our method achieved the same
performance as supervision by oracle labels, which
is the most sensitive to positive data, not limited by
given annotation ability.
Our method enables us to get models that can find
earlier anomalies than annotators by searching for dis-
criminative cues back to the earlier phase. In addition,
this can utilize poor labels made by simple processing
such as thresholding or by other classifiers.
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Overcoming Labeling Ability for Latent Positives: Automatic Label Correction along Data Series