except in P@15 for the CRAN dataset for which their
approach outperformed the APMM (see bold values
in Table 7).
The success of analogical proportions in a variety of
domains, such as in classification and language pro-
cessing, led us to wonder whether it may be a suc-
cessful tool for building an IR matching model. We
are mainly interested to this last field in this paper. We
have first studied the way to apply analogy between
queries and documents. Then, given a particular in-
dexing query term, we formalize two logical propor-
tions linking queries and their corresponding relevant
documents for an analogical inference. These propor-
tions form the basis for our matching model.
The two proposed analogical proportions help to
define agreement and disagreement scores useful to
estimate to what extent any document, from the col-
lection, is to be accepted or rejected given a new
query. The agreement score is calculated according
to the common terms between the query and the doc-
ument while the disagreement is computed using the
number of terms they differ. The two scores treat doc-
uments differently: the disagreement allows you to
exclude irrelevant documents from the returned list,
while the agreement score strengthen the relevance of
the remaining documents not eliminated by the dis-
agreement. Based on these two scores, we have pro-
posed and tested a new analogy-based IR matching
model on three IR Glasgow test collections. The ex-
perimental results highlighted the effectiveness of the
model compared to the well known efficient Okapi IR
The analogy-based IR matching model can be ap-
plied in different IR/CLIR tasks such as in query
expansion, disambiguation and translation tasks that
will be our future interest.
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ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence